35. a. First Night

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Seonghwa 💖

This morning Y/ N and I brought our babies Dayoung and Jungwon home from the hospital. They are doing well so far and settling into life at home well. We are going to get them settled down for the night now.  Hopefully it will go well and we will get some sleep ourselves tonight. Dayoung and Jungwon are good babies. We are lucky so far. Y/ N is sat on the couch breastfeeding Jungwon I have Dayoung in my arms and I'm rocking and settling her. She's trying to breastfeed both babies if she can. We do have formula as a backup. "How's it going, my love?" I ask. "Fine. He's almost done I think. It will be Dayoung next" Y/ N replies. "She's not showing any signs of being hungry yet. She could do with a diaper change though. She's just pooped" I say. I take Dayoung into the nursery and change her while Jungwon's is finishing his feed. Dayoung was all changed and then Y/ N fed her so we swapped babies. We get the babies settled down. We quietly soothe them and place them in their cribs. One at their side of our bed. Jungwon fussed a bit when I laid him down but I picked him up again and settled him down. We left the room quietly and had the baby monitor with us. Both babies fell asleep eventually. The first night was okay. It will get better once we and the babies get used to it

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I got baby Minjoon to sleep about two hours ago. We are heading to bed ourselves to hopefully get a good nights sleep. Don't know how Minjoon is going to sleep as it's our first night at home with him. Hopefully he will sleep for a bit longer before waking up. I have fallen asleep on the couch on Minho's shoulder. I'm really tired from today. "Let's get you to bed, honey. Let me carry you" Mingi said. "Okay" I say under my breath. He picks me up and carries me and places me into our bed gently and quietly so we don't disturb baby Minjoon. He tucks me up in bed and gets in next to me. Just as we settled down, baby Minjoon starts crying. I let out a noise. I was just about getting comfy and settled. "It's okay I'll get him, babe" Mingi said. "I was just about to. He's on my side" I reply. "I got him" he said picking Minjoon up from his crib. "He probably needs feeding. I'll make him a bottle and feed him" Mingi said. "Okay" I yawn. Mingi is so great. He knew that I was tired so he got up and fed Minjoon. He comes back into our room with a made bottle for Minjoon. "Thanks, Mingi. You're the best. I love you" I say. "No problem, baby. You don't have to thank me. Anything for you and our son" Mingi replies. He sits on the bed and feeds Minjoon in his arms. Next time I got up to feed Minjoon about three hours later and changed him as well. Mingi did that when he fed him. The first night was okay. A bit restless. Didn't get a lot of sleep but we will try and rest in the meantime. Anyway we are parents now and our baby comes first

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I got home from the hospital with baby Jangmi earlier today. Things have gone okay so far since we brought her home today. Hopefully the night will go well and we will both get some sleep too. I am nursing Jangmi now. I asked Yunho to get a fresh diaper out and some warm water and cotton wool out so we can change her before bed. Jangmi is taking to the breast well. She did when she was born. No problems at all. I'm glad I can breastfeed my daughter. Yay! I gently pat Jangmi's back burp her allowing her to spit up some milk after I've fed her. I take her into the nursery after where Yunho was. He hasn't changed a diaper yet so I will do it. "Here are my girls" he said. I smiled. I lay Jangmi down on the changing table and change her. Her diaper was wet this time. I change her clothes too while I'm at it. She looked sleepy so I don't think she'll have a problem falling asleep. Yunho holds Jangmi in his arms and rocks her to sleep. She soon closes her eyes and falls asleep in Yunho's arms. "She looks to be asleep. Should I put her down" he whispers. "Yes" I reply. He gently places Jangmi down in her crib which is by her bed. We quietly go out and hopefully and won't be distributed if we don't make too much noise. Our apartment is very big. "That wasn't too bad. At least she's asleep now" Yunho said. "She is and hopefully will be for a while. Our little girl is so good" I reply. "She is indeed. She gets that from her momma" he says. I giggle a little. We got Jangmi to sleep reasonably well. She woke up for a feed when she heard us go to bed a couple of hours later so I had to feed her. Our first night at home went pretty well actually

San ❤️

San and I are getting the children settled down for bed. He is bathing Seohyeon and I am getting baby Seongmin ready for bed. We are trying to get them to bed at the same time or around the same time if we can. Seongmin was just fed now I'm putting his pjs on and changing his diaper and making sure he's all ready for bed. It's kinda easier the second time round. It's a bit easier but now we have two children to look after not just one. We wouldn't have it any other way though. I choose Seongmin some cute pjs to wear for when he goes to bed. I put his a fresh diaper on too. He was all good to go then. He looked quiet sleepy though. I walk into the bathroom and San and Seohyeon were finishing up. "Is little man all ready for bed?" San asks. "Yes I'm going to try and get him down" I reply. "That's great. I will read Seohyeon a story before she goes to sleep. She's already picked a book. Snow White" he said. I smile. I go into our bedroom and sit on the bed with Seongmin. As I start to rock him, he fusses a little but he calms down when San comes in. "I think you want daddy. Okay, baby boy" I say. "Cone to appa, Seongminie" San said. San soothes him and settles him to sleep. We leave the room in silence. Seohyeon usually sleeps through the night now. Sometimes wakes up once but he's almost potty trained now. She might wake up if she hears us. Seongmin was sound asleep for a while till we went to bed ourselves. Not long after that he needed feeding. The first night home with a toddler and a new baby went good

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