26. Labor/ Delivery- Seonghwa 💖

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The twins could literally anytime now. Seonghwa and I are ready to welcome our babies into the world whenever they decide to show up. Hopefully not too long now as I've reached the 37 week mark in my pregnancy now so that's about the time that twins come. We are both waiting anxiously for something to happen. The hospital might have to intervene if I don't go into labor naturally, I might have to have a c section but hopefully not. Hopefully it will just happen as normal. Seonghwa and I are at home now trying to relax for the evening. It's not exactly that easy trying to relax being this pregnant with twins. Seonghwa is being the best husband in the world as always. So thankful for him. We have just got into bed for the night. We are both tired and want to get as much sleep as possible. Seonghwa crawls into bed next to me and says "Can I get you anything before you to sleep, darling?". "Yes actually I would love a nice warm mug of milk please to help me sleep" I reply. "Of course. Coming right up" he smiles. I smile as he walks out of our bedroom and into the kitchen. He comes back a few minutes later with my warm mug of milk. "Thank you so much. I love you, hubby" I say. "You're welcome, my love. I love you so much too" he said. He gets into bed next to me and I sip on my milk slowly. It was so nice. Loved it. I then got to sleep feeling nice and relax after that. I slept pretty sound through the night until I woke up around 7am feeling funny like I was having contractions. I lie there waiting for them to pass but they don't at all. Seonghwa was still asleep next to me but he'll be getting up soon. I lay there and count how far apart the contractions were. In a bit Seonghwa wakes up and notices me awake and laying there. "Good morning, babe. Are you okay?" he said. "Good morning. Seonghwa, I'm having contractions. They are coming every 8 minutes so far" I say. "Honey, why didn't you tell me. You should've woken me up. We will get you there soon" Seonghwa said. "I didn't want to wake you up honestly. We will wait a bit before we go" I reply. "Okay, sweetie. I'm right here" he smiles. We waited almost an hour before going to the hospital. My waters broke just when I got in the car. It's time for the twins to come soon. We arrived at the hospital and it's finally happening

We are at the hospital now and contractions are still coming. I can feel the twins getting closer to their arrival. The midwife checks my cervix and I'm 6cm dilated so just over halfway. "Not time just yet, Mrs Park" she said. "Okay" I sigh. "Don't worry, darling. Everything will be fine. I don't want you to panic. I'm right here. I got you" Seonghwa smiles grabbing my hand. "I love you, Hwa" I yawn. So we had to wait for time to pass till I was more dilated. The babies are not ready to come out yet. Soon hopefully but could be a few more hours yet. Seonghwa never left my side not even to go to the bathroom or get anything to eat or drink. He just wanted to be by my side and support me throughout. "I just want us to meet our babies now" I say getting agitated. "Honey, we will meet our babies soon. They will pop out to say hi anytime. I promise you. If you stay calm they will come and meet us" Seonghwa said. I try to stay calm and listen to Seonghwa. Hopefully it won't be long till our babies will be here. I hope not. Some more time has passed and I'm getting closer to being fully dilated. The babies still don't want to come out just right now. Seonghwa and I really want to meet them badly. It's now mid afternoon. The midwife comes in to examine me and I'm more dilated now. "Y/ N, you can push now. Almost there" she said. "Okay" I smile. I try to get into a comfortable position to push. It was hard to figure out which was the most comfortable position to push. I eventually did that. "Come on, darling. You're doing so well, my love" Seonghwa said. "You're doing great, Y/ N. I can see the first baby's head" the midwife said. A few minutes later the first baby was born. "Congratulations it's a girl" she said. "Yay! Wow! We have a little girl" Seonghwa said. The midwife held our baby girl up and handed her to another midwife. "She is beautiful. Now time to meet your second baby" she said. It took a little more for the second baby. It was a bit of a struggle. "Y/ N, stay calm please. Looks like baby 2 is struggling so I'm going to have to bring in reinforcements" the midwife said. She brings in another midwife and doctor. "We should try a forceps delivery. Baby is struggling a bit and needs a hand" the doctor said. "Okay will that hurt the baby" I say. "No no not at all. We will be very gentle" he said. He brings in the forceps, a big tong like instrument to help the baby come out. It was uncomfortable going in but out second baby was born. "It's a boy. Congratulations you have a girl and a boy" the doctor said. He held our newly born son up. "I knew we would have one of each. I'm so delighted" Seonghwa smiles. "Me too. Our little girl and little boy" I smile. Our little boy joined his sister

We could go in and see the twins in the hospital nursery when they were just under an hour old. I was a little sore after the uncomfortable delivery and didn't really want to walk so Seonghwa pushed me in a wheelchair. Our beautiful babies had their eyes closed. "Here they are. Our miracle babies, Hwa" I say. "Indeed. They are so beautiful, Y/ N. We are so lucky and blessed" he smiles. We take a few minutes to admire our newborn babies. "What should we name them?" Seonghwa said. "You choose a name and I choose one" I say. "How about Jungwon for our boy" he said. "And how about Dayoung for our girl" I say. "Honey, that's perfect. Welcome to the world Dayoung and Jungwon" Seonghwa said. "You two are so adorable. We have been waiting for you for a long long time" I smile. We weren't allowed to stay too long but the babies were brought into us a bit later. We got to hold them and I got to feed them for the first time. I have just fed Jungwon and he took to it straight away without any problems. Now I'm feeding Dayoung. She is having a little trouble. The nice midwife encourages her. "Come on, little one. Your lovely mommy wants to feed you" she said. Dayoung didn't quite know know what to make of my breast. Eventually she latched on and started suckling. "Well done" I say smiling at our daughter. Seonghwa smiles as he's holding Jungwon who closed his eyes. Dayoung feeds for a while. Our beautiful babies are finally here. Dayoung and Jungwon are now in our lives

 Dayoung and Jungwon are now in our lives

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Park Dayoung 💗
June 17th @ 3:44pm
5lbs 8oz

Park Jungwon 💙
June 17th @ 4:03pm
5lbs 5oz

A/ N: so the Park twins are here. Did you predict a boy and a girl? Just had to be. I actually changed the girls name last minute as the original name was similar to one I've used before. Jungwon is in the darker outfit in the picture and Dayoung is in the lighter outfit. Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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