32. Labor/ Delivery- Wooyoung 💚

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It's Christmas Eve and I'm a week past my due date with baby Jongdae. No sign of him arriving yet. Nayeon has been staying at our place as she doesn't want to miss a thing when I go into labor. She is the best sister in the world and wants to be there for me all the time and doesn't want to miss the birth of her nephew who she can't wait to meet soon when he is born. It's Christmas Day tomorrow and I'm a week past my due date. We just want baby Wooyoung to come soon. Before Christmas would be amazing. It would be a Christmas miracle if he was born just before Christmas. Wooyoung and I are ready for our sons arrival. Nayeon is too. We are all relaxing while we can on this Christmas Eve. Just in case baby Jongdae decides to make an entrance. I'm sat on the couch and Wooyoung has his arms around me and is holding me close to him. Nayeon is sat at the other side of the room. "You two are so cute together. I want to find a love like yours one day" Nayeon said. "Oh you will, sis. Mark my words. Who wouldn't want some of Im Nayeon" I reply. "Huh, I know what you're talking about" Nayeon laughs. We continue to chill for a bit and talk. I don't really feel like moving much. I feel a slight twinge in my stomach. Nayeon could tell on my face that I wasn't feeling good. "Y/ N, are you having contractions. I can see you grimacing" she said. "Yes I think it was, Nayeon" I reply. "Okay relax, sweetie" she said. "I got you" Wooyoung smiles. They sit by my side and help me through the pain of the contractions before taking me to the hospital. Nayeon wanted to come as she didn't want to miss anything of course. We let her as she's the best auntie in the world

Now I'm at the hospital. Nayeon couldn't come in straight away as it wasn't time yet. She had to wait till I was further on in the labor stages. It's still Christmas Eve so our baby boy could still be born before Christmas Day. If he isn't. It's not the end of the world anyway. Nayeon was waiting patiently outside for anything to happen. Wooyoung will tell her when it's time for her to come in. Nayeon is very excited to meet her baby nephew. But not as excited as we are to meet him. The midwife examined me when I arrived and I'm only just halfway through the dilation so still a while to go but Wooyoung keeps Nayeon updated on my progress. She was okay. We told her to go and come back later but she said she was okay waiting. Best sister in the world. Wooyoung sat next to me in the chair and held my hand when I wasn't feeling good. "I'm in pain, Wooyoung. I just want all this to be over" I say. "Don't worry, my love. It will be and our boy will be here so soon" he smiles. "He will. Hopefully soon and it won't feel like a life time" I reply. "Baby remain optimistic" Wooyoung smiles holding and kissing my hand. The great midwives keep on checking on me and checking my cervix too. They were great. Nayeon could come in a bit later. We missed her being around. "Can't wait to meet my nephew so soon. Auntie Nayeon is the most excited auntie in the world" she exclaims. "Oh yes you are" I reply. I love how Nayeon is so cute and excitable. She is older than me and is more of a big kid than me. A little time later and I was ready to push. I was fully dilated then. Nayeon held my right hand and Wooyoung my left hand. I had my two favourite people beside me. What could be better? Nothing. "You're doing amazing, sis. Better than I ever will" Nayeon said. I carry on pushing until baby Jongdae entered the world. He entered the world with a big cry. "He's here" Wooyoung said. I smile at both of them and they smile at me. I did it. I welcomed our baby boy into the world

When baby Jongdae was born, he was cleaned off and weighed before being handed to us by the midwife. He's quite a big boy too but he's so adorable. "Hello, baby boy. We finally get to meet you" I say. "You're finally here son. So good to finally meet you" Wooyoung said. "It is. I'm your auntie Nayeon" Nayeon said. "And I'm your mommy" I say. "I'm your daddy" Wooyoung said. "You're so cute, Jung Jongdae" I say. "He is. Cutest baby I've ever seen. Maybe I'm biased as he's my nephew" Nayeon said. "No he definitely is. Our precious little pumpkin" I say. "Welcome to the world, Jongdae. Mommy, daddy and auntie Nayeon will protect and love you forever" Wooyoung said. "Oh yeah forever and always. My boy" I say. "Auntie Nayeon will give you lots of cousins one day, Jongdae" Nayeon said. "Oh yes you will. You will be an amazing mom one day, sis" I say. Baby Jongdae opens jus eyes and looks at us. He definitely has Wooyoung's eyes. "My eyes" he said. "Yes he definitely has your eyes, my love. His daddy's eyes" I say. "My splitting image" he said. "And you came just in time for Christmas too" I smile. Jongdae is our little Christmas baby and we love him so much. He's the best thing that's ever seen to us and we are going to treasure him forever. Wooyoung smiles and looks into Jongdae's eyes as he holds him. A father and son moment that I couldn't resist. So beautiful. My boys. Wooyoung holds Jongdae for a while and then Nayeon holds him for the first time after. We are so happy that our boy is here safe and sound and adorable of course

 We are so happy that our boy is here safe and sound and adorable of course

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Jung Jongdae 💙
December 24 @ 11:33pm
8lbs 9oz

A/ N: so that's Wooyoung's part. Hope you liked it. Hope it was okay. I wrote some of it on my way over to the US. Baby Jongdae is so adorable. His hair awww

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