22. a. Picking A Name

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I can't decide on names yet as we don't know the genders of our babies yet. We want to get a list of boy and girls names to help us when the twins arrive so we can name them. Just a few boy names and a few girls names would help us. Seonghwa and I are about to sit down on the couch after dinner. I'm tired now. My feet hurt so much. Been on them most of the day. "Let's sit down and chill for a while before bed" Seonghwa said. "Yes definitely. I need to" I reply. I sigh and sit on the couch next to him and he puts his arms around me. "Hwa, I think we need to pick baby names. I want to get a list together" I say. "Babe, we got lots of time to do that. Just relax while you can" Seonghwa said. "But I want to, Seonghwa" I say. "Okay we will have a look at some" He said. "I like Jeonghoon and Hyunwoo as boys names" I say. "Yeah I like those too. I like Jungwon and Haneul for boys" he replies. "I like Seoyoung and Dayoung for girls" I say. "I like Eunjoo and Youngmi for girls" he said. "Okay so we have complied a little list of names now. I feel happier" I reply. "Glad you do. Nice names picked out" he said. Seonghwa and I have picked out a few baby names for boys and girls to help us for when our twins arrive

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I have a few names in mind that we could name our son. He likes Minsoo and Minjoon and I like Junseo and Yejun. Mingi likes names that are similar to his as he thinks our son is going to be just like him and I couldn't agree any more actually. So we will probably call our baby boy Minsoo or Minjoon which are good names. Haven't decided yet but we still got time. If we have another son in the future we will use one of the names that I like. Anyway Mingi has moved in with me now so we are officially living together before the baby is born. He is organising things in my closet and I've been giving him a hand. I cleared some things in my closet to make room for his. I've taken some things back to my parents house up creature room for Mingi. "Babe, I'm really torn between the two names for our son Minjoon or Minsoo. I don't know which one we should go for. This is hard" he said. "I know right but he's not here yet so we don't have to decide on a name yet" I reply. "But I want to before he is born" Mingi said. "Okay we will decide soon I'm sure" I reply. "Yeah at least we have two names in mind that we like" he said. Mingi and I will decide on one name for our son soon. He will either be called Minsoo or Minjoon. One of those two names

Yunho ❤️

Yunho and I haven't even started looking at names for our little girl yet. I don't really know what kinda names I like. What's in fashion? I guess we will decide between us. We have to decide between us as it's our baby so one of us just can't decide. I guess we will decide when the time is right. We've been chilling all day since it's Sunday and we have nothing better to do in this place of ours. We are cuddled up on the couch and Yunho has his arms around me and is holding me close to him. "Babe, you look warn out" he said. "Yeah I feel that way to the honest but I'll be okay when I sleep" I reply. "Babe, I know you're tired. But what do you think about names for our baby girl" Yunho said. "I don't know. I can't think right now. I can't think anyway. "I have a few in mind. Sunhee, Jangmi, Hwayoung, ummm Chanmi and Haeun I think they are all pretty names and we could use one of them for our daughter and keep the rest for if we have more daughters" Yunho said. "Yes those are nice names but I can't decide which one I like the most right now. We don't have to decide right now. Maybe not till she's born. See which name suits her the best" I reply. "Okay I agree. Maybe I was getting a little too far ahead" he laughs. "Yes you were" I laugh squishing his nose. I love that Yunho is so keen to be a father and is getting ahead and thinking of names but we don't have to decide just yet

San ❤️

San and I had a few boy names in mind the first time around when we were expecting Seohyeon. Since we are having a boy this time we can use one of those names. I know San was keen first time but we found out we were having a girl so it didn't happen. The boy names we liked were Daehyun, Sangwoo, Haru, Jiwon and Seongmin so maybe we could choose one of those for our little boy. I guess we could ask Seohyeon what she thinks her baby brother should be called. We are having family time on the couch now so good time to ask. Seohyeon is looking at a book and got today. She looks at it and puts it down. "Mi amor, what do you think we should name your baby brother?" I ask her. "Hmmmm I don't know" she replies. "Babe, didn't we have a few names in mind when we were expecting Seohyeon" San said. "Yes we did" I reply. "So what were they?" he asks. "Daehyun, Sangwoo, Haru, Jiwon and Seongmin. I think" I reply. "What do you think to those names, Hyeonie?" San asks Seohyeon. She shakes her head and folds her arms. "Not impressed" I laugh. "I think we should go with Seongmin or Sangwoo sticking with the S theme you know, babe" San said. "Yeah I like those two names but I strongly like Jiwon too" I reply. "Ummm how about Seongmin. Sounds similar to Seohyeon and goes with it" he said. I pause for a moment and then reply "Yes I like it. Seongmin sounds cute. I like the name" I say. "Okay our boy will be called Seongmin then. Great name for a great kid" San smiles. Our baby boys name will be Seongmin and we really like it


A/ N: hope you liked the one name i revealed. Keep the others under wraps a big longer. Mingi's baby name will be officially revealed in the next couple of parts. 3/4 of the next part names will be revealed

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