46. a. Baby Crawls

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Seonghwa 💖

The twins are now 8 months old and they are both coming on in leaps and bounds. Dayoung is slightly ahead of Jungwon in her development. She could sit up on her own when just she turned 6 months old. Jungwon was a bit after. They are both showing signs of crawling but more so. Seonghwa and I are both so proud of our babies. Dayoung and Jungwon play very nicely together. They already know how to share and play nicely together and they are only 8 months old. They just learnt it themselves by playing. It's 6pm on a Wednesday evening and we are at home. Seonghwa had offered to make dinner while I watch the twins. I am sat on the couch watching Dayoung and Jungwon playing together now and they are playing with some blocks. Their favourite toys actually. I smile at them and admire how cute they are. Dayoung starts shuffling on her bottom. She then gets on her knees and stays like that for a minute. She then starts to crawl. "Seonghwa, Seonghwa. Look Dayoung is crawling" I say. "Is she, baby?" he replies. "Yes she is" I reply. "That's my girl. Appa's girl, Dayoung. I love you" Seonghwa said picking Dayoung up. Dayoung just started crawling on her own and we are very proud of her indeed

Mingi 💙

Minjoon is 9 months old now. It's 9 whole months since he came into the world. We can't quite believe where time has gone. It has gone so quick. Too fast. Our little boy will be one years old in three months time. We are not ready for that yet. Me and Minjoon love going to the studio to see Mingi and the guys rehearse. We think Minjoon might be an idol one day like his father. How cute would that be? It would be so cute if Minjoon became an idol just like his daddy. So cute. We paid a surprise visit to the studio today as we wanted to go down and see Mingi busy at work. Minjoon is a pretty inquisitive baby. He is into everything and anything. We have to watch him. Right now Mingi and the guys are on their break so we have sometime with him. Jongho and Yunho are playing with Minjoon now. "He's so freaking cute, guys. I want a baby like him one day" Yunho said. "He is the cutest kid on earth" Mingi said. "Yes we are pretty lucky indeed" I reply. We watch Minjoon play and he is doing something he's never done before. He is crawling. He gets on all fours and crawls to San. "Ohhhh wow! He's crawling" San said. "He is. So cool" Seonghwa said. "That's my boy. Appa's boy" Mingi said picking up Minjoon and kissing him and smiles. I smiles too. So proud of our baby boy crawling. He's so clever and cute

Yunho 💜

Baby Jangmi has just started crawling. She is 8 months old and she is growing up so fast. Too fast actually. She is a very clever and bright little girl and we are so proud of her. Jangmi found her own way crawling. We didn't influence her at all. She can crawl all by herself now. So proud of our beautiful lottos girl. I'm such a proud daddy of Jangmi. Me, Y/ N and Jangmi are having a nice and relaxing day at home together as a family. We are having a nice lazy and relaxing Sunday together at home. Jangmi has been crawling all over the place. She has started to go faster and we can't stop her now. Haha. I keep on taking videos of her being cute and crawling. So cute and funny she is. "Baby girl. Are you going to show Appa how you can crawl again" I say to Jangmi. She smiles and crawls to me for cuddles. "Who's a happy and smiley little girl today, Jangmi?" Y/ N said. "Jangmi is" I reply. We both laugh together in unison. We continue to have a nice and relaxing Sunday together

San ❤️

We take the kids to a Saturday morning playgroup most weekends. They really enjoy it especially Seohyeon of course. She is at that age where she loves to play and have fun. Seongmin is also growing up too. We can't believe he is 9 months old already. He's our big boy and is growing up so much. We are at playgroup this morning. Seohyeon likes playing with the other children her age who are around 3 and 4 years old and Seongmin likes playing with the other babies and me and San like talking to other parents. We are about the youngest couple there but it's all fine. We are talking to the other parents now but we are keeping our eye on our children too. Seohyeon is playing with two other little girls nicely. Seongmin is just saying there with the babies. We were having a good conversation with the other parents when I glanced over and witnessed Seongmin crawling for the first time. "Look, Sannie. Seongmin is crawling" I say. "Oh yes he is. That's my boy" he said going over to Seongmin and picking him up. Then he carries on playing with the other babies after his big crawling moment

A/ N: I feel like I'm losing momentum with this book. Sorry guys. I will complete it. Enjoyed doing it though

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