31. Labor/ Delivery- Jongho 🧡

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I have just hit 37 weeks in my pregnancy with our twin girls now. Jongho and I can't wait to meet our little princesses. Hyebin and Yebin whenever they decide to come into the world. 37 weeks is about the usual time twins are born as they don't want them to get too big as it could be a problem. If I go on a few more days, I might need to be induced. I am still working but working from home a bit now. Jongho tells me that I shouldn't and I need to be resting as we are going to have two babies to look after soon. He is right. I shouldn't be doing too much and I should be taking care and looking after myself. I am doing a bit of work from home today while Jongho is at the studio. At least we are living with my parents at the moment so my mom is around most of the babies if I need anything. She is out sometimes but is trying not to be until I give birth. I can't exactly come to that much bother sitting at a table on my laptop doing some work. Jongho keeps asking me if I'm okay and I told him I'm fine. My mom is upstairs so if I need anything, she is around. I keep on reminding him that. I am doing my work but sometimes it's hard to concentrate considering. I managed to do a bit of work before calling it a day. The good thing about working from home is, you can do it in your own time. I go upstairs to where my mom is. "How are you doing?" she said as I pass her bedroom. "Okay. Done for now but I think I'm going to have a lie down for a bit" I reply. I go to my bedroom and lay on my bed for a bit. It feels good to have a lie down. Sometime had passed and I woke up. I went off to sleep for a while and woke up suddenly. I sit up and feel dizzy for a second with a lower back pain. "Mom, mom" I call. She hears me and comes rushing in. "Are you okay, Y/ N?" she asks. "Think labor might be starting. I feel odd" I say. Mom smiles and sits with me on the bed. She tells me to take deep breaths and stay calm as labor starts. My mom knows exactly what to do and how to stay calm as she has had three children of her own. She is the best person to have around at this time. Contractions started not long after but weren't too frequent at first. She took me to the hospital when it was time

I am at the hospital now and I've just been examined and I'm almost halfway dilated now. Halfway to meeting our beautiful little girls. Jongho is on his way and should be here pretty soon. He cannot miss the birth of our beautiful girls. I am not letting him do that. My mom stays by my side and holds my hand and smiles me. "Don't worry, sweetie. I know you would rather have Jongho by your side. He will be walking through that door soon"' mom smiles. "I would love to have you both" I smile. Literally a couple of minutes later, Jongho calls me. "Hey" I say. "Hi, babe. I'm at the hospital. Where are you?" he says. "Birth centre in room 22 I think" I reply. "Okay I'll be there soon" he replies. "See I told you he'll be coming soon" mom smiles. Jongho finds the room a few minutes later and knocks and walks in. "At least I didn't miss anything big" he said sitting next to me. "No" I laugh. My mom moves to the other side of the room and lets Jongho sits next to me. "So what happens now?" he asks. "We just wait for the babies to be born" I reply. "Hopefully it won't take long" he said. "Takes as long as it takes until they are ready to come out" I smile. Soon the midwife comes into examine me again. She checks the babies heart rates. "Y/ N, one of the babies heart rate is dropping a bit and she's in the wrong position. This might call for a c section" she said. My face dropped as soon as she said that. "Oh no" I say. "Don't worry it will all be okay. I know you are scared" the midwife said. She calls in the doctor and she has a look herself. They agreed that it was best the babies were delivered by c section. We don't want them getting into trouble and distress in there. They start to get me prepped for surgery. It wasn't too urgent so they didn't have to rush me in. Jongho was allowed to come in with me of course so he had to get kitted out. They numb my lower part of body so I can't feel anything. I was awake throughout so j could tell what's going on. "This is it, babe" Jongho said. "It is. Time we finally meet our beautiful girls" I smile. The surgeon cuts into me and minutes later, our first baby girl was born. Hyebin was first to be born. We could hear her cry straight away. Our faces light up and we both look at each other. "Our first. Hyebin" he whispers. Our second baby girl Yebin was born not long after. She was getting into a little bit of difficulty earlier but is okay now. She cried too not long after she came into the world. Jongho and I light up again. Our babies go to get cleaned and checked before we could see and hold them. We already know that they are going to be beautiful little angels

The twins are spending sometime in the NICU as they are a bit early. We've been told hopefully a few dads and then we will be able to take them home. Jongho and I can't believe that Hyebin and Yebin are here safe and sound and so beautiful of course. We could have a quick glance at them earlier before they were taken to the NICU. We are seeing them properly in the NICU. We have to wear a mask and sanitize our hands as we go in. I am a bit sore after my c section so Jongho is pushing me in a wheelchair into the NICU so I don't have walk very far. I don't think I could've anyway. "Babe, we finally get to see our baby daughters for the first time" Jongho said as he pushes me in. Our baby girls were right there in incubators next to each other. Yebin had a low heart rate during delivery so they need to keep an extra eye on her. We stand by them and admire our sweet baby girls gif the first time. "I can't believe I'm a father. I can't believe we are parents. This is so amazing, Y/ N. Can't wait to watch these little angels grow up" Jongho said. "Me too, Jongho. Me too. Just look at them. They are so beautiful and precious. So in love with them already" I smile. "Me too. Just like I'm so in love with their mother" he smiles bending down to kiss my cheek. Later we could hold Hyebin and Yebin for the first time. They are here now despite me having a c section but at least they are here now and we will get to take them home soon

 They are here now despite me having a c section but at least they are here now and we will get to take them home soon

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Choi Hyebin 💗
July 15 @ 2:12pm
5lbs 9oz

Choi Yebin
July 15 @ 2:18pm
5lbs 5oz

A/ N: awwwww the Choi twins are here and his precious are they. Hyebin and Yebin. Just two more parts to go. I'll try and get Wooyoungs up before I fly to America on Monday or when I'm waiting at the airport to board and Hongjoong's while I'm there. Sorry for being a bit slow with updating this week. Won't be updating everyday when I'm there. Same with my other books too

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