28. Labor/ Delivery- Yunho 💜

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I am still 39 weeks pregnant. Just a couple of days off being 40 weeks. I am very pregnant so I don't have much energy now as you can imagine but I don't want that to get me down. Me and Yunho are so excited to meet our baby girl and welcome her into the world. We are still undecided on names but we said we will decide when she is born and in our arms for the first time. I think she could literally come anytime now. I had Braxton hicks contractions last week and I thought she was ready to come then but it was all a false alarm. I have been told by the doctor to rest as much as I can until the baby comes. Yunho has to go into work to work on ATEEZ comeback. He wants to stay with me in case I go into labor but I told him I'll let him know as soon as I do. It's 8am and he left about an hour ago to the studio. I'm just getting up and ready for the day. I decide to take a shower as I needed one. I know that Yunho worries about me even at the best of times. He worries about me because he loves me. I worry about him too. Anyway I get into the shower and have a nice rinse down. I feel better after my shower so I get out and get dried off and dressed for the day. I put my comfortable house clothes on. Later on when I'm sat on the couch, I all of a sudden had the urge to do a big pee. That happens quite a lot and has been for a while. Before I get to the toilet, I feel a sensation of wetness coming from down there. My waters break on the bathroom floor which was strange as I haven't had any contractions yet. I pee and then go back into the lounge. Yunho go calls me. I wasn't going to call him just yet as I'm not fully in labor. "Hey, darling. Are you okay?" he said. "Yes I'm fine. My waters just broke" I reply. "You're in labor. Why didn't you tell me?" he said. "No no, Yunho. It's not full labor just yet. I'm not having any contractions" I say. "I'm coming hone. I'll be back soon" he said. "You don't have to just yet. I would tell you. Don't come home just yet. Wait till it's for real" I say. "Sweetie, I want to be there for when you are having contractions and then you go into labor. That's the whole point. Don't worry. I'm coming" Yunho said. He insists on coming home even though labor hasn't started yet. It was super cute how he just offered to leave everything and come back and be with me. My boy is so sweet. Yunho is home now and with me for when anything happens if it happens soon

Yunho takes me to the hospital when contractions started and when they became more frequent then it was time to go to the hospital. Th contractions were getting pretty bad so Yunho got me there as quick as he could. He takes me straight to the maternity centre of course. I could tell that Yunho was panicking. He was in a worse state than me. He takes me to the front desk. "My girlfriend. Y/ F/ N is in labor. She is having contractions" Yunho said. "Somebody will be with her shortly. Don't worry, sir" the receptionist said. I get taken into a room and examined me straight away. "You are 3cm dilated so far, Miss Y/ L/ N" the midwife said. "Okay" I smile. She goes and leaves Yunho and I together in the room. "This is it. Our baby is finally coming" he said. "It is but could be a while. I'm only 3cm dilated" I reply. "Dong worry. She will be here soon" Yunho said kissing my hand. I smile and try to remain calm. Hopefully our baby girl will be here by the end of the day. Lets hope I'm not in labor for 24 hours or something like that. My labor progressed to 6cm in three hours so hopefully it won't be long now till our girl makes an entrance. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink, my love?" Yunho asks. "Nothing to eat but a cup of tea would be nice" I reply. "I'll be back soon" he smiles leaving the room to get my tea and something for himself. When he comes back I start to feel something happening. I think she's ready to come out. "Yunho, I think something is happening" I say clenching my bump. "What is it? Oh no" he said. "No nothing like that. I just think the baby might be coming" I reply. "Okay. I'll go and fetch the midwife" he replies. Yunho gets the midwife and she comes in. "What seems to be the matter, Y/ N?" she asks. "I think the baby is coming" I reply. She looks at me and says "Not just this moment. You're okay. She'll be a bit longer" she replies. I waited a bit longer. A couple more hours till it was time. "Find the most comfortable position to push, Y/ N" the midwife said. I found that getting on my hands and knees was the best and most comfortable position for me to give birth. Yunho sits by me and holds my hand as I push. "Remember one push at a time, Y/ N. You don't want to tire yourself out. You need to save your energy" the midwife said. I am breathing using the oxygen to help me through it. I remember one push at a time and not to rush. "That's it. I can just see baby's head" she said. Yunho looks at me and smiles. "She's almost here" he said. I agreed but continued to push. "Very nearly there" she said. A few more pushes and hard work and our baby girl was born. "She's here. She's here. Well done" the midwife said. At first our little girl didn't cry so we were worried. The midwives helped her out and she cried. We heard our baby cry for the first time and it was beautiful. Finally our little girl is here safe and sound

Yunho and I are now holding our beautiful newborn little girl in my arms. We don't have a name for her yet. "She is so beautiful, Y/ N. I could cry right now" Yunho said looking at our daughter. "She is. Love her already" I reply. "Love her too. I think me and her are going to be best friends" Yunho said. "Yes you are" I reply. We take a bit more time to admire our little girl some more. "Yunho, I think she needs a name. We said we would wait till she was here and she is here now" I say. "Yes she does but I'm not very good at choosing names" Yunho said. "Well we will think" I reply. We go through the names we liked a while ago and see which one suited her the most. When we said Jangmi, she moved and touched my hand a bit. So I think she's decided on her name herself. "Jangmi will be her name. I think it's really cute and it suits her. She practically chose her name" I say. "She is. Jeong Jangmi sounds so cute. Love it. More importantly love her" Yunho said. We both smile at each other and he holds baby Jangmi for a while. I see a tear fall down his face. I knew he would get emotional when he became a father. It was so heart warming to see. "I can't believe you're here, my little princess. Appa loves you so much" Yunho said looking into Jangmi's eyes. "And Eomma loves you too" I smile. "We are going to take you home soon and show you the world" he said. I smile again. Baby Jangmi is so beautiful. Our lives are complete now

Jeong Jangmi 💗February 4th @5:33pmWeight 7lbs 7oz

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Jeong Jangmi 💗
February 4th @5:33pm
Weight 7lbs 7oz

A/ N: what a beautiful baby? Jangmi is adorable. I think Yunho would become emotional when he becomes a father

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