20. b. He Buys Something For The Baby

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I can't wait for the arrival of our baby in the next few months. Yep still a few months off but it will definitely be worth it when our baby is here on this earth. It's exciting not knowing the gender at the moment. We both think it's a girl but we can't tell yet. Not till they are here. Yeosang has gone out shopping with a few of his friends this afternoon. He asked if I wanted to go but I said it was okay. I've been shopping there a million times anyway. I just decided to stay at home and have some relaxing time myself. Not often I get to do that. Yeosang said he will be home as soon as he can. I told him if he's having fun, there is no rush to come back but I understand he wants to see me. I sit on the couch abiding my time by watching something on Netflix. A k drama I'm watching. Yeosang texts to say he'll be home in the next half an hour. Looking forward to seeing him. Almost an hour has passed and the front door of our apartment opens and Yeosang walks in. "Hey, sweetie. I'm home" he said. "Hi, honey. Did you have fun?" I reply. "Yes I did. It was fun but I missed you" he replies. "I missed you too" I reply. I noticed that he's got a Disney store bag in his hand. "Anyway look in here. There is something" he said. "Ohhhh really" I reply. "Yes look inside" Yeosang said. He gives me the bag and I look inside and there was a cute outfit for our baby in there. Gender neutral of course. "Awwww. This is super cute, jagi. Love it" I say. "I thought you would. My friends helped me choose it" he said. "That's great. Can't wait to dress our little one in this special outfit" I say. Yeosang smiles at me and sits next to me on the couch. "I love you. Love you both" he smiles. "Love you both too" I smile. How sweet is he?

 How sweet is he?

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Jongho 🧡


Y/ N and I have been getting little things for our twin baby girls. Her baby shower will be coming up soon so she'll be getting things at that. Mainly the bigger things. We have been getting clothes, blankets, pacifiers and smaller things like that. We are not over spending as we need to save for when the babies are here. I was looking online at baby things and I came across a cute little outfit for the girls. Thing 1 and Thing 2 onesies with a matching tutu and headband. It was super adorable I thought so I ordered it. I have ordered it to come to Y/ N's door as a surprise. I didn't put a note. Well I put from daddy so she'll know it's from me. The guys and I are now in the studio. The package should be arriving at Y/ N's door soon sometime today. She is home today so I ordered it to come today. In my break I get a call from Y/ N. I guess the parcel has maybe arrived. "Hey, babe" I say. "Hey, babe" she said. "What's up?" I ask. "Well this parcel came with baby outfits and the note says daddy. Is it from you by any chance?" Y/ N said. "Yes it is. Who else is daddy to the twins?" I reply. "You didn't tell me you had ordered anything. What a nice surprise?" she said. "I know it is a nice surprise as it is meant to be a surprise. I didn't want to tell you" I reply. "Jongho, that's so cute and sweet of you. You are already the best daddy to our girls I could ask for" Y/ N said. "Babe, you don't have to thank me. I love you and the babies so I do it with love" I say. "Anyway I'll let you go now. I must've bothered you at work" she says. "You didn't at all. I just took a break" I reply. Y/ N thought the outfits I ordered for the twins were so cute. Can't wait to dress them in those outfits from me

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