42. a. Cute Family Time

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Seonghwa 💖

The other night Seonghwa and I went on our first date night after having the twins. We went for a delicious meal to a really nice restaurant while Seonghwa's parents looked after Dayoung and Jungwon. We used to love date nights before we became parents but our babies come first before anything now. It's a nice summers day today so we are going on a walk through the countryside with the twins. It's our first time going further afield with them. We kinda fancied a change of scene anyway from the usual one we do. We arrive in the car where we are going for a walk this afternoon. The twins are awake and we are putting them un their body carriers as it's easier than pushing the stroller. Seonghwa takes Dayoung and I take Jungwon. He grabs the changing bag that we need and we start our walk. "This is nice. Some cute little family time" Seonghwa said. "It is. Perfect day too" I smile. The body carriers are good as you don't have to push the big hefty stroller. "It's a beautiful day, babies but not as beautiful as your momma. That's why I married her" Seonghwa said. "Babe, don't flatter me" I reply. "It's true" he said. We pass a field of sheep on our walk and take some pictures. I love sheep. They are so cute. "Look, Dayoung and Jungwon. Some sheep coming to say hello to you" he said pointing to the sheep. Obviously the twins aren't interested as they are only 7 weeks old. We carried on strolling and we passed some horses too which was nice. Took more pictures. We walked for about 45 minutes before calling it a day. It was really nice to do something different today and get out for a bit

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I are having a lazy Sunday at home with baby Minjoon. We decided not to go out as we didn't really want to. The weather is mixed too so it's not very pleasant. You can't always go out with you have a young baby. Me, Mingi and Minjoon love chilling and spending time together as a family of three. We like to get all the time we can when we are not busy. I am in the shower getting showered now. I left Mingi to give Minjoon his bottle so he should be doing that now. It was his feed time but I needed my shower too. I like to take nice long and relaxing showers and wash my hair. Mingi doesn't mind feeding our boy while I have a shower. I spend nearly half an hour in the shower before getting out and getting dried and drying off my hair a bit with the hair dryer. I put on my body lotions too and get dressed before going into the lounge. Mingi was sat on the couch with baby Minjoon laid on his lap. "Hello, you two. Awwww so cute" I say. "Hey. Did you have a good shower?" Mingi asks. "Yes I did thanks" I reply. I sit next to
him on the couch and he smiles and kisses me. "I missed you while you were in the shower" Mingi said. "Well I'm back now. I wasn't gone long, silly" I reply. Mingi laughs. I take a cute picture of Mingi and Minjoon together looking cute. Ain't nothing like a cute father with his baby. We had a nice and relaxing Sunday together and it was great

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I got engaged last week and it felt amazing. It feels amazing to be engaged. We plan on getting married in a few months time as we are so keen and in love to get married and we have a beautiful baby girl together. Jangmi is everything to us. It's during the night and Jangmi woke up for a feed a couple of hours ago. I was so tired after I went straight off to sleep. I wake up a while later and the room was quiet. I yawn and Yunho wasn't in bed next to me and neither was Jangmi in her crib beside me. Oh she must've woken up and he's taken her in the other room to sort her out. I get out and bed and stretch and put my slippers on before going into the nursery next door. Yunho was sat on the chair giving Jangmi her bottle. He was singing Eternal Sunshine to her. Our favourite song. Not only favourite ATEEZ song but favourite song ever. "Hey" I say. "Did we disturb you, babe?" Yunho asks. "No no I just woke up" I reply. "She woke up and she was hungry as I fed her. She's nearly done" he says. "Yunho, you are the most amazing daddy ever and I can't wait to marry you sometime soon" I say. "Y/ N, I love you. You are the most amazing person I know. I can't wait to marry you too and have lots more children with you" Yunho said. I smile. Yunho finishes feeding little Jangmi and sings the chorus of Eternal Sunshine again before we all go back to bed

San ❤️


We have gone to the park today for the first time as a family. Seohyeon loves going to the park to run around and play. Sometimes she plays with other children. We haven't taken her much since baby Seongmin was born a month ago. She was okay about it and did have tantrums. At least she has a big backyard to run around in our new bigger house. That's why we moved. We arrived at the park about 15 minutes ago. Y/ N is sat on the bench with Seongmin while I watch Seohyeon on the climbing frames. She's only 3 and a half so I wouldn't leave her alone. She likes the swings but they are occupied at the moment. Y/ N takes some cute pictures of us on the climbing frame. "Appa, too big" Seohyeon said as I try to get on the climbing frame. "Appa is not too big, sweetie. Appa wants to play with his princess" I reply. Seohyeon laughs and tries to push me off. I see Y/ N laughing from the bench. Soon a swing comes free so we run over and get it. Y/ N comes closer with Seongmin too. "Eomma, push" Seohyeon said. "Sure, sweetie" Y/ N replies. We switch places and Y/ N pushes Seohyeon on the swing as she wanted her to. Seohyeon loves the swings the most in the park. She couldn't spend all day on them. After a while she gets tired so we take a walk around the park. I carry Seohyeon in my arms as she didn't want to walk. Y/ N pushes Seongmin in his stroller. He's just fallen asleep. "She might wake up for ice cream" I whisper. Y/ N nods. We join the line for the ice cream. Seohyeon's favourite is chocolate but we tell her she can't have it all the time. I order our favourite ice creams and Y/ N gets a bench and sits down. I come back with the ice creams. "Here we are, Familia" I say. We sit down and tuck in and enjoy our delicious ice creams. "Can Seongmin have some?" Seohyeon said. "When he's older, sweetie?" Y/ N replies. We had a nice little afternoon in the park

A/ N: awwww cute family time is adorable. Poor San has covid for the second time. So menu of idols are getting it and a lot of my faves even when they've been vaccinated. I'm worried for all of them

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