13. b. Finding Out The Gender

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I had our second baby scan this morning. We have decided that we don't want to know the gender of our baby till they are born. We want it to be the best surprise of our lives if we don't find out which it will be. We look forward to people predicting if it's a boy or a girl. Yeosang and I don't mind though of course. Just as long as we have a happy and healthy baby. Doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl. It was great that we were both able to attend my second scan today. The baby is happy and healthy at the moment too. Our wedding is also soon too. Can't wait to be married. Yeosang and I are getting into bed and settling down now. Tired after today. After my scan we went out for lunch and to do some shopping. I roll into bed next to Yeosang. "Okay, baby" he says. "Yes just tired and ready for bed" I reply. I snuggle up next to him and he puts his arms around me holding me close to him. Just the way I like it. Awwww. "Y/ N, I think we made the right decision not finding out the gender of the baby just yet" Yeosang said. "Yeah me too, Sangie. It's definitely more exciting when you don't like the gender and you can keep guessing" I reply. "I don't mind what we have. It might be a girl as you've been getting sweet cravings towards the beginning of your pregnancy" Yeosang said. "Ummm maybe. Only time will tell" I reply. "Yes" he smiles. Yeosang and I smile at each other and fall asleep in each other's arms shortly. What will it be? A boy or a girl

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I are going to find out the genders of our twins next week at our gender reveal party hosted by my brother and sister. They are going to find out before we do. We have no idea if we are having twin boys, twin girls or one of each. We can't decided. We agree to disagree. We do. I had my second 21 week scan the other day. We told them we didn't want to know the genders straight away and we are waiting till our gender reveal party to find out. I had work today so I am feeling a little tired from everything. I just wanna rest till Jongho arrives at my place. He is coming for a couple of hours just to see how I am. So sweet of him I know. My baby daddy is so adorable. I rest on my bed until Jongho arrives at my place. He tells me when he is outside so I can get up and let him in. My parents won't let him in. They are still kinda mad at us both for getting pregnant. I open the front door and Jongho has a smile on his face and something in his hand. "Hello, beautiful mama" Jongho said. "Hi, handsome daddy. What you got there?" I reply. "Something for you. Something naughty" he said. "Ohhhh I like naughty" I smirk. He's got me a donut. I love donuts and he knows that. "I don't know if it will do the babies any good but I thought you would like it" Jongho said. He comes in and we go to my room and sit on my bed. "Thank you" I say. "You're welcome. You don't have to thank me. You're my girlfriend" he said. I laugh. "Can't wait to find out the genders of our babies for real. I can't wait any longer. No I can't" Jongho said. "Well we don't have to wait much longer now. I honestly don't really know if we are having boys or girls" I say. "Yes me neither but the thing is we can't seem to agree on anything" he said. "No we can't" I laugh. We will find out soon the genders of our bubbas. Can't wait to know soon enough. Jongho is so sweet and thoughtful getting me a donuts

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I are waiting at the hospital for my next scan and we are going to find out the gender of our little. We are completely undecided if it's a boy or a girl. We don't reply care anyway. My sister Nayeon wanted to come with us to find out so we let her. She desperately wants to know if she is having a niece or nephew. She wouldn't stop begging us to take her with us. "Can't wait to find out if this little one is a boy or a girl. Auntie Nayeon is too excited" Nayeon said. "Not long now, sis but promise you won't go telling anybody when we find out" I say. "Of course not" she said. Soon I get called in and Nayeon follows behind us. I introduced Nayeon as my sister of course and the lady recognised her and Wooyoung too. My famous sister and fiancé. If only I followed in Nayeon's footsteps. The lady starts examining me. "Baby!" Nayeon exclaims like a little kid. "Our baby. Your niece or nephew, sis" I say. "Yes I know. Can't wait to find out" she said. Wooyoung holds my hand and Nayeon sits next to him. They both smile a lot during my scan. "Auntie Nayeon wants to know the gender" Nayeon said. "Be patient, auntie Nayeon" I say. A few minutes later the lady tells us the gender of the baby. "It's a boy, guys" she says. "I've always wanted a son" Wooyoung said. "Yay! I'm gonna have a nephew" Nayeon celebrates. I celebrate too. We are having a little boy and we add really happy. So happy Nayeon could be there to find out with us 



Y/ N and I just had our first scan today. We thought everything was going to be okay but we found out that there might be something wrong with the baby. The baby's heart. The sonographer says there seems to be an abnormal heartbeat so there appears to be a problem with our baby's heart. We were going to find out the gender but we didn't think it was the right time to ask today. Y/ N is so stressed and anxious so am I till we find out for sure. She is blaming herself that there might be something wrong with the baby's heart. We will find out the gender when we can. We both think it's a boy but we are not sure just yet. Y/ N went to bed when we got back from the hospital earlier. She is in a depressed state and I'm trying to comfort her. She said she doesn't want me to be around though. I knock quietly on the door of our bedroom and enter. "Can I come in, sweetie?" I ask. "Sure" Y/ N replies. "Feeling any better" I say. "Not really. It's all my fault that this has happened, Joong" she said. "Baby, please don't say that again. It's not your fault. It's no ones fault. We are still having a beautiful baby who we will love" I say. "It has to be someone's fault and it might be mine" she said. "Y/ N, it's not your fault for the last time. It might be my fault. We don't know that" I say. "I'm scared we are going to loose our child after we hoped for them for so long" Y/ N sobs. I shuffle closer to her and put my arms around her. "Love you and our baby too" I say. "Love you too" she said. Y/ N calms down a bit later and I tell her how much I love her. I always do. Please God everything will be okay with our baby and we will find out everything soon

A/ N: thought I would add a little twist with Hongjoong. Don't worry it's not going to end sad. These books don't. It's all happy. I could just picture Nayeon being so excited in this to be an aunt. Thought I would include her in the story

Can you guess the genders of the remaining babies? Two will be revealed later

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