21. b. Decorating The Nursery

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Yeosang 💛


Y/ N and I are doing our little ones nursery today and we can't wait and couldn't be happier. It's a lot of fun decorating your first child's room. The walls are already painted white so we are good to do everything else. The crib was assembled too now we are doing the chair that goes by the crib that Y/ N will sit on to feed our baby. Cushions will go on it when it's built. We do that between us but me mainly as Y/ N should be careful at this stage in her pregnancy. "This chair is so comfy I could sit on it all day" she said. "I'm glad it is. It's the one you need" I smile. We fixate a couple of pictures to the wall and then do a few other bits and bobs around the nursery. It's looking good for our little one already. Proud of it so far. It's definitely looking like the nursery that we pictured. We spend a little bit more time in the nursery doing different things. It looked really great. Not gonna lie. Perfect in fact. Our little one will be right at home when he or she arrive soon

 Our little one will be right at home when he or she arrive soon

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Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I have been meaning to start doing our baby girls nursery for a week but haven't got round to doing it. We are somewhat making a start today and can't wait to make a start at least today and do something with it.  Can't wait to. My mom offered to help so we took her offer on board since we are going to be living at my family home for a while with the babies. The twins have a nice sized room that we are pleased with. My mom painted in ther not so long ago so it's all good. My brother gives us a hand with assembling the cribs as there is two of course. The cribs we found we really nice. They are metal and they look like gold. They are so nice and we are pleased with them. Me and my mom leave Jongho and my brother to do the cribs while we do something else in the nursery. We don't want to be standing there. Mom brings in the chair that used to be my grandmas. That's the chair I'm going to be using. It's very comfy too so perfect. My mom hangs some fairy lights on the ceiling where the cribs will go. "Cribs are complete" Jongho said putting one in place. My brother puts the other club next to it. Then Jongho fixes the shelf to the wall. "We should get the twins names above the cribs. Obviously when we've decided what their names are" he said. "Yes I was thinking the same thing. Great idea" I reply. We made the cribs look cute by putting some stuffed toys in. My mom hung some things on the walls. It took us a few hours to do the nursery today but I think it was definitely worth it as it looked great in the end. Couldn't have done it without my mom

 Couldn't have done it without my mom

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Wooyoung 💚


Y/ N and i made a start on our son's nursery when Nayeon came over. She helped us by decorating and making a start to the nursery which was great. Nayeon is amazing and has great taste when it comes to things like that. She is not with us today but Y/ N and I are doing a bit more on the nursery today. Nayeon and Y/ N picked out things for the nursery and I like everything they chose. The girls have good choice. Y/ N and I are going to hopefully finish today. We will send Nayeon pictures. Y/ N is organising the things on the shelf by the chair. A cushion and a Teddy are on the chair and a little lamb rocker thing by the crib. There is a little table in between the crib and chair. It's looking so cute already. We want it super cute for our boy as he already means a lot to us. We do a few more bits and bobs around the nursery until it looked like it was done. We have been working on it for other two hours and it's been going well. We have created a nice and cozy environment for our baby boy. "Think it's looks good, babe. You and Nayeon made a great start yesterday. What a great nursery?" I say. "Yes I love it, Wooyoung. It's great. We done well and my sister too" Y/ N said. "Yes we can't forget Nayeon" I reply. "Definitely not. She's the best sister and you're the best fiancé in the world" she says. "Awww, babe. I love you" I reply. "Love you too" Y/ N smiles and I give her a kiss. Doing the nursery was a lot of fun today

 Doing the nursery was a lot of fun today

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Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I are finally making a start on our baby son's nursery today. We've been planning it for the last few weeks and we've finally got round to doing it today so we are about to make a start. We want to make it a safe and comfortable environment for our precious baby boy. We are making it a bit different from other nursery's too. It's our own take on the nursery. We started by decorating the walls earlier and now we are assembling the crib and chair and then hanging some things on the wall. Hongjoong is pretty good at doing things like that. I try to help him but he won't let me. "Babe, stop I don't want you overdoing it or hurting yourself" he said. "Joong, I'm fine. I know my own body and what I'm capable of" I reply. He smiles at me. We assemble those two things and then put them into place. Then we work on something else for the room. We are making like a tent hanging place that we can sit with our baby and read him stories. We thought it would be a cute thing to do. The tent hung from the ceiling and then put toys and cushions around it. Me and Hongjoong like different things. "There we go I think that looks great" he said. "It does indeed" I reply. "Super proud us and our handy work" Hongjoong smiles. I smile back. Our little boys nursery looks so great

 Our little boys nursery looks so great

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A/ N: hope you liked it again. Which one is your favourite nursery?

Next is picking a name, not all names will be revealed in the next part. Some will be in labor and delivery

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