10. a. Starting To Show

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Seonghwa 💖

I am about 14 weeks pregnant now with our twins. I am starting to show quite significantly obviously as I'm having twins. Seonghwa and I still can't believe we are having twins. We have decided that we don't want to know the genders of the babies not until they're born. Today me and Seonghwa are going out to do some shopping. No baby shopping just yet. Just the usual kind of shopping at the supermarket. I am in the bathroom and our bedroom getting ready for going out. Seonghwa said he will just go on his own but I said I will come too. He told me to rest as I was feeling a bit tired. I need to buy more maternity clothes as not much fits me anymore. "Hwa, I don't know to wear. This is so hard" I say. "Just wear anything, sweetie. We are only going to the supermarket" Seonghwa replies. "But I need something decent. I look like a hippo already" I say. "Darling, don't say you're a hippo. Pregnancy looks so beautiful on you. You are carrying my babies. Just remember that" he said. "Thanks, love but I feel that way" I say. Seonghwa wraps his arms around me and hugs me. He sorts me out with something to wear and it looked okay. Maybe I was stressing and overthinking about it. I have a cute little baby bump

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I are at the mall doing some shopping. Not baby shopping just looking around the mall. I kinda need some new clothes. Maternity clothes as I'm starting to show a bit. Not a lot but I think I should get some clothes while I'm there. Just a few things at least. I still want clothes that fit me even though I'm pregnant. We are walking around the mall together looking for places to go in. I'm not sure what the best places for maternity clothes are. I find a mother and baby store. "Going in there" I say. "Thought we didn't need things for the baby yet" Mingi said. "Not for the baby for me. Just checking out the maternity clothes" I reply. "Okay" he replies. We go in the store and go to the maternity clothes section. "I don't really know what to get" I say. "What you usually wear I guess? Jeans or leggings and tops" Mingi replies. "I guess so" I reply. I look at jeans and leggings first and grab a few pairs. "I should probably get a bigger size for when my bump develops more" I say. He agrees. I try on those things and select a few and then choose a few tops and try them on. Mingi helps me decide. "Baby, I can definitely see a cute little baby bump coming on" he said. "Yes I can too" I reply. "So cute. Just like you and our baby" Mingi said. I smile at him. So it was a successful day shopping in the mall and I got some maternity clothes too which was one thing off my mind

Yunho 💜

I am 12 weeks pregnant now and I'm starting to show a bit but I'm not sure just yet. I can see a little bump but I'm not sure if it's a baby bump or just where I've gained weight. I don't know. I'm not showing enough to get maternity clothes. Yunho is coming over to my place after practice. The apartment I share with my best friend. She's here tonight but she's keeping herself to herself. Yunho should be here anytime and I can't wait to see him soon. I've already eaten as Yunho is going to be a bit later tonight so he said go ahead of eat without him. I sit on the couch waiting for him to come anytime. I hear a knock so I go to answer it. "Hello, my beautiful" Yunho smiles. "Hi, handsome" I smile. "Missed you today" he said. "Missed you too" I reply. Yunho steps inside and gives me a hug and kiss. He steps on the couch next to me. First we start off by talking about our day as usual. I want to ask Yunho if he thinks I'm starting to show. "Babe, can I ask you something" I say. "Of course, sweetie. You can ask me anything" he replies. "Well I think I might be getting a little bit of a baby bump. Not a lot but just a bit" I say. I stand up and hold up my top for him to see. "I think you're right, babe. You are getting a little baby bump. So cute" Yunho said. "I kinda thought so" I reply. I sit back down on the couch and smile at him. "I love you, Yunho" I say. "I love you too" he smiles. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back. It turns out I was right and I am getting a little baby bump

San ❤️

I have reached almost 13 weeks if my pregnancy and I don't think I'm starting to show yet. I haven't noticed a little bump. I was a bit later when I was pregnant with Seohyeon the first time. Maybe I will start to show soon. I wouldn't worry though. San and I are taking Seohyeon to the park today for a bit. Our little girl loves the park. She could spend all day there if she pleases. Awwww bless her. Bless her so much. We are getting ready to go to the park now and making the most of the nice day while we can and while Seohyeon is full of energy. She might get tired later but that's okay if she does. I am finding something to wear in my closest and I can't decide what I should go with. I go with a hoodie and a pair of leggings as my outfit choice. I go to the bathroom and get dressed. San comes in after me. "Hey, baby. You always look nice" he said. "I don't feel that nice today. That's pregnancy for you" I reply. "You could always look amazing to me" he smiles putting his arms me. "San, do you think I'm getting a baby bump?" I ask. "Yeah maybe, sweetie. I think something is starting to look like a baby bump" San smiles putting his arms around me and touching my tummy. "Love you" I say. "Love you too. And Seohyeon and our second baby" he says. "Awwww we love you too" I say. "Love you guys more" he said. So we leave to go to the park soon with Seohyeon and have a great day with her. She enjoyed it as always

A/ N: hope you liked that one guys

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