47. a. Baby's First Word

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Seonghwa 💖

Dayoung and Jungwon will be a year old in a couple of weeks. They are one years old and we are going to be celebrating with a little party for them. Actually a big party. It's only once when you're twins turn a year old. Me and Seonghwa have been planning for a while and can't wait for Dayoung and Jungwon to have their first birthday party. Today we are taking the babies to the park. The park is one of our favourite places to go as a family even if it's just for a walk. We still love going and it's summer too now. Dayoung and Jungwon are very excited to go to the park today. They will probably go on the swings and slides for a bit and we will take a walk. I've dressed them in some park suitable clothes. "Are we all ready to go?" I say. "Yes I think we are good, honey" Seonghwa replies. We take the babies and all the things we need out to the car. We went down in the elevator. Jungwon was babbling like he does. "Boo!" I hear him say as I strap him in his car seat. "What? Did Jungwon just say Boo?" I say. "He said something I think it was that" Seonghwa said. "Say it again, bud" I say. Jungwon just looked at us and babbled. So cute. It definitely sounded like he said Boo. Anyway we went to the park and had a great afternoon as a family

Mingi 💙

Minjoon has just turned a year old now and we are having a party for him next week. Just after his birthday as we couldn't get everyone together on his birthday as it was an awkward time of the week. He is a very clever boy and we think he could be walking soon. It would be incredible if he did. Minjoon is our cleverest boy indeed. Mingi is about to arrive back from work anytime now. Minjoon is playing in his playpen by the TV in the lounge while I make dinner. I put him in there when I'm on my own and need to do stuff as he's safe there and can't come to much harm there. I put him different toys so he can't get bored. I am making beef noodles for me and Mingi tonight for dinner. It's one of his favourites. About 10 minutes later the front door of our apartment opens and he walks in. "Hey. I'm home" Mingi said. "Hi, sweetie" I smile. "Smells great in here" he said coming up to me and kissing the back of my neck. He then goes over to Minjoon. "Hey, Buddy. What's up? How's my boy?" I hear Mingi say. He sits on the floor with Minjoon. "Dadda" I heard Minjoon say. "Babe, he just said dadda. I swear he did" Mingi said. "I just heard it. I was hoping his first word would be mama" I reply. "Babe, I hate to break it to you but we both know he's a daddy's boy" he said. "He can be both a momma and a daddy's boy. Isn't that right, Minjoon?" I say. Minjoon says dada again. Awe so cute

Yunho 💜


Jangmi is growing up so so fast and so quick. We can't believe our little princess will be a year old in just a matter of days. She is babbling away to herself in her own little language most of the time. Bless her. She is the cutest little princess in the world. She is such a daddy's girl and I love her so much. Y/ N and I are getting married soon too. We are just having a small and intimate wedding. Me and Y/ N are just getting Jangmi ready for bed. We bathe her everyday and she enjoys it. She's a little water baby. Awwww. Jangmi has had her bath now and Y/ N has just put her a fresh diaper on and pjs for the evening. I like to ready a bedtime story to her. I know that she's at that age there she won't really understand the story but she'll be able to see the pictures. "What story should we ready tonight, princess?" I say. "Jangmi can choose" Y/ N said. I take Jangmi to the bookshelf and she points to a random book. "Okay this one. Let's read Cinderella. Will she go to the ball?" I say. I sit in the chair with Jangmi on my lap and start reason to her. She points to all the pictures and starts giggling. "Dadda dadda" Jangmi said. "Princess. Did you just say dadda?" I say. "She did indeed" Y/ N smiles. "That's my girl" I smile. I carry on reading Jangmi the story before she goes to sleep

San ❤️

Seongmin turned a year old just a few weeks ago and we had a great first birthday party for him. He is such a happy little boy and we love him so much and his big sister does too. Sometimes it's hard having a 1 year old and a 4 year old but San and I are used to parenthood now. We love our two babies so much. I'm taking the kids to nursery this morning as San and I both have work today so Seohyeon and Seongmin go to nursery. We have had breakfast as a family and we are about to leave now. "Come on. Let's get you kiddies to nursery" I say. "Let's go go" San said. We take the kids outside to get them in the car and our stuff too. I drop San off at the studio on the way and then go to nursery. First I pull up and get Seongmin out of the car. He points at me and smiles. "Mama" he said. Or I thought I heard him say. "Seongmin just said mama" Seohyeon said. "He did, sweetie. He did?" I say. San just missed our sons first word. It was a special moment as he said mama. Seohyeon's first word was dadda

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