9. b. Telling Family/ The Boys

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I are going to finally tell the boys that we are engaged and expecting a baby after weeks of knowing. We have kept both things from them as we wanted to tell them later. We told our families first of course and they are delighted for us on both. We decided to invite them over to our place for dinner after rehearsals tonight. We only asked them yesterday if they wanted to come and they are all up for it so we are telling them our engagement and baby news tonight. We can't wait to. We have food arriving soon. Food from the best takeaway in town. Can't wait. I am setting the table ready. "Need any help, Y/ N" Mingi asks. "No I'm good thanks" I reply. About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Yeosang had cash to pay the delivery man. He brings the food in and me and the guys start eating. We are going to tell them after dinner. We eat up and then tidy up a little after. We told them to stay longer. We all sit ourselves down in the lounge and start talking again. "Anyone want drinks? Just help yourselves" Yeosang said to the guys. "Okay thanks, mate" Hongjoong replies. Hongjoong and Yunho get themselves drinks. "Guys, me and Yeosang have something to tell you. Two things actually" I say. "Oh yes we do"
he said. "Yeosang asked me to marry him"
I say. "Ohhhh congratulations. That's so cute" Seonghwa said. "Wow!" Jongho said. "Not only that but Y/ N should also tell you" Yeosang said. "I am pregnant too" I say. "You're engaged and having a baby. So exciting" Wooyoung said. "Happy for you guys. You will be great parents and husband and wife" Yunho said. We both smile as the guys were really happy for us. Why wouldn't they be?

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I have been nervous to tell people our news. The news that we are having twins. We are scared to tell people but we know we are going to tell my parents. Start off with us being together and then the babies after. Jongho and I have no idea what to do now that we are having twins. We will have two babies to handle which I don't know how we are gonna do that but I guess we will figure it out. Jongho has come to my house after practice. My parents are here but they don't know he's in my room. We are going to go down and see them soon. "Are you ready to tell your parents our news, babe?" Jongho asks. "As ready as I can be but there is no easy way to tell them" I reply. "We will just do it" he said. "My dad will be fuming to hear I'm pregnant you know. But we should tell them the truth" I say. Jongho and j go downstairs to see my parents. "Hello, Jongho. Didn't know you were here" my mom said. "Hi, Mrs Y/ L/ N" He said. "Jongho" my dad said. Jongho looked at me and held my hand. "Mom, dad. Listen up. Me and Jongho are dating" I say. "Awwww congratulations. I always knew you two had a thing" mom said. "Yes I've always liked Y/ N" Jongho said. "Stay a while, Jongho. We would love to have you" my dad said. He agrees and stays. I have a really funny feeling in my stomach. Think it's the pregnancy and nerves too. We talk and they ask us how long we've been dating for. We said a while. "Eomma, Appa. There is something else we should tell you too" I say. "Okay as long as it's not you're pregnant or getting married" my dad laughs. I froze and didn't know what to say. "What is it, Y/ N? You look like you're about to cry" Mom said. "I'm pregnant and Jongho is the father. We are having twins" I say. "What? How the hell did this happen" my dad said. "When we went to Jeju island. We slept together then but that was before we became a couple. I'm so sorry. We are sorry. Don't disown me. There are innocent children involved" I say. "Sweetheart, we are not going to disown you. We are just shocked to hear this but your father more than me" my mom said. "It was a mistake doing what we did. Wish we could turn back time" I say. "I'm going to be here for your daughter and the babies. I will never leave them. I love them" Jongho said reassuring my parents everything is gonna be okay. My dad was still furious and took a while to cool down. We got it of the way and told them

Wooyoung 💚

Today me and Wooyoung are going to tell my family that we are pregnant. My elder sister Nayeon already knows when I took the test, she was with me. She promised not to tell our parents or our other sister Seoyeon. We can't wait to tell them. We are so excited to tell them that we are having a baby. We think they will be happy for us. The last time we told them something big was when we got engaged which was about four months ago now. This is the next step in our lives having a baby. We are over at my parents house for the day. It's not very often Nayeon and Wooyoung have time off so we can go over. Luckily it's the weekend. We've been over a couple of hours and mom and dad are making a meal now. Seoyeon is helping them as she likes cooking. I am proud of Nayeon that she's managed to keep a secret. "Are you gonna tell them after dinner?" she whispers. "Yes but don't talk too loud" I say. "I already know. So" Nayeon said. "You were the first to know because you were with me" I say. A little while later, we sit down at the dinging room table and ate dinner. My mom and dad always make the most amazing and delicious dinners. We grew up with their delicious food. We talk over the dinner table between mouthfuls. We will reveal our news soon. We help my parents tidy up before we tell them the big news. We sit back in the lounge after tidying up. "Right I think we should tell you something big" I say. "Are you getting married soon" Seoyeon replies. "No we're not just yet" Wooyoung replies. "I am pregnant. We are having a baby" I say. "A baby? Oh wow! Congratulations" my mom said. "That means we are going to be grandparents" my dad said. "And we are going to be aunts" Seoyeon said. "Nayeon, why aren't you cheering for your sister" dad said. "I already knew. I was with Y/ N when she took the pregnancy test a few weeks ago. She didn't want me to tell anyone" Nayeon replies. "Can't believe you kept it from us" Seoyeon said. "It doesn't matter about that. This is wonderful news" mom said. So Wooyoung and I told my family that we are having a baby. We didn't have to tell Nayeon as she already knew. What wonderful news?

Hongjoong 🖤


Me and Y/ N have both told our families that we are expecting a baby and now we are going to tell the guys. My guys. We hope they will be happy for us. We are going to tell them that they are going to be uncles. We are going to tell them by giving them baby booties each in a box and get them to open at the same time. They will think we've got them a present each which we have. Can't wait to reveal to them soon. So excited. Y/ N popped down to the studio in her lunch break at work to see us. She's brought a big bag with the gift boxes in. The boys are wondering what they are. "I have to go in 20 minutes, guys" Y/ N said. "Okay that's fine, honey" I reply. "What's in that bag, Y/ N? I know we keep asking" Jongho said. "Well why don't we find out, guys" she said. She looks at me and I grab the bag. "Take one but don't open them yet. You are opening them together" I say. "Yes boss" Yunho said. The guys grab a box each and look at them. "What's in here I wonder?" Wooyoung said. "You'll find out in a minute" Y/ N said. "3, 2, 1 open" I say. "What? Baby boots. No way" Yeosang said. "This can only mean one thing. You're having a baby" Seonghwa said. "Baby Kim is coming" Mingi said. "Congratulations, guys. This is amazing news" San smiles. "I can't believe you're gonna be parents. This is kinda crazy" Jongho said. "But a good crazy of course" Wooyoung said. "Thanks, guys. Means a lot. Joong and I cannot wait to have a baby" Y/ N said. "Well I think both of you would be great parents" Seonghwa smiled. Y/ N left a few minutes later to go back to work. When she left, the guys couldn't talk about being uncles. We know they will be fighting over the baby when he or she arrives

A/ N: can't believe it's been a whole week since ATEEZ comeback. How great was it? Waiting for Eternal Sunshine mv

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