24. b. Getting Ready For Baby

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I have been super busy getting things ready for the baby these last few weeks. I have been stressing a bit that things are perfect and in place. Yeosang keeps telling me everything is fine and there is nothing to stress over so I should stop stressing as he keeps telling me stress isn't good for the baby either. I should calm down and relax before the baby arrives which hopefully won't be long now till we are parents now to our baby boy or girl who we can't wait to meet. Yeosang and I are getting the hospital bag ready for when i go into labor so everything is set so we can just grab it. My midwife put together a list of what I should include in my hospital bag. It helps as I kinda had an idea what I needed but I wasn't entirely sure. I bought a nice sized bag to use as my hospital bag that has plenty of room for the baby's things as well as mine too. Yeosang is helping me organise things of course. "Think we are doing good. Nearly got everything" he said. "Yeah we are doing alright" I smile. We both smile at each other. Soon the hospital bag was full and we checked off everything on the list and had it in which was great. "See we've done it. Nothing to stress or worry about. We can both calm our nerves now" Yeosang said. "Yes definitely and we can" I reply. He puts his arms around me and gives me a big hug. Yeosang and I are glad that we organised the hospital bag today. One step closer to welcoming our baby into the world

Jongho 🧡

My mom has been helping Jongho and I get ready for the baby. She knows we have a lot to get organised so she offered to help. My parents couldn't accept my pregnancy at first and who the father was. They have known Jongho for years so they were obviously shocked and surprised. Now they are find about it and can't wait to be grandparents to our baby girls. They will be here soon. Could be anytime. I'm nearly 34 weeks now so hopefully not too long to go till Hyebin and Yebin will be here. The beautiful names we have decided on for them. My mom is giving me a hand sorting out things till Jongho comes back. Jongho will be back pretty soon I think. My mom is putting something up on the wall in the nursery. "Careful, mom. I don't want you falling" I say. "I'm okay, sweetie. Don't worry. I don't want you falling either" she said. "Jongho, should've done that" I say. "It's fine. Let the poor boy rest when he gets home before he becomes a father" mom said. My mom does that then we do something else between us. Jongho is on his way home now. He'll be back soon. Mom and I take a break and tidy up before he gets home. The front door opens. Forgot to mention we will be living with my parents for a bit till we find our own place. "Hello, I'm home" he said walking in. "Hi, babe. How was your day?" I reply. "Okay but I was thinking about you a lot" he said. "You two are going to make amazing parents to these little girls" my mom said. "I hope so" I reply. Jongho smiles and gives me a hug. We also show him what we have done today and how organised we are. It's exciting that our girls will be here soon

Wooyoung 💚

Nayeon has come over to help us get things ready for the baby. I'm three weeks off my due date and it's almost Wooyoung's birthday so we are planning something for him. He told me not to do anything too big. I've just organised to go out for a meal with the guys and a few of his friends for his birthday. My due date is just over two weeks before Christmas so Jongdae might be a Christmas baby. Hopefully. That'll be so nice. Nayeon is helping us both get things ready while she's got some spare time in her schedule. Me and her have been washing and ironing baby clothes and we are putting them away today. Where they will go in the closet. I love baby clothes they are so tiny. Nayeon is ironing the last few clothes. "Do you want me to finish?" I ask. "No it's absolutely fine. I got this. Nearly done" she smiles. Nayeon burns her arm on the iron as the steam was too hot. "Ahhhhh" she yelps. "Are you okay, Unnie?" I ask. "Yeah I just wasn't watching what I was doing" she replies. "Run it under cold water" I say. Nayeon runs her arm under cold water. "Is everything okay?" Wooyoung calls from the other room. "Nayeon hurt herself" I reply. "You okay, Nayeon?" he asks. "I'm fine thanks" she said. Wooyoung irons the last few things as he didn't want Nayeon to burn herself again. She leaves us to organise the closest the way we want. Starting off with newborn clothes of course. Hope Jongdae isn't a huge baby and he can fit into the clothes we got him. That's my fear. Nayeon comes into see what we've done at the end. "Looks very neat and organised, guys" she said. "Thanks, sis. Are you okay now?" I ask. "Yes I'm fine. Don't worry" she smiles. Nayeon helped us a lot today getting ready for our baby boy

Hongjoong 🖤

I have been put in bed rest the other day as our baby boy will be delivered early due to his heart condition. We think we might call him Taeyang but we are not sure yet. We are waiting till he arrives to name him. There is a strong possibility that I'll need a c section due to our sons condition. I don't like being on bed rest as I'm inactive most of the time and I don't like to be that way. It's boring his day in bed all day but it's the doctors orders. Hongjoong is getting me things when I need anything. He is the best. So kind, patient and loving. Best husband in the world. Hongjoong has been busy getting things organised for the baby too. He'll be coming soon since he'll be delivered a month early. Hongjoong comes into our room to see how I was doing. At least we have a TV in our bedroom so I can watch k dramas and things. "You doing okay, babe" Hongjoong asks walking in. "Yeah just tired" I yawn. "Don't worry. I just cleaned the nursery again so it's all spick and span for baby boy" he said. "That's great. Don't know what I'd do without you. Best husband ever" I say. "Best wife in the world and most amazing mother to be" he said. Hongjoong smiles and leans in and kisses me. "We will be parents to this little precious bean before we know it" he smiles. "Yes we will be" I smile. Not long now till our precious little boy will be here. Hope it's soon aa I hate bed rest

A/ N: sorry I haven't updated all week, had a busy one. Almost time that the babies were born

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