46. b. Baby Crawls

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Yeosang 💛


Baby Sunhwa is 7 months old already and she's coming on so much. Growing up so much too. She us already eating solid foods and enjoying them. We can't believe she will be a year old in a few months time. Y/ N and I love to cherish every moment we have with her. We think Sunhwa could be crawling soon as she seems to be trying. I guess she will crawl in her own time when she wants to. Maybe 7 months is still a bit too young to crawl. We are at home with Sunhwa this afternoon. I am watching her while Y/ N does some jobs and tidying up. Just me and my little princess together. What could be better? Y/ N is in our room and me and Sunhwa are in the lounge. Sunhwa is playing with her toys on the carpet next to the TV and I am playing with her. She passes a toy to me and then suddenly starts crawling to me. "Y/ N, Y/ N. Look" I say excitedly. "What's wrong?" she replies coming in. "Sunhwa just crawled to me for a second" I say. "Awe that's wonderful. Sad I missed it. Wonder if she'll do it again" Y/ N replies. "Come on, baby. Will you show eomma" I say. Sunhwa doesn't crawl again. Hopefully she will soon but I'm so proud of my baby girl

Jongho 🧡

We can't believe our girls Hyebin and Yebin are already 10 months old. Yebin is already crawling and we think Hyebin might be crawling soon or even walking. Some babies miss the crawling phase altogether and go straight into the walking stage so maybe Hyebin will do that. We love playing with the girls in their room. Jongho and I have now moved into our own apartment that's really nice. The spare room is also the guest room as well as the girls playroom. We used it as a playroom most of the time while we don't have guests which is often now. We've been there about 3 months now. We love having our own place. Jongho has been home with the girls today. They usually go to nursery but he had a day off so he stayed at home with them while I work. I have just got home from work now and I open the door to our apartment. I walk into giggles and laughter coming from one of the rooms. The playroom. I walk in and Jongho is playing cutely with Hyebin and Yebin. "Hello, you guys" I say. "Hi, sweetie. Just having fun with my girls" he said. "That's great. Glad to be home now. Long day" I say. I sit on the floor with Jongho and the girls. Yebin is crawling and Hyebin is just sat there. Such a cute thing to come home to

Wooyoung 💚

Baby Jongdae is growing up so much. We don't want to miss a single moment with him. We want to be here for all his firsts. First words, first steps, first birthday etc. We love our boy so much. He's almost 9 months old now and is the loveliest little boy in the world. We can never take our eyes off him. Wooyoung and I have to go and work and earn the money. We don't like being away from Jongdae and we are always glad when we are home to our boy. Wooyoung and I are going out tonight for dinner so Nayeon is going to be at home with Jongdae tonight while we go out for a couple of hours to eat or however long it takes. Me and Wooyoung have just left for our date now. Nayeon is giving Jongdae his dinner then she is going to play with him and watch TV with him before going to bed. Wooyoung and I get seated inside at the restaurant and decided what we want to eat. About half an hour later my phone rings and it's Nayeon. Hope nothing is wrong. "Hi, Nayeon. What's up?" I say. "Nothing, sis. Well you never will guess. I was playing with Jongdae and he started crawling to me. I have a video that I'll send to you" she said. "Oh wow! Really? I can't believe we missed it" I say. "I'm sending you the video now so you haven't really missed it. I'm sure he'll do it again soon" Nayeon said. "Hope so. Love you" I say. "Love you too" she said. Nayeon sends us the video of Jongdae crawling. We can't believe we missed it but at least Nayeon took a video so we didn't really miss out. She is the best sister in the world

Hongjoong 🖤

Taeyang is 10 months old now and he is doing very well. He has to go every month for his checkups for his heart but he is doing so well and things are not too serious at the moment. We are very proud of our little boy. He is also very clever too and is learning new things so day. We love to see what he does. Hongjoong are so glad we have little Taeyang in our lives. We would never change him for the world of course. We are going out today to the park with Taeyang. He's only old enough to go on the swings as he's a baby. It's summer so we love going to the park in the summer and take a picnic which is what we are doing today. We have just arrived at the park now and we are going for a walk first. Taeyang is in his stroller and Hongjoong is pushing it as I'm smiling next to him. We decided to let Taeyang go on the swing for a bit while it was free before we had our picnic. Taeyang sat on my lap as we got the sandwiches out and ate. I made him his own sandwiches and he enjoyed. Taeyang then plays around with the picnic basket. He gets off my lap and crawls to the basket. "Look, babe. He's crawling. First time he's done that" Hongjoong said. "It is. Well done, Taeyang. Mommy and daddy are so proud of you" I say. Joong smiles. Taeyang crawls for us again and does something funny with the basket

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