5. b. Celebrating The News

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Yeosang 💛


Y/ N and I are going out tonight to the beach. The other day she told me she's pregnant and we've both been over the moon since. We are having a baby. Ahhhh. The beach is one of our favourite places to go especially in an evening. We are going there tonight. I am also going to ask Y/ N something very important. I'm gonna ask her to marry me. I've been thinking of proposing to get for a while now. Not just because she's pregnant but I love her so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. We are just arriving at the beach now. It's a nice evening. I hold Y/ N's hand as we walk to the beach. It's pretty quiet. Only a few other people around. We hold hands as we walk along the beach together. I love times like this with my girl. So we walk on the beach for a while and then sit down together on the sand. I'm gonna pop the question soon to her. Y/ N smiles and I put my arms around her. "Love this. Love you, Yeosangie" she said. "Love this and love you too, baby girl" I reply. I kiss her cheek. So we chill on the sand for a bit before taking another walk by the sea. I want to propose to her now. "Y/ N, can we just stop?" I say. "Yeah what's wrong?" she replies. "There is something I need to ask you actually" I say. "Sure" she replies. I get down on one knee and smile at her getting the ring from my pocket. "Y/ F/ N, you are the love of my life. I love you so much. I can't believe we are having a baby together. Y/ N, I love you. Will you make me the happiest man on this earth by marrying me?" I say. "Yes yes, Yeosang. A million times yes. I love you" Y/ N gasps. "Love you so much" I say getting up and placing the ring on her finger. "It's perfect and it fits" she said. She said yes and we are engaged

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I are more at ease now that we know I'm pregnant and we are keeping the baby as it's best. No one knows. Only me and Jongho of course. We are still not a couple yet. Just friends who are having a baby. This afternoon is a beautiful afternoon and me and Jongho are going to the park and taking a picnic to have in the park. I am on my way to meet him now. I'm looking forward to going out with him. Just something cute and low-key to do together. Jongho said he was bringing some food. I arrive at the park and meet him by the tree we always meet at. I see Jongho arrive a few minutes later. "Hi, Y/ N. How are you?" he asks. "Hey, Jongho. I'm good thanks. You?" I reply. "Yep I'm fine" he replies. We talk for a bit and then find a somewhere to sit and eat the picnic. "Hope the sandwiches are okay. My mom helped me with it" Jongho said. "It's just fine. Don't worry" I smile. We eat and enjoy the food and chill for a while in the park. Having a good time together. Jongho looks at me in the eyes and says "Y/ N, I can't believe we are all of a sudden having a baby together. I know it was a mistake what happened but I am looking forward becoming a dad" he said. "I know, Jongho. It all happened so quickly and yes I know it was a mistake but hey ho we are having a baby. No going back now" I say. "I know. But Y/ N, I have liked you for the longest time now. Not just because you're having my baby but I really do like you a lot" Jongho said. "I like you to, Jongho. A lot" I reply. "So will you be my girlfriend and we will raise this baby together?" he asks. "Yes I would love to" I reply. Jongho smiles and kisses me. We had a nice little picnic date and Jongho asked me to be his girlfriend as well. It's official now

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I are celebrating our baby news at home tonight. We are cooking a new recipe together and eating it at home and probably settling down and watching a movie together. I told him the other day I was pregnant and he's been elated ever since. Tonight we are making for the first time Korean fish cakes with fried eggs and a spicy salsa. Sounds delicious. Can't wait to make it. Wooyoung and I have just bought the ingredients for the dish. The recipe seems a little complicated but we like cooking together and trying new things. We are in the kitchen now and we are starting to cook. Wooyoung and I are working together but we are doing separate things. He is doing the fish cakes and I'm doing the egg and veg to go with it. "How are you doing, babe?" Wooyoung said. "Fine. Don't worry about me" I reply. "You know I worry about you, baby" he said. Soon the food was onto cook together and we set the table while we were waiting. Wooyoung smiles and puts his arms around me. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I laugh. "I can't wait to meet our tiny baby in there" he said. "Me too. Me too" I reply. When the meal was ready we plated it up and sat down and eat at the table. "It's very delicious. Think we chose the right thing to make" Wooyoung said. "It sure is and I have to agree" I smile. He smiles back. Wooyoung and I enjoy our fish cakes with fried egg and spicy salsa. After we tidy up and then sit on the couch. "Now let's chill for a while before bed" he said. "Yes definitely" I reply. Wooyoung puts on the TV and we see what's on. Not a lot so we look on Netflix. We watch a k drama on there. Wooyoung and I are quite into those. We try Nevertheless which was recommended to me by a friend. It was good. I almost feel asleep on the couch towards the end so we hand to wind it back as I missed a bit. Anyway Wooyoung and I had a nice night at home cooking a new dish and chilling and watching a new k drama we doing. It was amazing

Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I are on our honeymoon. We have gone to the Bahamas. We wanted to go somewhere nice and hot as it's January. We wanted a honeymoon since we got married. We only got there a day ago but we are enjoying ourselves. We are having a nice romantic dinner at the restaurant by the beach tonight. Can't wait for that. It's going to be a lovely dinner to celebrate our honeymoon and baby news. Hongjoong and I are getting ready now for going out now. I am wearing a cute summery dress and Hongjoong is wearing shorts with a shirt. He looks cute and handsome. "You look beautiful, baby. So beautiful as always" he said. "You look so cute and handsome, Joongie" I reply. "Love you" he said. "Love you too" I reply. So we walk to the restaurant by the beach and find a table and sit down. We pick up a menu each and see what they have. We have never tried Caribbean food before. After sometime of deciding what we wanted to eat. "This is so nice and romantic" Hongjoong said smiling at me from across the table. "It is. Love it so far" I reply. "And here's to baby Kim" he said. Our food comes soon and it was really delicious. Hongjoong and I really enjoyed it. After we pay for the meal and then take a nice romantic evening stroll on the beach. "This is the life, baby. This is the life" Hongjoong smiles putting his arms around me. We stand by the water and watch the night sky. What a perfect dinner and honeymoon we had? Can't wait to welcome our baby into the world

A/ N: Which one did you like the best? Did you like the super cute proposal?

Edited 13/9 as I forgot to put the rest of the names in oops

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