21. a. Decorating The Nursery

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I are finally making a start on our babies nursery. We have envisioned something in our minds of how we want it to look. It's just making a start now. We are going for general neutral colours for the wall the wall is going to be a nice green colour and white at the top so yeah we are starting by painting the walls. Seonghwa and I have got into old clothes so we don't get messy when we are decorating. It is a messy job but that's okay. I do one wall and he does another wall at the other side of the room. We started about half an hour ago and it's going okay. "How are you doing, jagiya?" Seonghwa asks. "Good. Are you?" I reply. "Yes I really like this colour. It's really nice" he said. "It is. I really do like it" I reply. We carry on painting the walls till it was done then we could start assembling some of the furniture. Cribs are first. Seonghwa is usually good at DIY things. I just assist him. We put the cribs in place later when the paint has dried. We got something to hang from the ceiling to put on each crib to make it safe and sound for the twins. Seonghwa gets up on a step stool and does that. "Careful, babe. Don't want you falling" I say. "Don't worry. I'm fine, my love" he replies. Seonghwa does that and we put a plant in the corner that was already in that room before. It's not done yet. Still got more to do another time. "Looks good so far. Doesn't it?" Seonghwa said. "Yes it does. Very good indeed" I smile. Seonghwa smiles and gives me a hug. The nursery looks really good so far

 The nursery looks really good so far

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Mingi 💙

Mingi and I are doing our baby boys nursery with the help of my dad said. It is good of him to give us a helping hand. Yesterday my dad and brother decorated the nursery for us while we were both at work which was great. We have gone for grey and light grey walls as it looked a nice and subtle colour for the walls. My dad is here again today to help us assemble the furniture and put things together. It should be mostly complete by the end of today we think. Can't wait. Mingi and my dad are getting the crib assembled now. They are followed the instructions from the flat pack. My dad is pretty excited as it's his first grandchild. I walk into the room and they have nearly assembled it already. "Wow! That was quick, guys" I say. "Yeah it was easy" Mingi said. "Now let's assemble the dresser unit" my dad suggested. They do that and I organise some more things that I want in the room. Mingi said I can be in charge of that. We have some cute stuffed animals and things to put on the wall in the nursery. Mingi puts up the shelf with my dads help. When that was nailed to the wall I could arrange it with the things I wanted to. Then I put a laundry basket next to the crib and my dad and Mingi hung some nice curtains around the crib to make it look cute and nice and safe. Things were done soon enough. Me and Mingi had a lot of fun doing our baby boys nursery today with my dad. So happy he could help us and he was only too happy to

 So happy he could help us and he was only too happy to

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Yunho 💜

Yesterday Yunho and I started doing our little girls nursery. It's so much fun doing it. We painted the walls and put some wallpaper up. yesterday and today we are assembling the furniture and that kinda thing. It's very exciting. Can't wait to complete our baby girls nursery for when she arrives. Yunho and I are cracking on now with it. First we are going to put together the crib. At least we have instructions to help us or we will have no clue. Yunho gets all the parts out of the box and we look through the instructions and study them for a few minutes. "Can't be that hard" Yunho said. "Well we are about to find out" I reply. We both figure it out between us. The fiddliest part was putting the tiny screws and nails in. We did it in the end after a little bit of time. It took us almost an hour to finish making the crib. "There was go. Took a little while but we got there in the end" Yunho said. "Yes it did" I say. Next week assemble the chair that I'm going to use for feeding. That will go next to the crib. We go a couple more things after that and then put some decorations around the room to make it look even better. Obviously we had to have a few cuddly toys around for our baby girl. We have a fluffy rug placed on the floor by the crib and a plant in the corner which we thought was nice. Yunho and I spent a few hours doing the nursery today but it was so definitely worth it. "I think our little princess's nursery is complete" Yunho said. "Yes I think it is too. Now we just gotta wait till she's here" I reply. "Yes not long now" he said. "Still sometime, sweetie" I reply. "Yeah you know what I mean" he laughs touching my bump. Anyway it was so much fun doing our baby girls nursery today

 Anyway it was so much fun doing our baby girls nursery today

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San ❤️

Today we are making a start on our son's nursery. We kinda know how we want it. It's now just the case of doing it. The baby has a pretty spacious room in our new house. About the same size as Seohyeon's. So happy with our new house. Can't wait to get started. Seohyeon said she wants to help with organising some things. She picked out some of the soft toys so she wants to help me do that. She is our helpful little girl. We are keeping the walls the same in the room as they are already how we want them to be. Don't need to change just yet. We are using Seohyeon's crib from when she was a baby. It would be silly to buy it again. San just painted it again to make it look better. Looks like new now. He puts it by the biggest wall. "More into the centre" I say. "Oh okay" he replies. San pushes the crib into the centre of the wall. Then he brings in the armchair. I used that to feed Seohyeon when she was a baby so I'm using it again for this baby. I put a cushion in the chair. We've got a new desk/ storage unit that San is assembling now. Seohyeon and I work on some other things. "So where do you think Mr giraffe should go?" I ask her. "Here" she says pointing to the crib. I put the giraffe in the crib with some other things. San has the desk unit assembled in no time. He was too quick for us. Haha. Next a couple of pictures hang on the wall and a new chandelier on the ceiling. We add some new curtains and a rug too. The nursery was looking complete in no time which was great. "It looks really nice. Don't you think, babe?" San said. "Yes it does. It looks great" I reply. "Do you think it looks great, Seohyeonie?" San asks. Seohyeon smiles and nods her head. Awwww. Well it was a family effort doing our boys nursery today

A/ N: which nursery did you like the best? They are all cute

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A/ N: which nursery did you like the best? They are all cute

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