43. b. He Babysits While You're Out

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang is at home with baby Sunhwa while I go out shopping for the afternoon with my friend. I've been wanting a nice girly shopping trip with my friend for a while and we just haven't got round to it. Motherhood has taken over everything but in a good way of course. In the best possible way actually. I have been out shopping at the mall for the last few hours with my friend. I'll be coming back in a bit. I know that Yeosang is fine on his own with Sunhwa. She is no trouble at all. Me and my friend are going to the last two shops. I let Yeosang know when I'm on my way back. I come back to a silent kitchen. I could then hear the sweet sound of singing coming from the nursery. Yeosang's singing of course. I walk in and he was singing the song Sandman by Ed Sheeran who he wrote for his daughter. Sunhwa was going to sleep. He sings it to her to get her to sleep. I smile as he was singing as I didn't want to interrupt his song or wake Sunhwa up as she was trying to sleep. Always such a sweet moment though

Jongho 🧡


Y/ N is going out tonight for the first time since having Hyebin and Yebin two months ago. She's been meaning to have a night out with her friends for a couple of weeks now. She used to go out with them all the time before she was a mom. I am watching Y/ N get ready now. Her parents are around as we live in their house. We will be fine with the twins of course. I can't take my eyes off how beautiful Y/ N looks tonight. It's been a long time since she's looked that good. She always looks beautiful though but just extra tonight. "I'm gonna miss you tonight" I say. "Me too but I won't be gone forever" Y/ N replies. "I know but I love you and our girls too" I reply. "I love you so much too" she said. Y/ N wanted me to take a picture of her before she left. She leaves leaving me and her parents with Hyebin and Yebin. Her dad drops her off where she is going with her friends. The girls were fine while Y/ N was out. She didn't come back till late but I was tired so I went to bed. Her mom helped me get the twins ready. I was all tucked up in bed when Y/ N got home so I didn't see her till the twins woke up in the middle of the night. She really did have a great night out with her friends. She deserved it

Wooyoung 💚


I am looking after baby Jongdae tonight as Y/ N has gone out with Nayeon and the Twice girls for the night. She is really close to her sister and the girls. I want her to go out and have an amazing time with Nayeon and the girls. Y/ N deserves it after being an amazing mother to our little boy for the last couple of months. Y/ N has been gone for about an hour or so. She won't be back for a while but that's totally okay with me. I don't mind her being out most of the night. I know how to look after Jongdae on my own. He is my boy. My best friend. Can't wait till he gets older so I can do so much with him. I want to teach him to dance and play sports with him. I am giving Jongdae his bottle now and he's almost falling asleep in my arms. Y/ N usually breastfeeds him but he had to pump for tonight. I burp him and rub his back gently when he had finished feeding. Jongdae was a hungry boy today. I sing to him after fo settle him to sleep as he was a tired boy. He fell asleep before I could change his diaper. Oh well. I'll just have to do it later. I watch some TV till Y/ N comes home later. She arrives home just before 11pm after a good few hours out with the girls. "Hello" she whispers. I told her Jongdae was asleep. "Hi, sweetie. Did you have fun?" I ask. "Yes so much" she replies. I give Y/ N a hug when she gets back and we both go to bed together

Hongjoong 🖤

I am heading out tonight for the first time since having Taeyang with my sisters for a couple of hours. Hongjoong will be at home looking after our boy. Obviously I 100% trust him as he is an amazing father to our soon. I'm getting ready now so I don't make myself late to meet my sisters. Can't wait to see them both soon and prepare for my eldest sisters wedding. Anyway I am doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom and then I'm getting dressed and leaving after. Hongjoong is in the lounge with Taeyang giving him a feed as he was due one and I didn't have time. All my makeup and hair is done now and I can get dressed. I'm just wearing something casual as we are only going out for drinks. Nothing too fancy. "Okay, babe. I'm going now. I'll see you in a couple of hours" I say. "Baby, stay out all night if you want. I just want you to have a great time" Hongjoong said. "Thank you but I won't stay out all night. Love you both" I say kissing Hongjoong and Taeyang. I leave and have a great night with my sisters. I stayed out just over two hours and came back to Hongjoong and Taeyang asleep on the couch. Aaawww so cute

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