37. b. First Bath

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Yeosang 💛

Sunhwa has just had her first bath and it went well. She didn't like the water too much at first but then she got used to it. It was all good in the end. Sunhwa is all happy now that she's out and in her nice warm clothes that have been warming up on the radiator. "There we go, my Angel. Did you like your first bath?" Yeosang said. "I think she did. In the end" I reply. "Shall we do it again soon, Sunhwa?" Yeosang said. "I think Sunhwa would agree right now" I say. "Yes I think she would. I can't wait till she can smile. Can't wait for that day hopefully soon, my princess" Yeosang said. I smile at look at our beautiful little girl as she has just got out of the bath for the first time. Sunhwa looked happy and content when she got out of the bath. That's the way we like to see her. Yeosang and I are very proud parents of Sunhwa

Jongho 🧡

My mom is going to help us give Hyebin and Yebin their first baths today. They were born almost four weeks ago but we held off giving them baths because we wanted them to get a little older and stronger before we put them through that. Hopefully the bathing will go well and according to plan. My mom is here to help us like always. Next time we will do it on our own if she helps us this time. We set up for the twins baths in the kitchen. We are bathing one baby at a time. We will watch how my mom does it and then we will try it after. We are bathing Yebin first. Jongho gets her undressed and I get the things out while my mom fills the bath with nice warm water. She lifts Yebin into the bath and we start bathing her. Jongho and I watch how my mom does it. "It's okay, Yebin. Grandma is bathing you" mom says. Yebin enjoyed her bath now Hyebin's turn. Me and Jongho are going to do it this time. I lift her into the bath and Jongho assists. Hyebin didn't like it at first. She started crying. "It's okay, baby girl. It's only water" I say softly. I lift her out and let her calm down and then we try again. Hyebin was okay after that. We think she was just a bit frightened of the water at first. We have our girls their first baths today

Wooyoung 💚

We are giving baby Jongdae is first bath today. It's new year so two weeks since he came into the world. It's been the best but most busy two weeks of our lives. Of being parents to our little man. We have been finding out how to give a newborn a bath and we think we got it now. We are more than ready to start bathing our boy now. Y/ N fed Jongdae not so long ago so he should be okay for a while now. "Right, young man. Are you ready for your first bath?" I say. "I think he is. Let's get him bathed" Y/ N replies. I undress him and get him into the bath with Y/ N's help. "A nice and gentle wash" she said picking up a soft sponge and baby lotion. Jongdae quite enjoyed the bath and the gentle wash Y/ N gave him. It really soothed him and settled him. After a few minutes I lift him out of the bath and wrap him in his nice fluffy towel and dry him off. "There we go. All nice" Y/ N said. We think Jongdae enjoyed his first bath a lot. It was nice to give him his first bath today

Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I have been giving little Taeyang washes since he came home from the hospital as we were instructed to with him being born early and with a heart condition too. We are still carrying on doing that for a little bit longer. We give him a good wash with warm water and cotton wool. We are going to wash him before we put him to bed now. Taeyang enjoys his little washes before bed. It soothes and relaxes him. "Now let's get you washed, Taeyangie" I say. "Yep let's get you washed, son" Hongjoong said. He fills the basin with warm water and brings it in where I start washing Taeyang gently with cotton wool and warm water. I wash him all over gently before drying him with fresh cotton wool. Taeyang was then nice and clean from his wash. A happy baby he was

A/ N: sorry if this was a bit short. Never like doing this one. Too repetitive

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