23.b. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You

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Yeosang 💛

It's hard work being pregnant and feeling tired and low on energy all the time. I'm 8 weeks away from my due date so our baby could be here soon. I have done so well so far so I don't want to start giving up now. Obviously I need to still keep going till the baby comes. Yeosang has been so supportive and understanding of me like he always is when I've not been feeling. He is the best. He had he will be involved all the time when the baby comes. I didn't even have to ask him. I do struggle sleeping at night. Trying to maintain a comfortable position for the night being 32 weeks pregnant is not easy. I am trying to get comfortable in bed now but I just can't. It's 2 in the morning and Yeosang is asleep so I don't want to make too much noise tossing and turning. I lay on my back and try and get comfortable. "Honey, are you okay?" Yeosang asks. "I'm sorry I woke you. Can't get comfy" I reply. "Don't apologise" he said. He shuffles closer to me in bed and lays next to me. He smiles softly and puts his arms around me holding me close to him. "It's okay, my love. I'm right here. Just fall asleep in my arms" he said. "Awwww I love you. You're so cute. I love you" I reply. "I love you too" Yeosang replies. I just naturally fall asleep while Yeosang is holding me. I relaxed in his arms a lot. Maybe a bit too much

Jongho 🧡

The twins will be here before I am full term. I have been told that I'm being induced a few weeks early as they don't want the babies to get too big and cause problems. I'm a bit scared about the whole thing as I might need to have c section to get them out. I am feeling very big at the moment like an elephant but I'm feeling okay in myself. Just a little uncomfortable at times. My ankles are swollen which is not pretty. It gets worse toward the evening when I don't have much energy left. When I'm flagging. I am sat down on the couch while Jongho is in the shower. He likes to take long showers so I've been waiting a little while but it's okay. I'm not worried. Haha. I am enjoying putting my feet up on the couch unwinding and resting. Jongho finishes in the shower shortly and joins me. "Hi, sweetie. Sorry I was a long time" he said. "No problem it's fine. I was enjoying a bit of me time" I smile. "Sorry to spoil your fun" he laughs. "It's fine. Don't be silly" I laugh. Jongho sits next to me on the couch and smiles putting his arms around me. "I'm always here for you, beautiful baby momma and our baby girls too" he said. "Awwww I know you are, bubba. I love you and our girlies love you too. Best daddy to be" I reply. "We love Hyebin and Yebin so much already and they are not even born" Jongho smiles. "Yes that's right" I chuckle. He smiles and touches my bump. Jongho always puts a smile on my face no matter what. My little sunshine

Wooyoung 💚

I am feeling okay to say I'm over 30 weeks pregnant with our baby boy Jongdae. Can't wait to welcome him into the world. It's also nearly going to be Christmas by the time he is born so there is a chance he might be a Christmas baby. I love it when babies are born at Christmas. I love Christmas so much and so does Wooyoung and we can't wait. We will be putting our Christmas decorations before we know it. Wooyoung and I are at home chilling after work. I only worked half a day today as I'm winding down my hours at work for when I have the baby. Wooyoung cooked dinner tonight and gave me a night off. Awwww he's so sweet, kind and loving to me. He's the best. We have had dinner now and we sit on the couch together scrolling through Netflix for something to watch. "What should we watch?" Wooyoung asks. "Anything as long as it's happy and light hearted" I smile. We found something good to watch. "My legs are aching" I yawn stretching out. "Awwww, baby. Stretch your legs out on me and I'll make you feel better" he said. I smile and stretch my legs out on Wooyoung as we watch Netflix. He massages my legs and feet. "That feels good. It really does" I say. "Great. Anything to help you when you're not feeling great" Wooyoung said. "Love you" I reply. "Love you too" he smiles. So me and Wooyoung have a nice relaxing time watching TV and he helped me relax

Hongjoong 🖤

Now that I'm in the later stages of pregnancy, I am feeling more tired and I have less energy. There is a chance our baby boy could come earlier than expected as he has a heart problem. We've decided between us that his name is going to be Taeyang. I wasn't too keen on the name at first as it's a pretty common one but I've settled on it now. Hongjoong is out at the supermarket doing the shopping. He's been out for an hour and it shouldn't be long till he's home. We didn't need a huge amount of things today. Just an average sized shop. Hongjoong told me to rest while he's out so that's what I'm doing now. I might have to be put on bed rest soon to avoid me doing too much and risk to the baby. Soon I hear the door open and Hongjoong walks in. He doesn't say anything I just hear him. "Joong" I say. "Hi, honey. Are you okay?" he replies. "Yes I'm fine. Just happy to see you" I reply. "Good. Oh I got something for you" Hongjoong said going back into the kitchen. He comes back with a bunch of beautiful flowers in his hand. "Tad da. Surprise. Here you go. Some flowers to brighten up your day" he says. "Awwww they are beautiful. Thank you so much" I say. "You're very welcome, my beautiful wife. I love you so much" Hongjoong said. "I love you so much, most amazing husband in the universe" I smile. "Love you" he smiles again sweetly. We share a sweet kiss before he gets on the bed and snuggles next to me. Hongjoong is the sweetest buying me beautiful flowers to cheer me up

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