33. Labor/ Delivery- Hongjoong 🖤

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My c section is booked for today and we are finally going to meet our precious baby boy. His name isn't officially decided on yet but we have a few that we like in mind. We will decide on his name when he is here safe and sound into the world. Hongjoong and I have been longing for this moment for so long. We are going to be parents to a precious baby boy so soon. We have everything ready for the c section and my stay in hospital. We are pretty nervous about welcoming our baby boy into the world but we are excited too of course. We already know about his heart condition so that's why we are nervous about welcoming him into the world but we are sure everything will be okay. Hopefully it will be all okay. We've been told that by many people. At least the c section is scheduled and we know he is going to be here safely and that's all matters. Hongjoong and I just can't wait to be parents either. So excited to welcome our boy so soon. It's 7am and we are getting ready for my scheduled c section this morning at 10am. "I'll be so glad by the end of today and our baby boy is here. I hope you can come in with me" I said. "Yeah I hope so too, baby but don't worry if I can't. I will still be with you" Hongjoong smiles. "I know. I love you so much" I say. "I love you so much too. Let's do this. Let's have this baby" he said. I smile. Hongjoong grabs the bags from the room and we go into the car and leave for hospital. I had to be there almost an hour before my scheduled c section to get prepped and ready in time. I took a deep breath when we got in the car when Hongjoong started the engine. Off we went to the hospital for my c section. Almost time to meet our baby

Hongjoong and I arrive at the hospital for my c section soon. He gets the things out of the trunk of the car and we go in together. He holds my hand as he walks in making sure I'm okay. I get checked in and get taken to my room and ready for the c section. I was nervous at this moment in time because I didn't know how things were going to go. Hongjoong stayed by me as I got ready for my big c section. "Sweetie, you need to calm down and relax. You can't do this if you're going to be a bag of nerves" Hongjoong said to me. "I'll try not to be" I reply. He grips onto my hand and reassures me for a few minutes. Then I calmed down and I was okay. It was almost time to take me into the operating room for my scheduled c section. Hongjoong could come in with me. I was so glad about that. I needed him with me and he needed to meet our baby boy too. I get wheeled into the operating room and Hongjoong sits next to me. They talked me through it and how it will go. Hongjoong smiled at me and kissed my hand. There is a chance that our baby boy will be small when he is born and need extra attention due to his condition but as long as he is taken great care of. That's all that matters. The c section beings with the surgeon cutting into me. I didn't feel a thing of course as I was all numbed up. At least I didn't. The surgeon explained when he cut into me. Hongjoong looks at me as he grips onto my hand and kisses me. Seconds later and our son entered the world. We didn't hear him cry at first. He needed a hand from the midwives. He eventually cried when he was welcomed into the world. We couldn't see him straight away as he needed to be taken straight through to the NICU. "He's here. I can't believe he is here, Joong" I say. "He is. Baby, you did so well. I'm so proud of you" he smiles kissing my hand. Finally our beautiful baby boy is here safe and sound into the world

A little later on and Hongjoong and I got to see our newborn precious baby boy in the NICU. We can't wait to see him and think of a name for him. We have a couple in mind. We need to choose his name soon though as he is here now. I felt okay after the c section to walk to the NICU to see our newborn son for the first time. We had to wear masks as we entered the NICU as there are premature sick babies there. We walked in and went straight to our baby boy who was in an incubator. He looked so tiny, small and precious in there. Love him already. "There he is. Our precious miracle baby boy" Hongjoong said. "He is so tiny and cute. I can't believe he is ours" I say. "He is ours forever and always" he said. "He is indeed" I reply. We take a few moments to look at and admire our baby boy. "What should we name him, Y/ N?" Hongjoong asks. "Something cute and special I think" I say. "How about Taeyang? I know it's a really popular name but I really like it" he said. "Yes Taeyang could be a great name for him" I say. "I have liked it all the way through, Y/ N. Love it actually" he said. "Welcome to the world our precious, Kim Taeyang" I say. "My son. Our son. I can't believe you're here" Hongjoong said. "We are going to take the best care of you in the world, Taeyang" I say. We could look at him for a few minutes in the incubator and see how tiny and precious he is. We can't believe Taeyang is now born into the world. We will be glad when we know everything that's going on with him and his condition and we will be glad when we can take him home with us wherever that may be

 We will be glad when we know everything that's going on with him and his condition and we will be glad when we can take him home with us wherever that may be

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Kim Taeyang 💙
September 3rd @ 10:08am
5lbs 6oz

A/ N: awwww baby Taeyang. How precious? He is here. Hope you liked that part

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