3. a. Finding Out You're Pregnant

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I have been trying to get pregnant for ages now. Recently we tried IVF and have undergone a cycle of that. Embryos have been implanted into me so I might be pregnant. Hopefully it might have worked. It's been two weeks since the embryos were implanted into me. Seonghwa and I have our fingers crossed that I'll be pregnant soon. We have longed to have a baby for so long. Seonghwa is coming back from the studio soon. Yesterday I got a pregnancy test as it's now two weeks since the embryos were transferred. If am I pregnant. I want to surprise Seonghwa. I know he'll be asking if I've taken the test but I want to surprise him in a special way as I love him so much.  I stand in the bathroom by the sink looking at the pregnancy test. I look at it and sigh. I open it and take it out of the box. I sit on the toilet and read the instructions before I take the test. I pee on the stick and close my eyes and wait for the results to show. I open my eyes and it shows two lines. Yesssss I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant. The IVF worked. Thank God. Seonghwa will be so over the moon

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I have been more sexually active recently. The last few days I haven't been feeling good. I have been feeling nauseous a bit. Maybe I'm pregnant. Mingi does keep on saying that he wants a baby and he's gonna put a baby in me. Sometimes I don't know weather he's being serious or joking. I haven't seen Mingi in a few days as his schedule has been busy. Hopefully I'll see him tomorrow now. I am home alone in my apartment sitting eating dinner when I suddenly start to feel funny. I actually haven't been sick yet but I do feel that way now. I feel tireder today too. I finish eating and get up and take my plate into the kitchen and wash it. I gip but I cover my mouth. I start to feel funny again so I sit down on the couch again. Things go around in my mind. Am I pregnant or am I just feeling under the weather? I don't know. I put my feet up on the coffee table. I start to read pregnancy symptoms online which I probably shouldn't. My period isn't even due yet. Later on that night I decide to swing by the pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test. I considered holding off and not taking it but I took it in the end. It came back with a positive result. I'm pregnant. Part of me is happy. I think Mingi will be

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I had our first time a few weeks ago. Since then we haven't done it. I haven't been feeling too good for the last few days. I've been feeling sick a lot and I was late getting my period. I've only just started now. Thank God I got my period because I thought I might be pregnant. It would be a shock if I was as Yunho and I have only done it once. Hongjoong is my brother too. He would not be happy. I wake up this morning before work feeling sick. I get up and I really don't feel that good so I call my best friend who lives near me and she comes over. "Y/ N" she said walking into my place. "I feel crap, Y/ BF/ N" I say. "Awe, honey. You don't look so good. I'll take you to the doctor" she said putting her arms around me. She gets me into her car and we go to the doctors and I see one straight away. "You are burning up, M/ Y/ L/ N" the doctor said. "I feel sick too" I reply. "Is there any chance you might be pregnant?" he asks. "Errrrr maybe. I lost my virginity to my boyfriend a few weeks ago" I reply. "I'll take a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side" he said. The doctor does a pregnancy test and the results come back. "The test does in fact confirm you're pregnant" he said. "Oh okay" I sigh. "You're going to have a baby" my best friend. "I am. Just a bit shocked at the moment" I say. She puts her arms around me and comforts me. I'm pregnant on my first time. Think Yunho will be shocked or he might be really happy. I don't want to tell him just yet

San ❤️

I think I might be pregnant again. San and I have been having sex like mad over the last month and a half so I get pregnant. Nothing yet but something tells me I might be pregnant. Finally. Seohyeon still wants a baby brother or sister so we are going to give her one. I have just left work now and I'm on my way to pick up Seohyeon from nursery. San won't be home till a bit later but that's fine. I pull up at the nursery and go in and get Seohyeon who was all ready for me. She is always happy when she is at nursery. I put her in the car and we go home. I start to have a nausea feeling in my tummy. Similar to how I felt when I just found out I was pregnant with Seohyeon. We get home and Seohyeon goes into the lounge and I go to the bathroom. I kneel by the toilet and start coughing before throwing up. I do make myself sick sometimes. Well yeah I throw up and then decide to take a pregnancy test. I obviously know what to do. I take the test a minute later. I waited for the results to show and it was positive. Yesssss finally I'm pregnant again. I jump up and down with joy. San and I are having a second child m. So happy. Can't wait to tell him. We are gonna be parents again

A/ N: I feel like this part is kinda boring IMO even though you find out you're pregnant

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