1. b. Talking About Having A Baby

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I have been together for 4 years now. Last year we moved into together. We bought an apartment together and we are now living it it of course. Yeosang is the love of my life I love him so much. We have been in a relationship for 4 amazing years. We have been talking more about having children recently. We both do want a few children. Maybe not till we married but if Yeosang is keen to have a baby soon, I'm in. Anyway Yeosang and I are just enjoying life and being together. We have just been out for dinner and we've just got now. We usually go out for dinner on a Friday night. I am tired now as it's after 11pm. Yeosang and I walk through the door of our apartment. "I really enjoyed our dinner" he said. "Me too. I love that restaurant" I smile. I go into the bathroom and get ready for bed. Yeosang does the same after. We get under the sheets and snuggle up together. Yeosang puts his arms around me and holds me and smiles. "Babe, can we talk about something. I know you're tired" he said. "Okay" I yawn. "Y/ N, I think I'm ready to have a baby with you. I know we are young and not married yet. I don't want us to be old when we have children. I think we should do it soon" Yeosang said. I sigh and look at him. "Yeosang, I want children with you so bad. If you're ready I guess I am" I reply. "Baby, I know you have to be as ready as me to have a baby so we can wait a while if you want" he smiles. "Love you so much, Kang Yeosang" I say. "Love you so much too, Y/ N" Yeosang smiles. So maybe I guess the time might be right for Yeosang and I to have a baby soon if it happens

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I are not a couple. We are just friends. We have known each other for years and have always been close. We both love kids. I volunteer at a soft playgroup a couple of times a week with babies and toddlers. I really love it. Jongho loves children too but maybe not as much as me. I do have feelings for him but I don't really want to ruin our friendship by saying anything to him. I feel like he feels the same way about me. We are young anyway. Everybody knows that we are just friends. Anyway today I am volunteering at the playgroup and Jongho is popping into see me. He helps out with the babies sometimes too. He's really cute with children. He would be a great father one day. The soft play class has just started now. Jongho will be coming soon. Look forward to seeing him. I am the main leader of the Saturday class which is now. There is another girl who helps me as there is about ten babies who attend the class. Moms come with their babies and I lead the class for 45 minutes. I am playing with two babies now while Jongho walks in. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I say. "Does anyone need playing with?" he asks. "Yes you can play with Hyunsik over there" I say. Jongho sits on the floor and plays with the baby and we talk. Everyone thinks he's my boyfriend as he comes sometimes but he's not. Just my friend. We played with the babies in the ball pit. "Y/ N" Jongho said. "Yes" I reply. "I think you are great with children. You'll be a great mom one day soon" he said. "Thank you, Jongho. You are great with children too" I smile. "I would really like kids one day. When I'm older" Jongho said. "Oh yes me too" I smile. He was so cute with the babies too. I have a weakness for boys with babies. Jongho smiles and looks at me. He carries on playing with the babies for a bit. Maybe Jongho was hinting that we should have a baby. Haha. Like I said we are still young and not girlfriend and boyfriend yet

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I have been together for 2 years. He popped the question to me two months ago and I said yes. My older sister is Im Nayeon of Twice. She is the best sister and I love her. Wooyoung and I met via her as he's an idol too. She didn't really like it when we got engaged. She thought we were too young and rushing into it. She's okay with it now as she's accept it now. It's amazing having a sister like Nayeon and amazing having a fiancé like Wooyoung. He is the best. We haven't really talked about having children yet. Maybe it's come up once or twice before. I've been thinking about having a baby more recently but I don't know if Wooyoung is ready yet. I guess we both have to be ready to have a baby as it's a life long commitment. Nayeon has mentioned a few times how cute she thinks our babies would be. Awwwww. Could you imagine. I have been out with Nayeon for the day and I'm coming back to our apartment now. I moved in with Wooyoung a few months ago. I open the door and walk in and he's playing a game on the TV. That's what he likes to do when I'm not around. "Hey, baby. I'm home" I say. He takes off his head phones when I talk in. "Hey, babe. Did you have fun with Nayeon?" Wooyoung asks. "Yes I did. It was great. Brilliant" I say. I get into my pjs and join him on the couch. I snuggle next to him and talk about my time with Nayeon. I want to bring up about having a baby. "Wooyoung, what do you think about having a baby?" I ask. "I want a baby, Y/ N but I think we should wait a little more time before you get pregnant" he said. "Yeah I just kinda want a baby, Wooyoung. Not gonna lie. Nayeon wants us to have a baby too" I say. "Well I guess we will have a baby when the time is right. Okay. I don't want to let you down, honey" Wooyoung smiles. "Love you" I say. "Love you too" he smiles. Don't know when Wooyoung and I will have a baby. When the time is right I guess

Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I are newlyweds. We got married. We have been together 3 years. We got married in a legal office and eloped. We didn't really want a big wedding. Although we did kinda regret it when we got married as our families weren't there to see us get married. The topic of children has come up a lot since we got married and before. We both really want to become parents. Hongjoong would be an amazing father. I know he would be. He's so cute with my baby nephew so he will be adorable with a baby of our own. We just got married a few weeks ago and we are enjoying life as newlyweds. Hongjoong and I are cooking a meal together tonight. We are making one of our favourite things kimchi bibimbap. Hongjoong loves it and so do I. We both love cooking together. It's our favourite couples thing to do together. Hongjoong stands behind me as I cook the vegetables. He kisses my neck softly. "Love you" he said. "Love you too" I smile. When the meal was ready we sit at the kitchen table and eat. "Delicious" Hongjoong said. "Yes it is. I have to say so myself" I say. "We have a good team. Don't we, babe" he said. "We do indeed" I reply. We eat and talk after. "Y/ N" Hongjoong said. "Yes" I smile. "I think we should try for a baby soon. We are married now so there is no reason why we should" he said. "Yeah maybe soon but Joong we've just got married. I would love to have a baby soon with you" I say. "Baby, I can't wait to be a father one day. I love babies" Hongjoong said. "I do too and I can't wait to be a mother" I say. "Love you" he smiles holding my hands from across the table. "Love you too" I smile. So Hongjoong and I had a delicious meal and talked about having babies soon. We've okay just got married but we are both keen

A/ N: the other boys to finish off part 1. Hope you liked it. I can't wait to do more of this book. Hope you didn't mind that I made Jongho's relationship a bit different. I didn't want them all to be the same kinda thing

Guys also I have a part time bank work job in a nursery which I'm really excited about. My best friend works there so I've got the job. I start soon and I'm looking forward to it. Just thought I'd say

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