2. a. Making A Baby (Smut)

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I have been trying for a baby for a few months now. We did give up when I had two miscarriages. We have been trying but still no results. It's been a few months. We just really want to have a baby really bad. We might have to try IVF if it doesn't work soon. That's our last resort. We will give it more time though as getting pregnant usually takes sometime. Seonghwa and I are settling down for the night and getting into bed. This is when we normally would do our baby making. I go to the bathroom to get ready before joining Seonghwa in bed. He was already in his pjs and in bed snuggled down. "Hi, beautiful" he smiles. "Hi, handsome" I say. Seonghwa looks at me that way he does. "Shall we?" he asks. "Of course" I smirk. Seonghwa and I start kissing softly whilst next to each other in bed. After a few minutes he pulls me onto him and we carry on making out. He slides his hand up my top as we kiss. I feel his warm breath on my lips. After another few minutes he slips down my pj bottoms and then my panties. He pulls down his own and his underwear too. Then we get into the good bit. Seonghwa's slips his member into me. I ride up and down on him for a while. "Baby, I love you" Seonghwa said under his breath. "Love you too, baby" I say. "Love you so much" Seonghwa said. We do it for a bit longer. We will keep on trying and trying till I get pregnant. Hopefully soon. We just really want a baby

Mingi 💙

It's been a couple of months since Mingi brought up having a baby with me. We haven't been having sex a lot lately as his schedule has been busy. Sometimes I don't know if he's joking or being serious about having a baby. I know we are both still young and we've not even been together a year yet. I know Mingi will be a great father one day when we do have a baby. I'm at his tonight for the night. We are watching something on TV now. It's our ideal way of relaxing. Mingi has his arms around me and is holding me close. He looks at me and smiles. Damn I love it when he does that. "Babe" he said. "Yes" I reply. "You know I'm still ready to have a baby with you. I'm being serious, Y/ N" he said. "Okay are you sure, Mingi. I don't want us to rush into this. Having a baby is a life long commitment you know" I say. "Yes I know" he said. "Okay I suppose we could try and see where we get" I say. "Alright I'm ready to take it to the bedroom" Mingi smirks. We go to the bedroom. He puts on our favourite make out song. Butter by BTS before we do it. "Okay, baby" Mingi says pulling me closer to him. He starts kissing my lips and we make out. I always love the way Mingi tastes. So good indeed. We step closer to the bed as we make out to Butter in the background. Mingi picks me up and places me on the bed before getting on top of me. "I'm ready. I'm ready" he said. I was ready too. We remove each other's clothes one by one till we were in our underwear. Mingi kisses down my neck and chest area. "Damn, baby" he said. After a few minutes he takes off his underwear. His dick goes in me and I feel the burn. "Feel that, baby" he said under his breath. "Yes yes" I moan. Yeah so we carry on having sex for a while longer and if felt so good. Nothing like good sex to a good song. If I get pregnant it's all good

Yunho 💜

Yunho and i are finally ready to have our first time together. We have been waiting to do this for a long time. Our relationship is still a secret from my brother Hongjoong. We don't want him to find out yet. He will probably go mad when he finds out. Yunho and I are definitely ready for our first time tonight. Can't wait. We are at my place as the ATEEZ house isn't private. I live with my best friend but she is out tonight so we have the place to ourselves. We are not going into it straight away. Just hanging out for a bit and then we will finally do it. Yunho and I are sat on the couch together now. We are just talking and hanging out together. Yunho shuffles closer to me and puts his arms around me. "Babe, I think I'm ready now if you are" he said. "Yes I will be ready in a few minutes. Okay I'm definitely ready" I reply. "We don't have to do it if you don't want" he said. "No, Yunho. I said I'm ready" I reply. He smiles. A few minutes later we go into my bedroom. "So finally we are gonna do it" Yunho says. "Yes there is no going back now" I reply. "You're right" he smiles. Yunho and I stand opposite each other by the bed and look at each other and start kissing. We kiss slowly and passionately. This happened for a few minutes till we started to take off our clothes. Yunho starts unbuttoning his shirt. I pull my top over my head. I let him unzip my jeans. We strip down to our underwear and then go over to the bed. We get under the covers. I get on top of Yunho. "Are you ready?" he asks. "Yes yes" I reply. We take off our underwear and get on with having our first time. Yunho saw soft and gentle with me. It went really well. We didn't use protection as we just wanted to enjoy our first time together and didn't want to worry. But we've finally done it and it felt so good

San ❤️

San and I have been trying for a second child for the last few months now. We have been having intercourse almost every night since we started trying. Seohyeon really wants a baby brother or sister. We know she does so we are trying to give her one as we don't break our promises. Seohyeon is asleep in bed now and San and I are having sometime together before we go to bed ourselves. It's usually about this time when we try the baby making. We are sat on the couch watching TV now so when we go to bed we probably will. I am sat close to San on the couch and he has his arms around me. The show had finished and then we go to bed and get ready. San lays on the bed as I go into the bathroom. "Baby, I'm ready for you" he says as I'm in the bathroom. "Okay I won't be long. I'm ready for you too" I reply. A couple of minutes later I come out the bathroom and get in bed next to San. "You know what time it is?" he says. "Yes" I reply. "Baby making time, baby" he said. I laugh. "So what are you waiting for?" he smirks. I laugh. We start kissing like we usually do. Well more like making out. Things get a little hot and heavy and soon San and I start to take off our clothes. "Imma put a baby in you" he said. "I hope so. We need to have a second child" I say. "Oh yes" he says. San and I are in our underwear now on top of each other. "Give it to me, baby" I say. "Imma give it to you and put a baby in you" he said. We flip over so San was now on top before we started doing it. He always likes being on top when we are baby making. His member goes into me and I feel it. "Errrrr, Y/ N" San said. "Sannie" I say. We tried not to make too much noise as we didn't want to wake Seohyeon up. We didn't want her running in when we are in an unorthodox position. San and I carry on doing it for a bit longer and it felt so good. We try every night without fail to get pregnant. Hopefully it won't be too much longer now

A/ N: making a baby. Hope you liked it. I like the addition of this part as I feel like we need something between talking about having a baby and finding out you're pregnant

ATEEZ officially have a comeback on September 13. Can't wait. Yayyyyy!!!!

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