29. Labor/ Delivery- San ❤️

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I have just gone past my due date now a couple of days ago and still no sign of baby Seongmin yet. They usually say that second babies can be early but not in my case. Not with my second child. If I have gone to a week past my due date, they will induce me. I am anxious that might happen but San told me not to. We will both be anxious until baby Seongmin arrives safe and sound into the world. Hopefully I won't need to be induced and labor all just happen naturally. Seohyeon came a week early so I thought this baby would be the same. He's not ready to come out yet. He wants to stay in them all snug. I am on maternity leave from work now. I was working till a couple of days ago but my boss dismissed me since I'm heavily pregnant and need to rest before the baby comes which could be anytime. San is doing a lot. He's working, picking up Seohyeon from nursery and getting the shopping while I take if easy. Wish I was doing one of those things. Instead I'm just sitting at home waiting for labor to happen if it happens. My neighbour comes to check on me every now and then and people call me. San should be coming home soon with Seohyeon from nursery. Can't wait to see them and spend some time with them today. I am sat on the couch watching a k drama on Netflix that I am currently in the middle of. Soon the front door opens and San and Seohyeon walk in. "Eomma?" Seohyeon exclaims. "Hi, sweetie" I say. "Hi, honey. How are you doing? How are you feeling?" San said. "Alright. Just the same" I reply. "I know, baby. I'm gonna be cooking soon so don't worry" he smiles. Seohyeon sits close to me on the couch and cuddles me for a few minutes. "She's been asking for her little brother all the way back. Stopped off at the supermarket to get a few groceries" San said. "Awwww bless her" I smile. Seohyeon and I have cuddle time while San starts cooking. No sign of labor just yet

As I was getting Seohyeon ready for bed, I start to take a bit of a funny turn. I don't feel too good. Contractions might be coming on. I am kissing Seohyeon Goodnight after reading her a bedtime story. "Goodnight, baby girl. Eomma loves you so much" I say. "Love you too, Eomma" she whispers. I go out of her room and San was in the kitchen making us hot drinks before bed. Both of us are not going to be too late to bed. "Is she as snug as a bug in a rug?" he asks. "Yes she is. She's probably asleep now. She was pretty tired" I reply. "I'll quietly kiss her Goodnight" San said going into Seohyeon's room. I take a seat on the couch and try and relax. "Are you okay, honey?" San asks. "Yes I'm okay. Just tired" I reply. "You're holding up your bump" he said. "Yeah I kinda feel a bit funny" I reply. "But you just said you felt okay" he said. "Yeah sorry I wasn't thinking" I reply. San sat next to me on the couch and put his arms around me and comforted me which is just what I needed.  The first contractions hits not long after. I obviously knew what it feels like as I've had a baby before. "That was just the first contraction" I say. "Was it. Labor is starting. At last" San cheers. "Looks like it but don't get too excited yet" I reply. San smiles. Another contraction came about 10 minutes later and more after that. We had to call my parents to stay over to watch Seohyeon was she was asleep and San had to go with me obviously as I couldn't drive myself to the hospital. My parents came soon even though it was late. They said they would come whenever I went into labor to watch Seohyeon. When she wakes up she's going to have the surprise of her grandparents being there. San gets me to the hospital when they arrive. I have been examined and I'm almost halfway dilated so on the way to meeting our boy. "Can I get you anything, baby?" San asks. "No thank you. I don't think I could eat or drink anything at the moment" I reply. "Okay let me know if you change your mind" he said. "I will" I smile. We sit there and wait for more to happen. Just can't wait to meet our boy soon. We check with my parents to see if Seohyeon heard anything and woke up. They said she's still asleep which is good. She didn't hear anything then. San stays by my side through out. The midwives kept on coming in to examine me and I was progressing more. Almost there now we would say. "Not long now, my love. Seongmin will be here soon" San said. "Hopefully" I reply. It was now getting to daylight in the morning and I think it's almost time to push our baby boy out. "Okay, Y/ N. I think you are ready to push now. Remember take it easy" the midwife said. I grip onto San's hand. "Come on, sweetie you can do it just like the first time" he said. I push and I push and I push until baby Seongmin was born. He cried as soon as he was born. Finally our boy is here and he came naturally

We could hold baby Seongmin a few minutes after he was born. The midwife cleaned him off, weighed him and wrapped him in a blanket and put a hat on his head before handing him to me. "Here you go. All is great with him. A healthy boy" she said. "Hello, cute boy" I smile. "Hello, my son" San smiles. "Does he have a name yet?" the midwife asks. "Yes we are going to call him Seongmin" I reply. She smiles. San and I take lots of moments to admire baby Seongmin as we hold him for the first time. "I've always wanted a son like you, Seongminie. You are going to be best friends with me and your big sister too who doesn't know you're born yet" San said. I smile in awe. I start breastfeeding Seongmin. I have done it before when Seohyeon was a baby so I obviously know what I'm doing. Seongmin took to it straight away. Seohyeon struggled a bit at first and we had to formula feed her for a few weeks which I didn't like. At least I have no problems with this baby. "He likes his mommy's milk" San said. That was cute. It made me laugh. When I had fed Seongmin for the first time, I give him to San to hold again. "Can't wait to introduce you to your big sister. She's going to love you, son" he said. I smile. Our baby boy Seongmin is here now safe and sound and hopefully we will get to go home tomorrow so he can meet Seohyeon

 Our baby boy Seongmin is here now safe and sound and hopefully we will get to go home tomorrow so he can meet Seohyeon

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Choi Seongmin 💙
April 25 @ 11:18am
7lbs 10oz

A/ N: aawwwww what a cute baby Seongmin is. Hope this chapter was good. San is now the father of two (but only in this book) haha

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