14. a. First Kick

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I are babysitting our little nephew Donghyun again. My sister and brother in law are out again so we are watching him again. My sister is about to give birth the same time as me. Just a little after me. Our babies are going to be so close in age which is nice. Earlier I felt one of the babies kick me. I haven't felt the other baby kick yet but there is time I guess. Both babies might kick at the same time soon. Seonghwa made dinner tonight for me and Donghyun and it was really good. My husband is a great chef. He's great at everything. Especially at being a husband. Donghyun is playing with some of his toys and I'm sat on the couch. Seonghwa is tidying up in the kitchen. He told me I should put my feet up very kindly. I put my feet up on the couch and watch Donghyun play. "Can you play with me, auntie Y/ N?" he asks. "Not just right now, sweetie. Just a little tired" I reply. "Okay" Donghyun replies. He carries on playing. I sit up a little better on the couch. Suddenly I felt a movement on the other side of my stomach. Ohhhh I think that's the other baby kicking. It's coming from the other side. That's baby B. Baby A kicked earlier. "Hwa, come. I think that's the other baby kicking" I say. Seonghwa rushes into the lounge. "Really. Our other baby is kicking. Sweetie, that's incredible" he said. "It is. Come and feel" I reply. Seonghwa sits next to me. The other baby kicks as well so now both babies are kicking together. Now amazing. "Buddy, come here" he said. Donghyun sits next to us and feels the babies kick. What an incredible moment?

Mingi 💙

I have felt the baby move a bit but not kick just yet. I sometimes feel little flutters that feel like butterflies. It feels unique and I like it. I can't wait till our baby boy kicks me as I want to know the feeling. From other women I've heard from it's such an amazing feeling when your baby kicks for the first time. Mingi is at my place and he's cooking. Giving me a break as I was tired when I got it. Mingi will be moving in with me soon before our son comes into the world as we want to be living together as we need to be close. I sit with my feet up on the couch and I can see Mingi cooking in the lounge. He is making a stir fry which I really like and enjoy. It's delicious I can't wait for it. I enjoy my time resting and relaxing. I place my hand on my bump so I can feel the baby move. I feel something that must be a kick. It feels different to when he was moving around before. A different feeling. I sit up and place my hand where I can feel it. "Mingi!" I call into the kitchen. "Are you okay, sweetie?" he replies. "I think our baby boy just kicked" I say. "Did he? Yay!! I'm coming" Mingi replies. He comes in and sits next to me on the couch. "Where is he kicking?" he asks. "Right here. Put your hand here" I reply. Mingi places his hand where mine was. "Oh wow! That's my boy. Our son" Mingi smiles. "Indeed. Ohhhhh he's kicking more now" I reply. "He's a kicker" he laughs. I laugh back. Mingi looks into my eyes as he feels the baby kicking for a few minutes. It was a wonderful moment for both of us. Our boy is kicking

Yunho 💜

I haven't felt our little girl move yet and I'm a little worried as usually by this point in pregnancy, you feel your baby move and kick but I haven't yet. I hope she's okay. I just want to feel my baby girl kick. We can't wait to meet her in a few months time. I just want to experience that moment like other mommies do. Yunho told me not to worry and out girl will move in her own time. Yunho is over at my place for the night and we are just getting ready to go to bed. I am in my bathroom brushing my teeth and going to the toilet before he comes in. A colour of minutes later I finish and Yunho goes into the bathroom. I kick off my slippers and roll into bed carefully. I yawn as I get in. I lay down and get comfortable in the covers. I don't fall asleep as i usually cuddle with Yunho. I rest my hand on my bump and suddenly feel the baby move around and kick. Ohhhhh she's kicking. She's kicking. Finally. "Yunho, Yunho. Come here quick" I say. "What is it, sweetie? Okay" he replies. "The baby is kicking. Our princess is kicking" I say. "Wow! That's incredible. I told you she would" he replies. He comes over to me. "Oh she's stopped now but I can still feel her move" I say. Yunho gets in bed next to me and puts his arms around me. A few minutes later the baby kicks again. "She's kicking again. Ohhhh" I say. Yunho smiles and feels the baby kick. "So great, babe. That feels amazing" he said. "It does. So glad she's kicking. I know there's not anything wrong now" I reply. "All is great with our little girl" he smiles. I smile back. See Yunho was right. Our baby girl just kicked for the first time

San ❤️

I am 19 weeks pregnant now with our second child. A baby boy this time. Can't wait to welcome him into the world and our family. Seohyeon can't wait to be a big sister to our little man and San and I can't wait to be parents again for the second time. So exciting. We are so excited. The tone couldn't come any quicker till our son comes into the world and we are parents of two little ones. Seohyeon will be going to bed soon so we are having some family cuddle time on the couch now. It will be bedtime story time when she is in her pyjamas. It's my turn to read to her tonight. It was San's turn last night. Seohyeon is sat in the middle of us like she  usually is. She yawns and rubs her eyes. "Are you tired, baby girl?" San asks. Seohyeon yawns again. He carries her to her room and puts her in bed and gets her pjs on. "Bedtime story" Seohyeon yawns. "Okay, baby girl. If you're not too tired. Mommy will read you a bedtime story" San said. She nods her head. I choose a bedtime story to read Seohyeon. I snuggles up close to me and I read to her. I can see her yawning so I only choose a short story to read her. As I was reading to Seohyeon, I feel the baby move around in my belly. I can feel him kick. It was the same when I felt Seohyeon kick for the first time. It was around halfway as well. "San, the baby is kicking me. It's the first time I've felt him kick" I say. "Is he? Yay! First time" he said. San sits next to me and smiles as he feels the baby kick for the first time. Seohyeon does as well. Such an incredible moment for all of us. We will be a family of four before we know it

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