8. b. First Scan

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I are at the hospital for my first scan this afternoon. He managed to sneak off from work early for it. I wanted him to be there so bad and he is going to be there. Can't wait to see our little one for the first time. Both Yeosang and I are very excited to become parents in the next few months. I have just gone in for my scan now. The nice lady greeted us. "Okay, Y/ N. Just relax. I'm going to have a little look at your baby. This is your first scan. Right?"
she said. "Yes it is" I reply. I pull up my top and she started examining me and looking at my bump. My tiny bump. Yeosang sits next to me proudly and smiles holding my hand. Awwww he is just as happy as me. We could hear the heartbeat on the monitor and it sounded healthy and strong. As far as we knew it was a healthy heartbeat. Yeosang kept looking and smiling at me which was so cute. He is so cute and will be such a cute daddy when the baby is born. "All is good and well with the baby, M/ Y/ LN" the lady said. "Thank you so much" I smile. "Thank you" Yeosang smiled. She wiped off the jelly and I roll down my top and we leave holding hands. "That was one of the best moments of my life" Yeosang said. "It was. I can't believe we finally got to see our baby for the first time" I smile. "Our little human" he said. We go to the car and go home feeling overjoyed and happy

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I have my first scan today. We are both excited and also a little nervous at the same time. I don't think it's anything to be too nervous about though. It's very exciting and new having your first scan. All is good. No one knows about us yet or my pregnancy. Haven't told anyone at all. They don't need to know just yet. Jongho is meeting me down at the hospital. We are both travelling separately. I arrived and parked up. He's almost here he said. I told him I'd wait in the entrance so he wasn't getting lost. Jongho arrives a few minutes later. "Hey, Y/ N. Here I am. Didn't want to miss it" he said. "Glad you're here" I reply. I check in and we wait to be called in. I get called in and lay down and the sonographer starts examining me. "Wow! That's our baby there. Never seen one of those before" Jongho said. "Yes it is" I reply. "Babies actually. Looks like you're having twins" the lady said. "What twins? Can't be" I say. "No way. Are you sure?" Jongho said. "Yes pretty sure it looks like twins to me. I'll get the doctor to confirm" she said. Me and Jongho are confused and gobsmacked. How can we be having twins? The doctor comes in. "Yes you are having twins. Congratulations" he said. We were in shock again. How are we going to cope with twins? We were worried about one baby at our age but now two. I guess we got plenty of time to figure it out

Wooyoung 💚


Y/ N and I are heading to the hospital for our first scan. Her first scan I should say. We have been waiting for this day for so long and it's come. Can't wait to see our little one for the first time. We arrived at the hospital a few minutes ago. We are waiting to be called in. Hopefully it will be soon. Maybe they are running a bit late but it's okay though. We just can't wait for this moment now. I smile at Y/ N and grip onto her hand tightly looking into her eyes. "I can't wait" I say. "Me neither" she replies. She gets called in and we follow the lady into the room. Y/ N lies down on the bed and the lady starts examining her. She looks at the screen where the sonogram is displayed. Both of us look too. "That's our baby. We made them with love" i say. "Yes it is and we did indeed. Our little one. Baby Jung" Y/ N replies. "Your baby is fine and developing well" the lady said. "Brilliant" Y/ N smiles. "I know we won't know the gender yet but I would like to when we can" I say. "Yep me too. Definitely" she smiles. So our first baby scan went well. Baby is healthy and fine. We will find out the gender in the coming months

Hongjoong 🖤

Earlier today I went to the hospital for my first baby scan with Hongjoong of course. I've been waiting a couple of weeks to have it as he was going sure when he could come and I was waiting for a hospital appointment too. We haven't come down from cloud 9 since. Especially Hongjoong. He's been so cute about it since we left the hospital after the scan. We got the sonogram picture too. He can't stop staring at it. It's super cute to see. He just can't wait to be a daddy. Still have a while to go before we are parents but we just can't wait. So exciting. I have just taken my evening shower and it felt good. I get dried off and walk into our bedroom to get dressed. Hongjoong is laid on our bed staring at the sonogram picture again. He was starry eyed over it. So cute to witness. "Hey, you" I said going over to grab my clothes. "Hey. Y/ N, I can't stop looking at our baby. Him or her. This is a dream come true" Hongjoong said. "I know, Joong. I can't stop looking at it either. It is a dream come true indeed" I reply. I get dressed and join him on the bed. "Our precious baby. Beautiful just like you, my love" he said. "No adorable just like you" I say squishing his nose. We both look at each other and laugh. Hongjoong and I got to see our baby for the first time today and treasured that moment

A/ N: are you surprised that Jongho is the one having twins? I like to mix it up a bit. Made Hongjoong's different because why not. Just imagine how cute he's be staring at a sonogram

I'll try and update as much as I can. Started a new job and course for my studies so my time will be occupied a bit more but don't worry I'll still have time to update all my books

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