4. b. Telling Him

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang doesn't know I'm pregnant yet but I am going to tell him tonight though. I've been figuring out a good way to tell him. A special and unique way to tell him I'm pregnant. I am going to give him his drink in a baby cup so that way he will guess I'm pregnant. Either that or I've lost it. One of the two. Haha. Yeosang is already home. Well he's been home all day as he's had a day off today but I've been at work. I am looking forward to telling him I'm pregnant so much. Can't wait to tell Yeosangie. He might already suspect something. We have been chilling at home since I got back from work earlier so maybe it's time I told Yeosang the baby news. "Can I get you a drink, babe?" I ask. "No I'm fine. Thanks, honey. I would get it myself if I wanted anything" Yeosang replies. "Okay but let me get you something if you want" I reply. We carry on  chilling on the couch for a bit longer. I later go into the kitchen to get Yeosang some water. I go into our room to get the baby cup I bought the other day. I fill the cup with water and go back into the lounge and give it to Yeosang. "What we got here?" he said. "Here's your water" I say. "Ohhhhh a baby cup" Yeosang said looking at me. "Yes. So can you guess anything?" I reply. "You're pregnant of course. Yesssss" he said. "I am I am" I cheer. "Baby, I'm so happy that we are having a baby" Yeosang said. "Me too. I was thinking of cute and unique ways of telling you I'm pregnant" I say. "Well that's the cutest way. I will enjoy my water in our baby's cup" he smiles. "Awwww so cute" I say. "Our baby is so cute" he smiles. "Yes indeed" I reply. So I've told Yeosang I'm pregnant now and he's so happy. I'm glad I told him in a cute way. He's going to be a cute daddy

Jongho 🧡


Y/ N has been acting kinda strange lately since we went to the doctors last week. We slept together when we were on holiday in Jeju island. Yes it was a big mistake. She went to the doctor as she thought she might be pregnant but she hasn't told me yet. I daren't ask her as I know she'll be sensitive about it if she is. If she is pregnant I will support her as I really care about her. I know she's not my girlfriend yet but I do care about her very much. I am on my way to see Y/ N tonight after practice. She doesn't know I'm coming. I just want to make sure she's okay. I am worried about her and I want to know if she's pregnant. She was kinda sure she was. I am anxious to find out too. I leave the studio and get a cab to Y/ N's place. Her parents aren't usually home till later on so i should be okay to see her. I arrive and knock on her door and she answers soon. She opens the door and looks surprised to see me. "Jongho" she said. "Hi, Y/ N. I've come to make sure you're okay" I say. "Okay come in" she smiles. She lets me come in and we go up to her room. "So what's been going on? I've been worrying about you non stop" I say. "Jongho, it's kinda complicated" she said. "Just tell me. Are you pregnant or not?" I ask. She looks at me and sighs. "Yes I am pregnant. The test came back positive. I know this isn't exactly what we wanted. We are not even a couple, Jongho. We are just friends who had sex" Y/ N said. "It's okay, Y/ N. I kinda thought you were after the way you were acting. So yeah we are having a baby. It's real" I say. "Yeah I know. I'm worried what my parents will say. They will hate me. They will hate both of us, Jongho" she said. "Don't worry. I'm here for you" I smile. She smiles back at me. So Y/ N is pregnant. I was right. We were both right. I guess we will figure things out in time

Wooyoung 💚

I am about to tell Wooyoung I'm pregnant tonight. I found out a few days ago and I've been dying to tell him since. Nayeon and I have been figuring a way to tell him. She thought it would be cute to order t shirts that say 'Papa bear' and 'Baby bear' so I got them ordered and they've come this morning. I'm going to surprise Wooyoung when he gets home. It was Nayeon's idea. Wooyoung is due to get home anytime now. Can't wait to surprise my fiancé with our baby news. I know he'll be happy. I wait excitedly in the kitchen with the t shirts in a gift bag ready to give him when he walks in the door. About 10 minutes later the front door opens and Wooyoung walks in with a smile on his face like always. "Hello, baby I'm home" he said. "Hey, honey" I say. "You're in the kitchen. What are you doing?" He asks. "Just waiting for you to come home" i reply. "What's in that gift bag?" Wooyoung asks. "Why don't you open it and find out?" I reply. "Okay" he said. "A t shirt" he said looking into the bag. "Hmmmm not just any old t shirt" I say. He takes the shirts out of the bag. The baby one falls to the floor and I pick it up. He seemed a little confused at first. "Papa bear and baby bear. Are we having a baby?" Wooyoung said. I look at him and leave him hanging for a minute. "Babe, you're pregnant?" he asks. "Yes I am" I reply. "Wow! Seriously? That's amazing. Wow! We're gonna be parents" he said. "Yes we are. I knew you would be happy, Wooyoungie" I smile. "Very happy indeed, honey" Wooyoung smiles pulling me in for a hug. "Love you and can't wait for you to have my baby" he said. "Love you and I can't wait too" i smile. "Me and the baby are gonna be twins he giggles. So I just revealed to Wooyoung that I'm pregnant and he's so happy

Hongjoong 🖤

I am so excited today as I'm going to tell Hongjoong I'm pregnant. I took a pregnancy test the other day and it came back positive so I'm pregnant with our first child. About 4 weeks to be precise. We got married about two months ago now. Well we first eloped which didn't feel like we were properly married so our families threw us a nice big wedding party and we did it again this time with everyone close to us. Our families might be shocked when we tell them that we are expecting a baby this soon into our marriage. Hongjoong and I are going on our honeymoon in a couple of weeks too. Can't wait for that. Hongjoong is about to go into work soon so he's taking a shower right now. I want to surprise him before he goes into work. I've been dying to tell him gif days now. I've wrapped the pregnancy test I took in a box with tissue paper and I'm gonna give it to him. Can't wait to see the reaction on his adorable face. So excited to tell him. I'm usually up when Hongjoong is up as I have work soon after him and I like to spend time with him before he rushes off as I don't see him till evening. When Hongjoong has finished in the shower I go into our bedroom. He has a towel around him. I wait for him to get dried and dressed. "Babe, have you got a minute before you leave" I say. "Yeah what is it, babe?" he asks. "I've got something for you" I reply. "Ohhhh okay" he replies. I hand Hongjoong the box and he looks at it for a minute. "Okay I'll open it if I may" he said. "Go go ahead" I reply. I wrapped the pregnancy test in several layers of tissue paper to keeping him guessing even more. "What is it?" he keeps saying. I smirk at him. "A pregnancy test. Wow! You're pregnant, babe?" he says. "Yes I am. I'm so happy, Joongie" I reply. "Me too, baby. We are having a little bean" Hongjoong replies. "We are indeed. A baby bean" I reply. "Definitely. Best news to go to work to. I wanna tell the guys" he said. "Don't tell them just yet. I'm only a few weeks" I say. "Oh okay" he replies. I revealed to Hongjoong that I'm pregnant before he went into work and he is so happy

A/ N: which pregnancy reveal did you like the best? Had to make Jongho's different again of course

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