48. b. Baby's First Steps

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Yeosang 💛

Sunhwa is taking her first steps. She's only just turned a year old and she's already taking her first steps. She's not fully walking yet but she is taking steps. Yeosang and I are so proud of our little princess Angel. We are the proudest parents in the world of Sunhwa. She is what we've always wanted and more actually. Love our girl so much. Today we are heading out to the shops to get some items. Sunhwa is coming with us of course. We wouldn't go anywhere without her. We are about good to go but Sunhwa is still sat playing with her toys like she loves to do. I feel bad for bothering her sometimes. Come on, baby girl. It's time to go" I say. "We are going shopping, Sunhwa. Not that you'll be that interested" Yeosang said. Sunhwa crawls and grabs onto the couch and pulls herself up on the couch and stands on her feet. She takes a step away from the couch and walks. "Yay! That's my girl. What a clever girl you are, Sunhwa?" Yeosang said. "Sunhwa, you're getting so big" I say. Yeosang brings Sunhwa to the car and we go shopping. So proud of Sunhwa walking now

Jongho 🧡


The twins turned one years old about two months ago now and they are growing up so fast. Our Hyebin and Yebin are a year old. Neither of them are walking yet but we hope they will soon. Y/ N are not too worried about that though. As long as our girls are happy and healthy. That's all that matters. Hyebin and Yebin are both happy and smiley little girls. We can't wait for the rest of their lives. The girls attend soft play group that Y/ N works at two mornings a week when she's not studying. We gave taken the girls this morning and I'm there. Later start in the studio so i could attend. The girls really love soft play class. It's a great thing and Y/ N loves working there too. I am such a proud father seeing my girls play. So very proud indeed. Yebin is crawling and Hyebin is shuffling. I watch them for a walk. Y/ N is over at the other side of the room. Yebin stands up and I hold onto her hands. Y/ N looks over from the other side of the room. I let go of Yebin's hands and she wobbles for a minute before she takes her first steps. "Yebin. Oh well done" Y/ N said. "Well done indeed, Yebin. I'm sure your sister won't be far behind" I say. Yebin crawls to me and I hug her. Hyebin starts crying after so Y/ N comforts her. We knew one of our girls would take her first steps soon

Wooyoung 💚

Now that Jongdae is a year old, we think he could be walking soon. He can stand up and and hold onto things and is almost moving his feet so he's almost walking. Me and Wooyoung have been encouraging him to walk and so is Nayeon when she's around too. Wooyoung just got home from work at the studio and I'm cooking dinner at home in the kitchen and he is watching and spending time with Jongdae while I get dinner ready in the kitchen. I'm making noodles with kimchi for dinner tonight. Can't wait to have it. It's my grandmas kimchi. I can hear Jongdae laughing and playing. The lounge is only a few meters away from the kitchen. "Having fun" I say. "Yes, babe. We are" Wooyoung replies. "Great" I smile. I hear them continue to have fun as a cook. "Y/ N, Y/ N" Wooyoung exclaims a few minutes later. "Yes is everything okay" I panic. "Yes everything is fine. Look Jongdae is standing up" he said. I leave what I was doing and go into the lounge. This would be the moment. Wooyoung lets go of Jongdae's hands and he wobbles for a minute and takes a couple of tiny steps to me. "Oh wow! Jongdae. What a clever boy?" I say. "He's such a clever boy, Y/ N. I knew he would take his first steps soon" Wooyoung said. I smile. Wooyoung and I had a reason to celebrate tonight. Our boy just took his first steps

Hongjoong 🖤

Taeyang is one years old and he's getting so big and doing so well. Me and Hongjoong are such proud parents of him. Our little boy has overcame so much since he came into the world a year ago. He could take his first steps soon. Ohhhh we really hope so. There is no rush for Taeyang to take his first steps. He'll do it when he's ready and we won't force him. Hongjoong and I have just had dinner and we are relaxing in front of the TV before we get Taeyang ready for bed too. He is still lively and playing on the floor now. We just leave him to it. I keep on looking down to make sure he's okay. Hongjoong tells me to relax sometimes. I need to actually. I look down and see Taeyang crawling. He gets on his knees and then he stands up on his own without holding onto anything. "Joong, look he just stood up without holding anything" I say. Hongjoong didn't say anything as he didn't want to put Taeyang off. Taeyang takes a moment to find his balance. He was a bit wobbly at first. He took a couple of steps on his own. All by himself. "Taeyang, well done. How amazing are you?" I cheer. "That's my boy. Such a big boy" Hongjoong said. "A big boy indeed" I smile. Hongjoong sits on the floor with Taeyang and cuddles him. Our miracle boy is such a clever boy

A/ N: sorry if these parts are kinda too predictable. One last part to go then it's over guys 😩

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