15. a. Gender Reveal Party

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Seonghwa 💖


Y/ N and I don't want to find out the genders of our babies till they are born. We don't want to. We want it to be a surprise. The best surprise of our lives. Can't wait until they are born. We are asking people if they think we are having twin boys, twin girls or a girl and a boy. We are going to ask the boys today what they think the genders of our twins will be. Me and Y/ N would love one of each but we will wait and see. We are seeing the guys now so we are going to slip into the conversation if they can guess the genders of our babies. We are sat on the floor in the practice room. Y/ N is sat on a chair as she can't really sit on the floor. "So guys as you know me and Y/ N are not going to find out the genders of our babies till they are born" I say. "Why?" Mingi interrupts. "We want it to be a surprise" Y/ N replies. "Can you guess the genders of the babies?" I say. "It gonna be two boys" Jongho said. "A boy and a girl I think" San says. "I don't know honestly" Yunho said. "There is a chance it's a boy and a girl" Hongjoong said. "Twin boys" Yeosang said. "I don't know either" Wooyoung said. "It would be nice to have one of each. A little Prince and a little princess" I say. "It doesn't matter as long as they are happy and healthy, guys. They already have the best parents in the world" Mingi said. "Yeah that's what we want. Isn't it, Hwa?" Y/ N replies. "Of course, sweetie" I smile. So the boys were split on what they think the genders of our babies are. Can't wait till our babies are here

Mingi 💙

Today we are doing our gender reveal party for our friends and families. Only Mingi and I know the gender of our baby is a boy. We are going to pretend to act surprised though as everyone Rosé don't know we've already found out. We really wanted to though. We couldn't wait so we are just going along with it and acting surprised when we pop the confetti cannon and blue confetti comes out. We are having the party at my parents house as they have a big backyard. Also the baby is due round the time of Mingi's birthday. He could share a birthday with his daddy. Anyway the party has started and we are doing the reveal soon. Can't wait. We are so excited. Mingi and I are trying to contain our excitement just for a little longer. The guests are helping themselves to food and drink before we do the big reveal. About 30 minutes later we get ready to do it. "Ladies and gentlemen we are about to find out the gender of our baby" Mingi said. "Yes we are. We can't wait to find out, babe" I reply. "So let's do it. Will it be pink or blue?" Mingi said. I grab the confetti cannon. It's pretty big so we both hold it together. "On the count of three. 3, 2, 1..." he said. We both release the cannon and blue confetti flies out. "We are having a boy!!" we both exclaim. "Yay! A boy. That's amazing. I've always wanted a son" Mingi said putting his arms around me. "I'm very happy" I smile. It was hard to  act surprised when we knew all along. Think people knew that by our reactions. But nevertheless everyone close to us knows that we are having a baby boy. Mingi and I couldn't be happier at the end of the day

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I found out before we were supposed to that we are expecting a baby girl. We haven't let it slip to our friends and family. They don't know that we already know. We are going to reveal to our parents and siblings today that we are having a girl. We are telling my parents and my brother Hongjoong and Yunho's parents and his brother Gunho. We have a big balloon filled with pink confetti that we are going to pop. Like I said they don't know we know so we are going to act surprise. We are at Yunho's family home and we are going to reveal soon. Can't wait to let them know we are having a baby girl. We are having food at the moment then we are going to do it. We are talking about all things to with the baby. "When are you going to tell us?" my mom said excitedly. "Soon. Very soon" I reply. "Well we've got something to own up to. We actually already found out the gender of the baby last week. We couldn't wait any longer" Yunho said. "You couldn't wait any longer" I reply. "Yeah I know but I'm so happy" he cheers. I bring the balloon in. "In here will be pink or blue confetti. Should we see?" I say. Our families count down to 10 with us till we pop the balloon. Pink confetti files everywhere. All over the room and everyone. "It's a girl!!!!" we both exclaim together. "We are having a little princess" Yunho said. "I've always wanted a granddaughter" Yunho's mom said. "A girl. I had a strong feeling it was going to be a boy. I'm gonna have a niece" Hongjoong said. "You are bro and you can be her godfather if you want" I say. "Sure I'd love to" he replies. Hongjoong is happy for us and supportive now. Everyone was so happy to find out that we are having a baby girl

San ❤️

San and I are revealing the gender of our baby to our friends and family. The party is at our house and we are going to reveal the gender of our baby with the help of our first born Seohyeon. We did a similar thing when I was pregnant with her. We have a box and it's filled with lots of blue balloons. Most people have guessed that we are having a boy but we can't let anything slip yet. Seohyeon might though. She wanted a baby sister but she's excited for a baby brother now. All the guests are in the lounge in our place. We are moving to a bigger house in the next month as we need more room when the baby comes. Seohyeon is getting excited so we better do it soon. As soon as we can when we can get people's attention. Seohyeon is running around with her cousins letting off some steam which is always good to see. We manage to gather everyone in one place after a few minutes. "Sorry to interrupt from all the fun and talking but I think it's time we did our gender reveal now" San said. "Yes it is" I reply. We grab the box that's filled with balloons. Seohyeon looks at it and points and says "Boy". "Just a moment, sweetie" I say. She just said boy. It's not going to be a surprise anymore. "Okay without further ado. Let's do this" San said. We count down and release the tape on the big box and blue balloons come out. "We are having a boy!" we both exclaim together. "Seohyeon might have just given that away a minute before but it's okay" I say. "Baby brother" Seohyeon smiles. "Come here, sweetie" San said picking her up and kissing her. So everyone was happy to know the gender of our second child. Can't wait to welcome out baby boy into the world and become a family of four

A/ N: sorry I haven't been very original with this part, hope you liked it

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