22. b. Picking A Name

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I have a couple of baby names in mind for our baby. Obviously not knowing the gender just yet, we can't fully decide on a name but we can have a few in mind for when the baby arrives. My favourite name for a boy is Daeseong and my favourite name for a girl is Chaewon. We honestly don't have to go for either of those names. Just whatever comes to mind at the time. I have decided to cook for Yeosang tonight as he's had a long and exhausting day in the studio so I'm making him dinner even though he told me not to. I would do absolutely anything for my husband. He would do for me. Yeosang walks the kitchen and sees how I'm doing. "Babe, you know I don't like not helping. Please let me give you a hand" Yeosang said. "Sangie, I'm okay thank you. I like to cook on my own" I reply. "Okay it's fine" he said. "You're the sweetest husband you know that" I smile. He smiles back. "I have a name in mind if the baby is a girl" Yeosang says. "Sure go ahead" I reply. "I really like the name Sunhwa for a girl. I think it's a really nice name and we should keep it in mind" he said. "Yeah it sounds cute. It's bound to if you've chosen it" I smile. "I like the names you picked too. Daeseong and Chaewon" he replies. "We will decide on one when baby is here" I smile. Yeosang smiles back and kisses me. At least we have some names in mind for our baby

Will it be a boy or a girl? 💙💗

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and i went out and bought a baby name book from the store as we literally have no names in mind for our twins. We want to get some idea at least. We only bought a baby girl band book as we are having twin girls. We got it a couple of days ago but haven't had time to go through it yet and read about the names. We are about to look through it now and get some ideas. Just a few ideas that could help us with baby names. Not saying we will fully decide today. "Okay, babe. Let's see what names they have" Jongho said sitting on the couch with the book. We start in alphabetical order at A. The first new pages, we weren't super keen on any of the names until we got to H. "What about Hyebin? That's sounds cute. I used to know a Hyebin back in school" Jongho said. "Yeah it's pretty cute" I smile. "It has different meanings. One of which is Intelligent and refined which I like" he said. "Yes we will definitely keep it in mind. It's nice" I reply. We go all the way through to Y until I see a name that stands out to me. "Yebin. That means to be pretty. I actually really love that name" I say. "Yes I was just going to say that I liked that too" Jongho said. "So how about we call our girls Hyebin and Yebin. I think they will sound perfect on them" I say. "Yes. I totally agree, honey. Perfect names for perfect little girls" Jongho smiles. So we did decide on perfect names for our twins. Hyebin and Yebin


Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I really like two names for our baby boy. Those names are Jongdae and Himchan for our baby boy. We have liked those names for a while since we got engaged and started talking about having children. All that time ago. We will have to see if we both still like those names now. Our preferences might have changed as that was like a year and a half ago now. I do personally really like the name Jongdae for a boy. It's a nice name and could suit our son a lot. Jung Jongdae will be his name if we go for that one. But first we need to decide between us weather we both still like it. I am waiting for Wooyoung to come home from practice now so maybe I'll ask him about baby names later when we've had dinner that is. I am waiting for the meal to cook in the kitchen. I have taken a seat for now. Wooyoung will be on his way soon. Can't wait to see him and ask him about the baby name. About 30 minutes later the front door opens and he walks in with a smile on his face as usual. "Hello, baby. I'm home" Wooyoung said. "Hi, babe. How was your day?" I ask. "Not bad. Yours?" he replies. "Yeah it was alright thanks" I reply. Soon we sit down and eat dinner together. "So have you been thinking of anymore baby names?" I ask. "No not really to be honest" Wooyoung replies. "Remember we liked Himchan and Jongdae when we were talking about baby names all that time ago" I say. "Yes I do. I think I still like them" he said. "I think Jongdae is super cute and is Chen from EXO's real name" I reply. "I like that too, babe. Probably just a little more than Himchan" Wooyoung smiles. "Jung Jongdae sounds cute on our boy" I say. "It sure does" he said. We smile as we decide on a name for our son


Hongjoong 🖤


Y/ N and I still need to decide on a name for our boy. I kind he's not going to be born yet but we should still have a name in mind. I have always loved the name Taeyang for a boy. I know lots of people have that name and I know a few but I guess it doesn't stop us using it for our son. I'm sure he will suit Taeyang. I'm going to see if Y/ N likes it. Hope she does because I really do. I'll make her like it. Haha. Y/ N and I are getting ready to go to bed now so I'll just quickly ask her if she likes the name before she goes to sleep. She's in the bathroom and I'm waiting for her to get into bed so I can ask her and cuddle her. A few minutes later, Y/ N gets into bed. "Ready for bed" she sighs. "Y/ N" I say. "Yes, honey" she replies. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. "Yep as long as it's not will you marry me again" she jokes. "No haha. I have a name in mind that we could use for our boy" I say. "Sure" she smiles. "Do you like the name Taeyang?" I asks. Her facial expressions changed. "Well I'm not saying I don't like it but it's a pretty common name. I feel like we should go for something a bit more out there like Hyeonseok or Hangyeol. I don't know" Y/ N said. "Oh but I love it and have done for a while" I reply. "I'll think about it. I will. Don't worry I won't rule it out" she said. "Okay we both have to like the name we choose for our child" I say. I hope Y/ N thinks about the name Taeyang for our boy as I love it

A/ N: which one was your favourite name?

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