15. b. Gender Reveal Party

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I are not finding out the gender of our baby till he or she is born. That's the way we want it. We want it to be a big surprise. The biggest surprise of our lives it will be. Since our baby is due in the autumn, we thought we would have a fall themed party. Not like a gender reveal. Just a party to celebrate the arrival of our baby. Autumn is mine and Yeosang's favourite season. We love all the pretty colours of the leaves and the leaves falling. We will definitely have cute autumn days when our baby comes. Can't wait for that. Can't wait for the whole thing. We have invited a few people close to us to our place this afternoon for an autumn themed party. It's just a nice but low key little party that we wanted to throw. The ATEEZ boys are here. Half of them think we will have a boy an half of them think we  are having a girl. Yeosang and I think it's a girl as signs are pointing towards it. Anyway we have a few autumn themed things that we set up. We have cinnamon cookies that I baked myself and other things like that. Everyone said they love my baking and I should bake more often. I maybe should. "Can I take your cookies home, Y/ N?" Jongho said. "Sure. There will be some left" I reply. "I still can't believe you guys are having a baby and we are going to be uncles" Hongjoong said. "I know. We are hopefully going to be the best parents to our Prince or Princess" Yeosang said. "Yes we will" i whisper. Our autumn baby party carries on for a while longer. It was really good and we just can't wait till our baby girl or boy is here now

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I are so excited this afternoon as we are finally going to find out the genders of our babies after waiting for what seems like forever. We finally get to find out if we are having boys or girls. My best friend is throwing the party at her place. She secretly went to the doctor to find out the genders of the babies. The genders are in an envelope and she has poppers for us to release. Me and Jongho have an excited but nervous feeling to find out. My best friend has done a great job with the party. He's done it all for us and the babies. We are going to find out soon. We are talking to guests at the moment. We didn't want to be rude and ignore them. Even my parents came despite not agreeing on the situation. Hopefully they will soon. Y/ BF/ N is getting things set up with the help of her mom. She is almost there. "Y/ N and Jongho are you ready" she said calling us over to the table by her. "Yes we are" I reply. "Can't wait" Jongho smiles. "Will it be a boy and a girl, twin boys or twin girls? Only I know right now but not for much longer" Y/ BF/ N said. She smiles and hands us the poppers. "Will there be pink or blue confetti in these poppers?" she said. She starts a countdown to 10. On the last second, Jongho and I release the poppers and pink confetti goes out of both. We are having girls. Yayyyyy!! "Congratulations, you are having twin girls, guys. I'm so happy for the both of you" Y/ BF/ N said. "We are having two little princesses. I'm gonna be outnumbered by girls but that's okay" Jongho replies. "I'm so happy. I've always wanted a little girl. Now we are having two" I reply. "They are gonna have their mothers beautiful" he whispers in my ear. I blush. What wonderful news we just found out? We are having twin girls and we both couldn't be happier

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I are revealing the gender of our baby to the members of ATEEZ and Twice. Only us and my sister Nayeon knows the gender as she was there when we found out. She couldn't wait any longer so we had to take her. Nayeon is like a big kid sometimes. Bless her. They are all excited to find out. Nayeon hasn't given anything away. She is sworn to secrecy by us. ATEEZ and Twice will find out very soon though. They can't wait to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl. Only the three of us know it's a boy. We are at the Twice house as our apartment would be too small for everyone. We ordered in pizza before we do the gender reveal. We have got a cake especially made and the sponge is blue so when we cut into it. That will mean we are having a boy. Pizza is still on the go. We know everyone is excited to find out soon enough. When everyone had finished with the pizza, we clear away the boxes. Nayeon and Wooyoung bring in the cake. "Who's ready to find out if we are having a girl or a boy?" I say. "Me" Jongho exclaims. "Ohhhhh yes" Jihyo says. "I know it's gonna be a girl. I can feel it" Sana said. "It's definitely a boy" Hongjoong said. "It doesn't matter what it is" Seonghwa said. Wooyoung grabs a big knife from the kitchen. Nayeon gets plates and forks. "Will the sponge inside be pink or blue?" Wooyoung said. We countdown and then cut into the cake together. "Ohhhh it's blue. We are having a baby boy" we exclaim together. "Something told me it was gonna be a boy" Chaeyoung said. "Awwww so happy for you" Dahyun smiles. "A mini Wooyoung is on the way" Yunho says. "Yeah that's right" Wooyoung laughs. We cut everyone a slice of cake. Ourselves including and tuck in. It was absolutely delicious. Our little gender reveal for ATEEZ and Twice went well. Everyone was delighted to find out

Hongjoong 💚

Hongjoong and I are excited today as we are going to find out the gender of our baby. We have been waiting for this day for a while. We are not telling many of that our baby has a heart condition as we don't want to worry them and stress them. Our closet families know but not friends yet. Sometimes Hongjoong and I can be private people. The gender reveal is just pretty small but it is enough for us of course. My sister has set up a target board and we are going to shoot an arrow and it will explode with pink or blue powder. It was my sisters idea and a genius one indeed. She is pull of good ideas. People are talking, eating and drinking at the moment. The big reveal will be soon. Hongjoong and I can hardly wait. We hope not long now to go. I see my sister bringing out the big target board. She calls us to the front. "Y/ N and Hongjoong are you guys ready to find out the gender of the baby. I found out and I'm really excited for you two to find out" Y/ S/ N says. She gives us the bow and arrow to shoot at the target. So exciting now. "3, 2, 1.... SHOOT!" my sister said. Suddenly we shoot at the target and blue powder explodes everywhere. "Yes OMG we are having a boy" I say. "Babe, I'm so happy, I've always wanted a son. A mini Joong" Hongjoong cheers putting his arms around me. "Ahhhhh this is amazing" I say. Everyone was surprised and cheered for us. Can't wait to welcome our son into the world soon enough. Yayyyy! We are having a boy

A/ N: sorry for the lack of updates with this book. Been a busy week. I will try to pick up. Sorry if Hongjoong's seems a bit rushed

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