48. a. Baby's First Steps

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Seonghwa 💖

Dayoung took her first steps the other day and we hope Jungwon isn't too far behind her. Dayoung us a bit wobbly on her feet when she walks. That's because she has only started and needs to find her balance and confidence. Jungwon might be off on his feet soon. He can stand and hold onto something so he's close to taking his first steps. Me and Seonghwa have just finished eating dinner now. The twins don't go to bed right after dinner. Less than an hour after. Dayoung is snuggled up next to us on the couch and Jungwon is on the floor playing with something. He is distracted about something. I can tell that Dayoung is getting tired so I might put her to bed soon. "Tired, baby girl" Seonghwa said. "I think she is. Look I'll start getting her ready. Bring Jungwon in soon" I say. Seonghwa calls my name about 10 minutes later. "Y/ N, Y/ N". "What is it?" I say. "Jungwon just took a couple of steps for me. I swear he did" he said. "Wow! Really?" I reply. I go into the lounge with Dayoung in my arms. Jungwon wasn't doing it then. "He's not doing it now but he took a good couple of steps for me" Seonghwa said. "I'm sure he did" I smile. I am proud of Jungwon for taking his first steps even though I didn't get to see it. We knew he would take his first steps soon

Mingi 💙

Minjoon is 15 months old now and he hasn't taken his first steps. Me and Mingi have become a little worried about him now as he hasn't started walking and he's over a year old. I've heard that some babies don't walk till they are 18 months old. Anyway I guess we gotta just give Minjoon sometime to walk. Maybe he'll do it soon. Today me and Mingi have met my friend Hyeyoon who has a son who's just a bit older than Minjoon. She's a bit older than me and married. I met her and got to know her at a mother and baby group when I was pregnant. It's our day off so we decided to meet them in the play gym with the boys. Not quite warm enough to go to the park just yet. Minjoon and Jaesu are little buddies. They love playing together. Me and Hyeyoon love catching up too like friends do. It's a lot of fun to catch up. Mingi is friends with her husband but he isn't here today. "Minjoon is getting so big like Jaesu. I can't believe where time has gone" Hyeyoon said. "I know. It's crazy" I reply. "Y/ N is worried that he isn't walking yet" Mingi said. "Don't be. Jaesu walked when he was nearly 14 months old" Hyeyoon replies. We carry on watching the boys play in the park for a while. Minjoon holds onto Mingi's hand and he lets go taking a few steps away from him. "Look, Y/ N, Y/ N. He's walking" Mingi said. "OMG he is. I took my eyes off him for a second" I say. "See he listened to auntie Hyeyoon. Didn't you, Minjoon?" Hyeyoon said. "Such a clever boy. So proud of you" I reply. We all smile as Minjoon took his first steps

Yunho 💜

Jangmi is almost walking. She can stand up on her feet without any assistance holding onto something. She is strong standing on her feet. She turned a year old almost a month ago now and time has flown. Yunho and I have also tied the knot too. We are married. We went to Tokyo for a week for a honeymoon after we got married leaving Jangmi with my parents. So glad we didn't miss her first steps though. Feels so good to be married to the love of my life. Hongjoong, my brother approves of who I married. Yunho and I got back a few days ago from Tokyo and we missed Jangmi so much and are catching up and spending lots of time with her. Yunho is best friends with Jangmi. He says that all the time. Awwww bless. I walk into the lounge and he's laid on the floor playing with Jangmi. "What's up, you two?" I say walking in. "Father and daughter time. Bestie time" Yunho replies. "You guys are so cute" I smile. He laughs. I sit on the couch and watch them play. Didn't want to interrupt their fun. Jangmi loves playing with her daddy so much. Their are inseparable. Jangmi holds onto the coffee table and pulls herself onto her feet. She holds onto the table for a minute before letting go. "Y/ N, I think she's going to walk" Yunho said. Jangmi let's go of the coffee table and takes her first steps before falling on her bottom. She cries for a moment. "It's okay, sweet girl. You just took your first steps. Appa is here" Yunho said grabbing Jangmi. "She took her first steps. Eomma and Appa are so proud of you, Jangmi" I smile. Yunho smiles back. Our baby girl just took her first steps

San ❤️


Our boy Seongmin is now one years old. It was his birthday a month ago and we had a celebration for him. He is our second child so we didn't do anything huge but just a nice celebration for his first birthday. It what he deserves. Seongmin is our special boy. We love him and Seohyeon so much. They are our world. Y/ N and I can't wait to have more kids in the future. I'm sure we will. Can't wait to. Y/ N and I are taking Seohyeon and Seongmin to the zoo today for the first time as a family. We've taken Seohyeon before a few times but that was before we became a family of four. We are at the zoo now. We have looked around some of the animals and we are now sat having lunch. In the cafe. There is a little kids play area so Seohyeon and Seongmin are playing there. Y/ N and I are watching them from close by to see what they are up to. Seohyeon is looking after her little brother well. "I love to see them playing so nicely together" Y/ N said. "Yes me too. So cute" I smile. Seongmin hold onto something and pulls himself up like he does. "He's standing. Will be take his first steps?" I say. Seohyeon stands up and holds Seongmin's hands. "Come on, little brother. You can do it" she said. Seongmin lets go of his big sisters hands and takes a couple of steps. His first steps. Ohhhhh. "He did it. See I knew he would" Y/ N said. "You did it, little man and on our day at the zoo as well" I say picking up Seongmin and kissing him. Y/ N and I are so proud of our little man. So proud indeed

A/ N: I'm determined to get this book complete this week before my birthday next week. I think I can do it. Only one more part after b to go

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