25. b. Anticipating The Birth

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Yeosang 💛

I've just gone 37 weeks pregnant now and our baby could be due anytime. Yeosang and I are so excited to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. We don't mind but we both think it's a girl at the moment and have all the way through. We just can't wait to become parents for the first time. We got married a few months ago too. Yeosang and I have been in a loving relationship for years and we realised it was the right time to welcome a child into the world. I am in the nursery checking to see if we've got everything we need for when I go into labor. I did consider having a home birth but we both realised that a hospital birth is better for me and the baby. "Honey, what are you doing? I hope you're not stressing" Yeosang said walking in. "No no just checking around" I reply. "Everything I'd fine, sweetheart. Don't worry" Yeosang said. "Hope so" I reply. "You need to get as much rest as you can before the baby comes. I want you to put your feet up on the couch" he said taking my hand and leading me into the lounge. I sit down on the couch with my feet up like he told me to. Yeosang gently smiles at me and lets me relax. I start doing too much sometimes and that's not good for me. He is always right. Anyway more importantly, our baby could be here so very soon

Jongho 🧡

I am 35 weeks in my pregnancy now with the twins so they could come anytime. I am determined to give birth to them naturally without a c section or anything. I am scared of that kinda thing but hopefully it won't happen and it will all be fine. Jongho and I are excited for the birth of our twin girls but we are also a little nervous too as we don't know how things will go. People tell us to be calm and relaxed as it will help with everything. I helps that we are living with my parents who are giving us support now. My mom has made sure everything is ready for the girls. Don't know what we would've done without her. Jongho and I are sitting on the couch in the lounge and my parents are around but we don't mind that of course. My parents are great. Not the embarrassing kind. Jongho has his arms around me and is holding me close to him. "Can't believe you two will be parents to two beautiful little girls soon" my dad said. "I know. It's crazy. I think we are just about ready" Jongho said. "Yes we will be" I reply. "I think you two will be just fine" mom said. "Because we got you" I say. "You two should spend as much time together as you can before the babies come" mom said. "Yes we will" I smile. Our girls will be here so soon and we can't believe it

Wooyoung 💚


Y/ N is almost full term in her pregnancy and it's almost Christmas too. Her due date is December 17 and we are just a couple of days off that now. Baby Jongdae could be born just in time for Christmas. Everything is ready and waiting for his arrival which could be anytime. Y/ a have not planned to go anywhere for Christmas. It depends when the baby comes. We don't want to be out of town away from our hospital with her being so close to her due date. Our families might pop over and see us sometime over Christmas. Our apartment is looking all festive for Christmas which makes us happy. Christmas is our favourite time of year and our first child will be born around then so it's extra special. Y/ N and I are looking at our nice big Christmas tree that we have in the lounge. We put it up and decorated it the other day and it looks great. "Christmas makes you feel so much more happier. Doesn't it?" Y/ N asks. "Of course it does. So happy" I smile. "This time next year we will be sat here with our almost one year old son" she said. "Oh yes we will. I can't believe baby Jongdae could be here anytime" I reply. "I know literally anytime" she smiles. "I'm ready for this. Well there is no going back now. We decided on this" Y/ N said. "I'm ready for this too. Never been so ready for anything else in my life before" I smile. She smiles back and I kiss her. Can't believe we literally could be parents anytime to our boy

Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I are about ready to welcome our baby boy into the world. My c section is booked in for a few days times. The safest option is getting a c section with the baby's heart condition. I am still on bed rest till he arrives as that's what the doctor has told me. I don't want to overexert myself by doing too much. Hongjoong is laying with me in bed keeping me company for a while. I hate being on bed rest and not being able to do anything. He knows I hate it so much but nothing I can do. I am resting in Hongjoongs arms. "Baby just relax and go to sleep if you need to" he said. "Yes" I reply. "You're so adorable when you close your eyes like that" he said. I chuckle. "I'm right here. Okay" Hongjoong said. "I know you are and you'll never leave my side" I reply. "Never ever. You're stuck with me forever" he laughs. I laugh back. "Joong, can you believe in a few days we will be holding our precious baby boy" I say. "I know, sweetie. He will be here in our arms safe and sound and we will give him the love and best care possible because he is so special" Hongjoong said. "Indeed. Nothing less than the best" I smile. We lay there in bed for a while relaxing while we can. The next few days are big for us. Can't wait to welcome our boy into the world

A/ N: so the babies are about to arrive. So excited. Labor and delivery chapters are coming starting with Seonghwa by the end of the week. Can you guess the genders of his twins?

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