49. b. Baby's First Birthday

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Yeosang 💛

We are having Sunhwa's first birthday today. She turned a year old this week but we waited until the nearest Saturday to her birthday so everyone could come to her party. We had permission to have Sunhwa's party at the KQ entertainment studio. We have been decorating the studio with pretty pink things for Sunhwa's birthday and making it nice for her. Not that she'll remember her first birthday in years to come. Sunhwa is in her best new pretty dress for her first birthday. Yeosang's parents and sister arrive. We haven't seen them in a while. "Eomma, Appa, sis" he said. "So good to see you, son and the birthday girl" his dad said. "Sunhwa, you look so beautiful today. I love your dress" Yeosang's sister said. Sunhwa gets lots of attention and opens some of her presents from Yeosang's family. She obviously was the centre of attention all day and loved it. Yeosang and the ATEEZ boys sang happy for to Sunhwa. Her little face lit up when daddy and uncles were singing. We had such a special first birthday for our girl today

Jongho 🧡

Hyebin and Yebin are a year old today. We can't believe our girls are one years old. It's crazy how fast the last year has gone since our girls came into the world. Jongho and I have been parents for a whole year. We didn't want to do a huge party for the girls. Just something a bit more low key with family and a few close friends. Not something that's all out and too over the top. We will have lots more birthdays to have big parties for Hyebin and Yebin as they get older. Jongho and I have work later on today. My mom is taking the girls today while we are at work. At least they don't have to go go nursery on their birthday. We have a bit of time before we need to go so the girls are opening their gifts now from us. My mom is coming to ours so the girls can still play with their new things. We mainly got them joint gifts. We got them cutie little backpacks with their names on and teddy's too. "Hyebin, Yebin. Do you like your bags? You can take those special bags to nursery" Jongho said. "You girls can indeed" I reply. Hyebin and Yebin were more interested in their new things. We hit them a xylophone, a set of blocks, some farm animals and a princess castle tent which is cute for them. Jongho tries to sit in the tent with them but he almost gets stuck. It was pretty funny. "Silly Appa, girls. Silly appa" I say. Hyebin and Yebin start laughing at Jongho like me. He is silly indeed. We had a nice little morning with the girls on their first birthday better we had to go to work. Then we came home and celebrated more with them

Wooyoung 💚

Nayeon is throwing a surprise first birthday party for baby Jongdae. She really wanted to do it so we let her. She loves her nephew so much and you can really tell that. She's probably enlisted the help of the Twice girls. It's nearly Christmas too so we are having Jongdae's party early as he was born on Christmas Eve, almost Christmas Day. Nayeon hasn't told us anything about Jongdae's party. She's been killing us with suspense all this time. We are on our way to Jongdae's party now but don't know what to expect. We get Jongdae in the car and everything we need. "Handsome boy. Are you ready to see what auntie Nayeon has done for you" I say. "We are about to find out" Wooyoung said. She told us where we need to go and it's a hotel. We arrive soon and waited for Nayeon's cue to go in. She tells us to go in soon. "Happy birthday, Jongdae!!!!" everyone exclaims. Nayeon has gone all out and has decorated the room all amazingly with things for Jongdae's birthday. It's a jungle theme. "Wow! This is so cute. Thank you, sis" I say. "You're very well and this little guy too" Nayeon replies. "You're the best, Nayeon" Wooyoung says giving her a hug. The party started immediately and it was so much fun. Jongdae especially had the most fun at his jungle party organised by auntie Nayeon. Had a smile on his face all day. My sister threw the best first birthday party for our boy

Hongjoong 🖤


Today is our boy Taeyang's first birthday and we are celebrating at the weekend when we can get everyone together. Y/ N and I have been waiting for this day for so long. The day our son turns a year old. Taeyang is our miracle baby. So special to us. He probably won't even know it's his birthday but we can still celebrate with him of course. I look at the clock and it was 7am. Y/ N us but awake yet but she should be waking up soon. I hear her yawn. "Good morning, mommy of one year" I say. "Good morning, daddy of one year" Y/ N replies. "I can't believe it's Taeyangie's first birthday" I smile. "I know. It's crazy how quick a year has gone by. We should go and see him in his birthday" Y/ N smiles. Y/ N and I go into Taeyang's bedroom and sing happy birthday to him. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Taeyangie. Happy birthday to you" we both sing and clap. Taeyang was half awake and yawned so I picked him up out of his crib and cuddled him. So did Y/ N too. We go into the kitchen and get breakfast to begin with. We have bought Taeyang a few gifts. Not too many things as he's already got a lot of toys and things to play with and will be getting more from everyone else. Our faces lit up seeing the happy little smile on his face. He must know it's his birthday today. Y/ N and I can't believe Taeyang is a year old and how much he's grown up and how well he's doing. That's our big one year old boy

A/ N: so guys that's the final part of this book. I've been writing this book for the last 7 months and have enjoyed it. But it's come to an end now. So have my pregnancy series books for now. I gage decided not to make anymore for now simply because i may be getting a new job soon and working more so less time to work on multiple things. Maybe in the future I'll come back with a pregnancy series book as they have been so popular and still are. Never say never. Also another reason is I feel like these books can be repetitive if done a lot and sometimes I struggle to think of different things

It's my birthday today too. I'm 23 so I'm finishing this book on my birthday. Happy birthday to me!!!! 🥳🎉

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