7. a. Morning Sickness

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Seonghwa 💖

Lately I've been getting pretty bad morning sickness which happens in the morning. I'm 9 weeks in my pregnancy now and the sickness did start to hit a few weeks ago but it's got worse all of a sudden just this week. I don't know why. The sickness is pretty horrible. I'm feeling like shit all the time which is not a nice way to feel. Is it? Seonghwa has been so loving and comforting to me while I've been feeling like this. He is the best husband i could ask for. We are both awake now and having breakfast before work. I am not feeling hungry this morning. I feel sick as usual. I make myself eat when I don't feel like it as I need food for the day. "How are you feeling, jagiya?" Seonghwa asks. "Alright" I sigh. "You will feel better if you have a bit to eat" he said. "I'm trying to love" I reply. After breakfast I go and get ready for work. I start to feel a little funny when I was in the bathroom. I put my head near the sink and start to throw up a bit. Seonghwa comes in and comforts me. "Y/ N" he said. "It's happening again" I reply. He smiles at me reassuringly. A couple of minutes later I start to feel better. The sickness wasn't as bad this time

Mingi 💙

Sickness hasn't really hit me and I'm over 8 weeks on in my pregnancy. I have only felt a bit nauseous at first but not actually been sick which is a good sign. I hate the feeling of being sick. Hope it doesn't hit me yet. Anyway it's the middle of the night and I'm sleeping. It's a warm and sticky night. Mingi is over at my place and he's asleep next to me in bed. It's 2:30am and I can't sleep because I'm feeling nauseous. So I get out of bed and go into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I take the water back to bed and try to sleep. Mingi didn't hear me. He's usually a pretty deep sleeper. I get back into bed and try to sleep but I couldn't so I go to the bathroom. The feeling of nausea is horrible. I try to make myself sick but nothing happens so I don't. I hear footsteps. Mingi is awake. He comes into the bathroom looking concerned. "Babe, you okay. Heard you get up" he said. "I feel nauseous, Mingi" I reply. "Awe it's okay, honey I'm here. Just be sick of you need to" he said. "I can't" I cry. He kneels down next to me and puts his arms around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. A few minutes later I was sick in the toilet a bit. I had that feeling I was gonna be but that's what you have to face with pregnancy. It looks like it's hit me now

Yunho 💜

I've been getting a bit of morning sickness but nothing too serious at the moment which is good. To say I'm pregnant I am feeling my normal self. Some women feel really crappy during pregnancy but I'm feeling okay right now. A bit of sickness isn't that bad. Yunho and I are going out tonight. Just the two of us. My pregnancy is a secret to everyone we know at the moment. We want it to be that way just for a bit longer. We are at the restaurant now deciding what to want to eat. I don't feel that hungry but I am eating anyway since we are out. "Have you made a decision, babe?" Yunho asked. "I think so yeah" i reply. We order a few minutes later and we waited for our food to arrive. Yunho and I chat about our busy week. My tummy started to feel a little funny inside. I wanted to wait for the feeling to pass but it doesn't. The food was served so we eat. I try and eat a little bit. "Are you okay, babe?" Yunho asks. "Yeah" I reply. "Y/ N, I know when you're not okay" he said. "I'll be okay" I smile. I eat a bit and enjoyed what I had. Yunho and I go back to my place. "Yunho, I feel sick" I say. "It's okay, honey. I'm here for you" he said. "You're always here for me" I reply. I go into the bathroom and stand by the sink. Yunho walks in after me. "Don't make yourself sick. That's never good" he said. I stand by the sink and throw up a bit. Yunho stands behind me and rubs my back. He kindly kisses the back of my neck as well. Aawww he's so cute

San ❤️

I haven't been getting done sickness in my pregnancy so far. My first pregnancy with Seohyeon was worse. Quite a bit worse. They usually say you can get more sickness with a girl so maybe it's a boy this time. Don't know and we won't find out for a while. The sickness hits me at different times in the day. Not just the morning. I've left work and I'm leaving work now and picking up Seohyeon from nursery on my way home. I always pick her up as San isn't home till late these days but that's okay as I get sometime with my little girl before her daddy gets home. I pull up at the nursery and go inside to get Seohyeon. She is always ready to leave when I arrive. I get her in the car and we get home. When we walked through the door I start to feel a bit queasy. Seohyeon runs into her room and then sits in front of the TV. I try not fo be sick. I try to stay calm and fight the sickness. He hasn't happened in a couple of days. I get changed and then go to the bathroom. It's okay to leave Seohyeon on her own in front of the TV. San always tells me, don't force yourself to be sick. I stay in the bathroom for a few minutes until the feeling passes but it doesn't. I throw up a bit in the toilet. Not a lot. Mainly phlegm. It was okay anyway. Sickness is all part of pregnancy

A/ N: if you've followed my other books I have missed out telling family. I'm going to combine telling family and the boys all in one. After this one and the first scan. Just doing it a bit differently that's all

Almost ATEEZ comeback day. Yayyyy!!!!

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