16. b. Baby Shopping

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I started picking up a few things for our baby a few weeks ago. He or she has quite a nice collection of things now. We can't wait to meet our baby when they are born. It's exciting not knowing the gender till they are born. It is really exciting getting things for your baby though. We went out today and bought some more things. Think we've got enough things now till my baby shower. That isn't for a while though but can't wait for it when it happens. Yeosang and I are also married now too. We had a nice little wedding a few weeks ago and it feels amazing to be married. We are not going on a honeymoon as I'm pregnant but eventually we will. We are still in the honeymoon phase though. Yeosang and I are at home. I'm in what will be the baby's nursery. He walks in and sees me looking at the clothes. "Hi, sweetie" he said. "Hello, sweetie" I reply. "Looking at our baby's adorable little clothes" he said. "Yes I am. I just can't believe this has happened to us, Yeosang" I reply. "It's the best thing ever, jagiya and we are married now too. You are my wife and I am your husband" Yeosang smiles. "Sangie, I love you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and have this baby and more babies" I say. "Me too. I ditto that" he said. Yeosang smiles and puts his arms around me. He smiles and we share a kiss in our baby's room

Jongho 🧡


Now that we know that both of our babies are girls, Y/ N and I can make a start on buying a few things for them. We are not going to buy much. We will probably just end up looking and not buying much if anything. We will have to save money while we can as we are having two babies. Y/ N and I are going out today to look at baby things. I have just finished a long day in the studio but I'm looking forward to going baby shopping with my girl for our girls. I am meeting her at the mall as we are going there. I finish practice and meet her down there. Y/ N was waiting outside. I can't stop looking at her lately. She's got that pregnancy glow and feeling. "Hi, you" I smile. "Hey, you" Y/ N said. "You look amazing" I say. "No I don't but thanks" she laughs. Anyway we go into the mall and start looking around in her stores. "I honestly don't know where we should get for them" Y/ N said. "Should we just look first" I reply. She agrees. First we have a look in a baby only store to get some ideas. "We should get them cute little matching dresses eventually. We can do now since we know they are both girls" I say. "Yes of course" Y/ N agrees. We have a look in another store too. "I love these dresses. Really summery too" she said. "So petty and cute. Get them if you like them" I reply. "Sure" she replies. Y/ N and I get out twin girls matching dresses as their first purchase. They are going to look adorable in those when they are a bit older. We didn't buy anything else. Just got some ideas. It was nice to get some ideas though

Wooyoung 💚

Today me and Wooyoung are going baby shopping for our boy. Of course we are taking my sister Nayeon with us. She is just as excited as we are for our baby boy. She can't wait to be an auntie and it's the best thing ever. Nayeon didn't even have to ask to come with us, we offered for her to come. We are on our way now to the mall. They have a few stores that have baby things. We are getting a few things to start off with. "I'm excited for this" Nayeon said like a big kid. "Us too, sis. So glad you could be here" I say. "I didn't even have to asked. You guys invited me because you're the best sister and brother in law in the world" Nayeon grins. We arrived at the mall soon. Wooyoung dropped us off at the door and Nayeon and I started looking in the first store. "Why are baby things so freaking cute?" I say. "I love tiny people's clothes" Nayeon said. Wooyoung joins them and they all look together. "I'm gonna be buying my nephew lots of things" she said. "I'm sure you are" I smile. Nayeon lets me and Wooyoung choose mostly. She does contribute too. "How about we look at strollers and things like that?" she said. "Sure we can" I smile. "These strollers are cute" Wooyoung said pointing to a stroller with a bassinet. "Yeah I like it" I reply. "And look it comes with a car seat that you can change around" he said. "Ah yeah I didn't notice that" I reply. We take a note of that stroller and keep it in mind. We get a few cute outfits for our baby boy. We get a stock of bottles, pacifiers, bibs and things like that. I even get a breast pump as I want to try breastfeeding if I can. If if all goes well. Nayeon enjoyed tagging along with us. She kindly took us out for a meal. We had a lot of fun baby shopping for our boy with my big sister today

Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I are out doing some shopping for our baby boy who will be here in a few months time. It's likely that he will be born earlier than expected as he has a heart problem so the doctor doesn't want him to reach full term. I'll likely have a c section. That's okay as long as our boy is brought into he world with care. The doctors and midwives are very caring people. Anyway Hongjoong and I have been out at the baby store shopping for almost an hour. We haven't decided to get anything yet. We are taking our time looking to see what they have. We know that we want to get some clothes for the baby but we are not sure what else at the moment. "Babe, we should pick things up while we are here" Hongjoong said. "Yeah we will. Just still deciding, love. Don't worry. We will get some things" I reply. I look around for a bit longer. I see a few cute outfits for our boy. "Super cute things for him, babe" Hongjoong smiles. "Yes definitely. Only super cute things for our boy" I reply. "That's right, honey" he said. We get a handful of cute outfits for our son and a cuddly toy too and blankets. The cutest things for our miracle baby boy. Hongjoong smiles at me as we were going round the store. "It feels even more real now that we are shopping. I just hope our son is okay when he's born" he said. "It does and I hope so too, honey" I reply. "Baby, don't keep blaming yourself for this" Hongjoong said. I smile. Hongjoong and I got some successful purchases today from the baby store for our baby boy. We will get more things soon

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