37. a. First Bath

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I are bathing the twins for the first time this evening. They will be four weeks old in a few days so we are going to give them a bath today as it's about time. Dayoung and Jungwon are old enough now to get a bath. We have been giving them washes with warm water and cotton wool a couple of times a week. Seonghwa and I are going to bathe one baby each at the same time. We get set up in the kitchen as it's a big space and there is enough room for the both of us. I take Jungwon and Seonghwa takes Dayeon. "Okay let's get you two bathed for the first time" he said. "Oh yeah" I reply. I run the tap with warm water and we fill both baby baths. We then had to wait for it to cool while we undressed Dayoung and Jungwon. We bathe the babies at the same time. Poor little Dayoung didn't like the water at first. She almost scream. Jungwon was more relaxed as he was sleepy. "It's okay, my princess. Water won't hurt you" Seonghwa says softly to Dayoung. She stopped crying eventually. We bathed the twins successfully in the end. They will have their second bath in a few days

Mingi 💙

Me and Mingi are going to give our boy Minjoon his first bath today. He is over two weeks old and his umbilical stump has healed now so it's a good time to give him a bath. We are a little nervous and apprehensive to give Minjoon a bath as he's only a young baby and we don't want him to feel unsafe and scared of getting bathed. Hopefully that won't happen. We've been giving him baths every few days since he was born. We are bathing Minjoon in the kitchen as it's the best place to bathe him. Mingi and I are both doing it together. "Right now, son. Let's have your first bath" Mingi said to Minjoon. "Yes, Minjoonie. Your first bath" I say. Mingi runs the tap with warm water. "Think they should seem okay" he said. "Test it with your elbow" I reply. He tests it with his elbow and the temperature of the water was okay to bathe Minjoon. I get him undressed and we tried bathing him. He was a bit hesitant at first when I put him in the water but then he got used to it. "That's it, Minjoon. It's okay. Its okay" I say. "Good boy. That's our good boy" Mingi said. Minjoon then takes a big yawn. We spend a few minutes bathing him and then lift him out and dry him off well before dressing him. "There we go all done. Mommy and daddy are very proud of you, baby" I say kissing Minjoon. Mingi smiles. Minjoon's first bath went pretty well

Yunho 💜


Y/ N and I are giving our little angel Jangmi her first bath for the first time today. We are looking forward to giving our baby girl a bath. Jangmi has been enjoying baths since she was born. We are getting set up in the bathroom for her bath now. We've been watching tutorials on YouTube on how to give a newborn a bath. Jangmi is nearly three weeks old now so she's old enough to have a bath. We get ready in the bathroom for Jangmi's bath. Y/ N fed her not so long ago but she's okay for her bath soon. Y/ N said she would fill the baby bath with warm water while I calm down Jangmi. "Bath time, baby girl. It's bath time" I say. "It most certainly is. We are all ready now" Y/ N said. I hand baby Jangmi to Y/ N and she puts her in the baby bath in the bathtub. I sit and watch as Y/ N bathes Jangmi softly. I will have a go next time. I wanted her to do it at first because I didn't trust myself in case Jangmi slipped out of my arms. Y/ N bathes for a few minutes and then we get her out and dry her. We think that Jangmi enjoyed her first bath and can't wait to give her another one in a few days

San ❤️

We are going to give baby Seongmin his first bath today. Seohyeon has offered to help give her little brother a bath which is so sweet and adorable of her. We obviously know how to give a small baby a bath as we did it with Seohyeon. It's much easier the second time round as you know what to expect with a second baby. We are using Seohyeon's old baby bath to bathe Seongmin. Might as well make use of it. Seohyeon is ready to help. Probably more like watch. "Okay, sweet girl. Are you ready to give your brother a bath?" I say. Seohyeon looks at me and nods her head. I grab Seongmin from his bouncy chair while San fills the bath with water. "Appa" Seohyeon said jumping up on the step stool next to him. "Are you going to help, Hyeonie?" he asks. She smiles. The bath was filled and I had undressed Seongmin for his bath. San bathes him and Seohyeon and I observe. I lift her up on the bench so she could witness. "Should we wash Seongmin? Make him nice and clean, sweetie" I say. "Yes he's smelly" she laughs. Seohyeon passed me the baby sponge and lotion to wash Seongmin with. "Good girl" I say. I give Seongmin a gentle little wash. "There we go. He's all clean now" I say. Seohyeon laughs. So it was fun us all giving Seongmin his first bath today

A/ N: never my favourite part to write but one is done now

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