35. b. First Night

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Yeosang 💛

We have been home with baby Sunhwa for the last few hours. We think she has settled in just right. She is a pretty easy going baby so I don't think we should have too much trouble getting her to sleep. Sunhwa went to sleep about two hours ago and Yeosang and I are in bed now trying to sleep before Sunhwa needs us. We went to bed about half an hour ago. We are just getting off to sleep. I hear Sunhwa fussing a bit. I open my eyes and yawn. A few minutes later she starts crying. Yeosang then wakes up. "I'll see what she wants, my love" he yawns. "Okay" I yawn back. He comes over to my side and gets Sunhwa out of her crib. "What's the matter, Angel?" he asks. "She's probably hungry or needs changing. I don't know yet" I reply. "Ohhhh there is something in her diaper. I'll change her" Yeosang said. He takes Sunhwa into the room next door which is the nursery and changes her. Next time she wakes up, I'll tend to her. There is breast milk out that I pumped if he needs to feed her after. I then hear Yeosang go into the kitchen a few minutes later. He's probably gone to get the milk. Then he goes back into the nursery to feed her so he wasn't distributing me. I fell back off to sleep when they came in. I heard. Yeosang puts Sunhwa back in her crib beside me and got back into bed next to me. He kissed my cheek as he lay down next to me. About three hours later, Sunhwa woke up again so I fed her and changed her this time and Yeosang did it the time after. It's only fair that we shared the nighttime duties between us. Sunhwa is our perfect little Angel

Jongho 🧡

My mom is going to help for the first few nights with the twins. We know we are going to need the help with two newborn babies I look after over the first few weeks. We thought we would take my mom up on that offer. My dad said he would help too if he's needed. My mom has a lot more experience with babies than Jongho and I do between us. Anyway we are getting Hyebin and Yebin ready for bed now. We think they are tired little girls. Jongho and I can't believe we have two beautiful little girls. We are very lucky and blessed. My mom is giving Yebin a bottle in the nursery and I am changing Hyebin. Jongho said he'll do the night changes if me and my mom do feeds between us. It's better go share the duties with twins. Jongho doesn't mind changing diapers. He was scared at first. "Hows it going with my girls?" Jongho says walking into the nursery. "Good. Not too bad" I reply. "Yebin is almost there. I have changed her diaper before" mom said. When both babies were fed and changed, we tried to get them to sleep. Sometimes they've been sleeping at the same time during the day and sometimes they haven't. Me and Jongho told my mom we want to try and settle them down ourselves. I calm Yebin down and Jongho calms Hyebin down. As rock them gently to sleep. Hyebin fell asleep within a few minutes in Jongho's arms. He lays her down in her crib by the bed. Yebin then started crying as I was getting her to sleep. She doesn't like being rocked at much. "It's okay, Yebin. What's the matter? You'll wake your sister up" I say softly. My mom hears and comes in. "She's not happy right now" I say. She smiles and takes Yebin from my arms and she settles. My mom has the magic touch. Yebin goes to sleep soon and we all leave the room. The twins kept on waking up during the night but at least there was three of us. We will get used to it

Wooyoung 💚

Nayeon is staying with us tonight to help with baby Jongdae and his first night at home. Just one night to begin with and we will see if we need her again. She said she's always willing to come and give a hand. Nayeon arrived not so long ago and we are spending time together before we get Jongdae ready for bed. She was the first person to meet him when he was born apart from us. Nayeon is the best sister in the world. Jongdae is in Nayeon's arms now. She is having cuddles with him which is so cute and adorable. "Best nephew in the world" Nayeon said smiling at Jongdae. "You're the best auntie in the world, sis" I reply. "You two at the best parents in the world" she smiles. Nayeon carries on holding baby Jongdae for a while till it was time to put him to bed. Nayeon hands him to me and I give him his bottle when it was made. "Can I help get my nephew to bed for the first time?" Nayeon asks. "Sure when he's fed and changed you can" I reply. "And me too" Wooyoung said. "Of course, daddy" I say. Daddy Wooyoung. Anyway I feed Jongdae and both Wooyoung and Nayeon helped me get Jongdae settled and it worked. Nayeon sang softly to him which was beautiful. I left the singing to her as I can't sing to save my life. Her singing soothed him off to sleep quite quickly. Nayeon was restless during the night as she was listening out for Jongdae waking up. She wanted us to rest so she took all the night feeds but one. She's staying tomorrow night too

Hongjoong 🖤


We brought little Taeyang home from this NICU earlier today where he has been for the last few weeks getting strong. Our precious boy is home now and fighting still but we know he is a strong boy and can get through it. Y/ N and I are proud parents to our little Taeyangie. Our miracle baby boy. He fell asleep in my arms when I was giving him his bottle so I stopped feeding him and he is in his crib in our room now. Awwww bless him. Hopefully he'll sleep a while. Y/ N and I are relaxing in front of her TV for a bit. She is pretty tired so she'll probably head off soon and me too. "Sweetie. You're tired, baby. We should go to bed soon" I say. "Yeah in a little while, honey bunny" Y/ N replies. Y/ N and I quietly head off to bed soon without waking up Taeyang who was still sleeping in our room. We watched him for a moment and he looked so cute and peaceful. We quietly crawl into bed and go to sleep. It was sometime later maybe about an hour and a half before Taeyang woke up. He was next to Y/ N so he picked him up out of his crib and settled him down. I woke up when I heard him cry. "Is everything okay?" I ask. "Think he needs changing, Joong" she replies. "I'll do that for my boy" I reply. "No you're alright I'll do it. I'm holding him so I might as well" Y/ N said. "Babe, you go back to sleep. I would like to change our sons diaper" I say. I go into the other room and change Taeyang's diaper. I come back a few minutes later and lay him down again. Taeyang slept soundly for nearly another three hours before he woke up and cried for a while after feeding. We struggled to calm him down after a while but we managed in the end. So good to have our precious baby boy home

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