36. b. He Changes A Diaper

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Yeosang 💛


Baby Sunhwa just turned two weeks old. She is doing very well and is bringing so much joy to our lives. She is always what Y/ N and I always wanted. We always wanted a baby. Our little Sunhwa is the greatest gift ever. I love being a father to her and a husband to Y/ N of course. My girls mean the world to me. I love them forever and I will always be there for them. We are heading out for a walk around our neighbourhood this afternoon. Walks help relax Sunhwa and get her off to sleep when she is tired so we try and go quite often if we can. We are ready to head out the door now for our walk. Sunhwa is safe in her stroller and I'm pushing it. Y/ N links onto my arm as we walk together. "It's so nice to get out for some fresh air to clear your airways" she said. "Yes it is. Always is everyday and especially for this little one too" I say. "She enjoys it when we go on walks. Don't you, Sunhwa" Y/ N said. So we had a really nice walk and then got back home to warm up. I get Sunhwa out of her stroller. She starts crying when I picked her up. I think she just pooped. "Okay, Miss. Diaper change time" I say. I kiss Sunhwa and take her into the nursery to change her. She pooped quite a lot in her diaper so it took some time to clean it. I let her air off for a few minutes as I used a lot of cotton and water. "There we go. All clean" I say kissing her when it was done. We had a nice walk this afternoon

Jongho 🧡

Jongho is still kinda reluctant to change our girls diapers. I keep on having to encourage him to do it. He's done quite a few but I can tell he doesn't like it as sometimes he moans if I ask him to do it. He will have to get used to it like if he's left alone with Hyebin and Yebin ever at all. If I want to go out with friends or family. My mom and dad are doing a great job helping us with the twins. Our girls are good babies. Not too much to handle at the moment. We are so gldd they are not little nightmares. It's the middle of the night and us and the girls are fast asleep in our beds. Yebin is next to me and Hyebin is next to Jongho in their cribs. I was woken up by one of the babies fussing. They have been sleeping for almost two hours. I turn onto my back and it was Yebin crying. She woke up and she was fussing over something. Don't want her to wake her sister up. Jongho wakes up a minute later. "I will get Yebinnie" he said. "Thanks" I yawn. He comes over to my side of the bed and picks Yebin up and rocks her. "You seem to have a wet diaper, Miss" Jongho said. "Do you want me to do it?" I ask. "No no, honey. It's okay I'll do it. Not my favourite thing but it's only a wet one" Jongho said. He takes Yebin to the changing unit. We have it in our room now to make nighttime easier. Jongho changes Yebin's diaper successfully and she goes back to sleep

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung is surprisingly good at changing Jongdae's diapers. He is willing most of the time to do it. He is a great father and Jongdae is only 10 days old. He's already reading and singing to him. Jongdae has no idea what that is but it gets him off to sleep. Wooyoung got back from work not so long ago and Nayeon popped round briefly just for 45 minutes after work. She is the best sister in the world. Always bringing things for us and helping out. Awwww she's too sweet. Wooyoung has some cuddle time with baby Jongdae when he gets home from. I love seeing my fiancé and our son being so cute together. Love my boys. "Jongdae is almost going to sleep on me. Awww bless him" Wooyoung said. "So precious" I reply. "I feel like he might need a diaper change soon. I can feel something in his diaper" he said. "You better go change him then" I reply. "I will but I don't want to disturb him. I will when he's opened his eyes" Wooyoung replies. Jongdae opens his eyes not after and Wooyoung changes Jongdae on the couch next to us on a changing mat we have downstairs. It was all done in a few minutes. "I think you're even better at changing diapers than me now" I say. "No I'm not. I'm average" he laughs. Anyway I think he is better than me now. Just saying haha. Wooyoung would do anything for our boy

Hongjoong 🖤


I wasn't too keen on the idea of changing diapers at first but I'm getting used to changing Taeyang's poopy and smelly diapers now. It's been a week since we came home with him. Just over three weeks since he was born. Since he came into the world and changed our lives forever in the best possible way. I love having father son time with Taeyang. That's what we are doing now while Y/ N takes a little rest. She is tired as we were up a lot of the night with Taeyang. He was pretty restless last night. He is in his little banh bouncer thing in the lounge with me. He was asleep not so long ago but he's awake now. His eyes are open and he's looking at me while I watch TV. I am keeping my eye on our son like Y/ N told me to. Later on Taeyang starts crying and fussing a bit so I pick him up and hold him in my arms. "It's okay, my boy. Don't worry. Daddy is here to love and protect you and keep you safe" I say looking into his eyes. He usually starts fussing when he's pooped. I catch a whiff of it up my nostrils and yes he has pooped. We have a changing mat, diapers, water and cotton wool in the lounge to make changing times easier. I get a bowl of warm water from the tap and then change Taeyang on the floor. I speak to him calm and softly as I change him which is the way you should talk to a baby. Changing times are not his favourite thing. Soon he was all clean and happy

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