45. a. Baby's First Smile

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Seonghwa 💖


Dayoung smiled at us for the first time the other day and me and Y/ N were so happy. Jungwon is yet to smile but hopefully soon. He is the younger twin out of the two of them. We love both our babies equally though. Of course we do. We just won't stop loving our babies. It's Saturday morning and me and Y/ N have just woken up for the day. Dayoung has woken up and Y/ N is feeding her in bed. I look at my wife and our daughter as they are so beautiful. Never change them for the world. Jungwon starts fussing so I lift him out of his crib next to me. "Morning, little guy. It's Saturday" I say. "Jungwonie" Y/ N said. I sit on the bed with Jungwon in my arms. He must've woken up because of his sister. I hold Jungwon in my arms and looks at me. He smiles at me. "Y/ N, Jungwon. Just smiled at me. I swear he did" I say. "Awwww. Did he? I think I caught a glimpse" she said. "Jungwon, Appa is so proud of you. Big boy" I say. He smiled at me again. Both babies are smilers now

Mingi 💙

Minjoon is 8 weeks old and he's not smiled at us properly yet. Most babies smile anytime between 6-8 weeks old so I guess he's still got time to smile so we won't worry. We know he will be a smiley boy anyway. Mingi and I love being parents to Minjoon. He is such a cutie and we love him so much. Parenthood is a bit harder than we think but we are getting through it okay. Love our baby boy so much. He is the most special and precious thing in our life and we want to treasure him forever. We will never let him go. Mingi has just hit home from work and we are having dinner together. I am cooking tonight as he did for the past two nights. I wanted to give him a rest. Can't wait to see Minjoon smile, Mingi is sat on the couch with baby Minjoon in his arms. I am in the kitchen still cooking. Mingi and I can communicate as we have an open kitchen. "Babe" he said. "Yes, honey" I say. "Think Minjoon just gave me a little smile" he said. "Did he? How did I miss that?" I reply. "Come. He's doing it again" Mingi said. I run over and caught Minjoon smiling. "Minjoon. Wow! You have your daddy's smile. You're so cute" I say. "I think he does have my smile" he smiles. Minjoon smiled again so I filmed him. He's so cute. Our boy just smiled for the first time

Yunho 💜

Our beautiful little girl gave us her first smile the other day. Jangmi hasn't smiled properly since she smiled a couple of days ago. Yunho and I just want to see her smile again as it was such a beautiful moment for us both to experience our daughter smiling for the first time. Can't wait to watch her grow up and do lots of things with her. So excited. Yunho has to go to work today and I'm going to be at home with Jangmi as I'm not back at work for a while. Anyway I love being at home with her. We always have special mother daughter moments together do Jangmi and I. Yunho is in the kitchen getting breakfast and I've just finished feeding Jangmi. She always seems to wake up when Yunho does in a morning. She must know when her daddy is leaving for the day. I get off the chair in the nursery and go to change Jangmi. She has a bit of a wet diaper. Not soiled yet but I'll still change her. I lay Jangmi down on the changing table and undress her. I change her clothes too. Suddenly I saw her giving me a big smile. "Yunho, come quick" I say. "What is it, sweetie?" he said running in like something was wrong. "Look look. Our little princess is smiling" I say. "Oh she is. Babe. I thought something was wrong" he said. "No all is fine. She's just smiling so I got excited" I reply. Yunho took a picture as Jangmi was still smiling. Oh my gosh. What a beautiful moment?

San ❤️

Seongmin is about 8 weeks old yet and hasn't given us his first smile. Seohyeon was about 6 weeks old when she smiled for the first time if I can remember. I guess babies just smile for the first time when they are ready. All babies are different I suppose. I am about to put Seongmin to bed. San is reading a bedtime story like he usually does. Sometimes I do if she wants me too. She likes her daddy reading her stories the most. She says that mommy doesn't do the voices like daddy. I have just fed and changed Seongmin so he's ready for bed in a few minutes. He's getting better at night now and sleeping more. Not waking up as much. He's a good boy. I walk into Seohyeon's room with Seongmin in my arms. "Hi, babe. Is he all ready?" San asks. "Yes he is. He says Goodnight Appa and big sister" I reply. "Goodnight, brother" Seohyeon said. I look at Seongmin and he gives me a little smile. A cute little smile just like his sister did when she was a baby. "San, look. Our little man is smiling" I say. San gets off Seohyeon's bed and sees our boy smiling. "That's my son. That's my boy" he smiles. I smile back. Our boy just smiled at me for the first time

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