27. Labor/ Delivery- Mingi 💙

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I'm just a couple of days off my due date with baby Minjoon now. He could literally be here any moment. It's Mingi's birthday today so he's going out with the guys tonight and some friends so I'm going to be home alone for a bit. He said he felt bad leaving his almost 9 months pregnant girlfriend to go out. I told him to go and enjoy himself on his birthday and not to be worrying about me. I know he does and feels guilty for leaving me but I told him not to and I'll be okay on my own. My sister. offered to come over to be with me for the evening but I told her I was okay and wanted to rest. She still wanted to pop over for a bit though so I let her. She insisted on coming as she was concerned about me. My sister Seoyoung is over at our place now with me. She made me something to eat and it was nice. She's told me to just relax or else. I can see her looking over at me. My sister can be bossy sometimes. I try to sit up and get a comfortable position but it's not easy being nearly 9 months pregnant. "Can I get you anything else, sis?" Seoyoung asks. "No I think I'm okay. Thank you, sis" I reply. We sit there and talk. All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain. "What's the matter? Could they be a contraction" Seoyoung said. "I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it was" I reply. "Let me know if it comes again" she said. About 10 minutes later another contraction comes so I tell my sister. "I think that's a sign of labor, Seoyoung" I say. "See I bet you're glad I'm here tonight and you're not alone" Seoyoung said. "Yes I am" I scream as another contraction comes. Seoyoung sits next to me and times them. "It hurts" I say. "Shhhh shhhh it will be over soon. Let's get you to the hospital and call Mingi on the way" she said. "He won't come yet. He's out having fun" I reply. "He won't want to miss the birth of his first baby, Y/ N" Seoyoung said. She gets me in her car and drives me to the hospital. My waters have already broken. She calls Mingi on the way and he's getting there as soon as he can. We told him no rush as we don't think our son will be born right this minute. Thankfully my sister was with me when it happened. I would've panicked without her. Seoyoung takes me to the maternity centre and I get checked. She stays with me of course till Mingi arrives

Mingi arrives at the hospital soon. He got here as quick as he could. He found out where I was and immediately rushed in. "I'm here, baby" he said when he rushed through the doors. "It's about time. I thought you were never coming" I reply. "Why would you think that? I said I was coming but late night traffic you know" Mingi said. "I'll leave you two now. I don't want to get in the way. Let me know as soon as he's born. Love you" Seoyoung said. "Thank you, Unnie for taking good care of me. Love you too" I reply. Seoyoung smiled and left. Mingi is here now anyway. "So do they know how long till we get to meet our son?" he asks. "No idea. As long as it takes" I reply. "I hope anytime now" he said. "You're not drunk. Are you?" I ask. "No I only had two beers but had a great time with the guys" Mingi replies. I smile. We waited until labor progressed more and it took a while. Mingi just wanted our son to be born right that second he arrived but I told him that's not he way it works. He wasn't fully aware but understands now. I'm getting more dilated and it's past midnight now. "Me and our son nearly shared a birthday. Wanted him to be born on the same day as me" Mingi said. "I know but he will be born the day after you which is not bad" I reply. "Yes we can still have father son birthdays together" he said. "Sure thing" I reply. I sip on water to keep me hydrated while we wait for action. The midwives who were lovely kept on coming in to check on me. It's now 3am in the morning and looks like it might not be long now. More time has passed and it's go time. "I told you he would be coming soon, babe" Mingi said holding my hand as I get ready to push. "Nice gentle pushes, Y/ N. Not too hard" the midwife said. "Yes" I reply. "Come on, baby. You can do it. You can deliver our son" Mingi said. He sits next to me and I squeeze his hand. "He's almost here" he said. I carry on pushing and pushing. "You're nearly there, Y/ N. His head is born. Just a couple more pushes till he's here" the midwife said. After a couple more pushes. Baby Minjoon enters the world. Wow! He does have a set of lungs on him as he screamed straight away. Haha. The midwife cleans him off and places him in my chest for skin to skin contact. Our son is finally here after approximately 7 hours of labor

I held baby Minjoon close to my bare chest for five minuets before we had to hand him back over to the midwives to check him over and clean him off and all that. Mingi and I were dying to see our newborn son again. We got to see him for a few minutes. Minjoon is a pretty big boy by the looks of it. A few minutes later the midwife comes over with baby Minjoon wrapped all cozy in a blanket and hat. "He's a very healthy boy. 8lbs 8oz. Enjoy him" the midwife said handing Minjoon to me. "Hello again, little guy. We are your mommy and daddy" I say. "Hello, son. I am dad" Mingi said. We looked at our newborn son for a while and admired how cute he was. I held him for a week in my arms. "Babe, can I hold him for a bit now" Mingi asks. "Sure of course you can. I was just going to let you" I reply. I hand baby Minjoon to Mingi. "Have you got him?" I ask. "Yes" he replies. He supports his head well and holds him for a while. "Son, you're the most special thing I've ever held. You know that. We almost share a birthday too" Mingi says sweetly to Minjoon. "He is. The most special thing I've ever held too. We are so lucky" I smile. "So lucky indeed. You did so well today, Y/ N. I'm so proud of you, my love" Mingi said. "Thank you" I smile. Our baby boy is now here safe and sound. Born just a few hours after his daddy's birthday which makes him even more special

 Born just a few hours after his daddy's birthday which makes him even more special

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Song Minjoon 💙
August 10th @ 4:24am
8lbs 8oz

A/ N: awwwww baby Minjoon is here and he is so cute. A big boy too but so cute. Hope you enjoyed Mingi's part

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