10. b. Starting To Show

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Yeosang 💛


Y/ N and I are laid on our bed cuddling before we go to sleep for the night. Y/ N us feeling pretty exhausted recently. Pregnancy is making her like that but she's trying not to let it get her down. I'm always here for her no matter what of course. She is my fiancée, love of my life and mother of my child. All of those things. Can't wait till our baby arrives in a few months time I have my arms around Y/ N and I'm holding her close to me. Very close to me indeed. "Go to sleep, baby if you need to. I got you, sweetheart" I say. "I will do soon" she says in a tired voice. "Okay, my love" I reply. I continue to hold her in my arms a bit longer. "Yeosang" she says. "Yes, sweetie" I reply. She lays on her back and looks at me. "Do you think I'm starting to show a bit?" she asks. "Yeah maybe you are about. It's usually from about 16 weeks. Isn't it? I've been reading my stuff" I reply. "Yeah but I'll be 16 weeks soon" she replies. "Yeah maybe you are getting a little bit of a baby bump, sweetie" I say. Soon Y/ N falls asleep then I do too. It was good to go to sleep and dream sweet dreams. Sweet dreams about our baby of course

Jongho 🧡

I'm 13 weeks pregnant with twins and I think I am starting to show a bit. Jongho and I have told more people about our new arrivals. Some are happy and some are not but we don't care about those people who are not because we are happy now even though we know it's gonna be a lot raising twins at our age. We will be prepared for it when the time comes in the next few months. Big things are happening. We are yet to tell the ATEEZ guys. Don't know how they will feel about the Maknae of the group having twins. Jongho has come over to my place after practice. He is over and staying at my place tonight because why not. Wouldn't have him staying anywhere else. Jongho and I are having dinner now. I cooked something while I waited for him to arrive. "It's delicious, Y/ N. You are a good cook" Jongho smiles. "Thank you, sweet boy and father to be" I reply. We carry on eating and then tidy up and sit on the couch. "Jongho, I'm starting to show a bit. Look" I say. "Are you, babe? I haven't noticed yet?" He said. I stand up and show him the evidence of me showing. "Ohhhh cute, babe" he says. "Indeed. Our babies are growing in there" I say. "Our babies. Our cute little babies" Jongho said. He smiles and stands close to me and touches my bump a bit. So cute. We had a great night together

Wooyoung 💚

I am almost 4 months pregnant now and I think I'm starting to get a little baby bump. I've been feeling a little crappy lately with the pregnancy. Just tired and things like that. Wooyoung has been so sweet and supportive of me too. Like he always is of course. I have the best fiancé in the world and daddy to our unborn baby. Tonight we are going out with my sister Nayeon and the Twice girls and the ATEEZ guys too. It will be fun and exciting. There will be a lot of us. We are getting ready now but I'm struggling to find what to wear. Everyone knows about my pregnancy but I don't want to make myself look too obvious as I don't want to draw attention to myself. I look through my closest and see what i got that's nice enough to wear for dinner. I didn't want to buy anything new. Wooyoung walks into the closest and stands behind me. "Are you okay, honey?" he asked. "Yeah just deciding what to wear. I don't know what the heck I should wear" I say. "I'm sure you have lots of things you can wear tonight" he replies. "But Wooyoung I'm starting to show so I don't want anything too tight that clings too much" I reply. "How about something loose fitting?" he said. "Yes I guess so. Sorry I'm just kinda stressed" I say. "No need to be, sweetie" he smiles at me reassuringly. Wooyoung helps me decide on something to wear for tonight. Something loose fitting that doesn't cling to me. I was all good for going out tonight with Twice and ATEEZ

Hongjoong 🖤

Lately I have been pretty stubborn as I am starting to show a bit. Not a lot at the moment. Just a bit. I don't want to have to start wearing maternity clothes yet. I like the clothes that I've got and I don't really want to spend money on things I only need temporarily. We need money for the baby. Hongjoong said I should get maternity clothes if I need them but I said I didn't want to. He is trying to make me to but he can't make me. I just don't want maternity clothes. Well not just yet but maybe I'll have to eventually when I get bigger. I have just out out of the shower and I'm heading to bed after. Hongjoong took a shower before me and he's laying on our bed waiting for me. He is patiently waiting for me. I open the door and walk in with a towel around me. I always get dressed in our room. "Hey, baby" Hongjoong said. "Hey, Joongie" I say. I get my clothes and he looks at me naked stood by the bed. "Look at your cute little growing baby bump. That's our son or daughter in there" he said. "Yes I know" I reply. "Sweetie, don't be so stubborn. If you need maternity clothes we can more than afford them. No need to worry about that" Hongjoong said. "I'm not. I just don't want them yet. I like the clothes I have" I say. "If you need any just say and we can go shopping" he said. "Okay but not just yet. I'm good. Things still fit" I say. "Honey, I'm not mad at you if you think that. I could never be mad at you" he said. "I didn't say that, Jagi" I say. I get dressed and lay in our bed with Hongjoong. He just reassured me that it's okay to get maternity clothes if I need to but I don't want to just yet

A/ N: I'm just starting to get into ITZY guys. I think they are really good but don't worry I love BLACKPINK and Twice the most. That could never change. Rosé and Dahyun are still my no 1 queens. Chaeryeong is my bias in ITZY. She's so cute and talented

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