44. a. Family Day Out

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I are taking Dayoung and Jungwon out for the first time. We are going to the mall. We thought it was a good pace to go with them for the first time as it has baby friendly facilities and who doesn't love going to the mall anyway go do some shopping and to eat too. We are going somewhere to eat when we've done a bit of shopping. We have just arrived at the mall now and we are getting the stroller out of the trunk of the car and getting the twins strapped in. "Here we go, babies" Seonghwa said lifting the car seats onto the stroller. Makes it easier than putting the babies in. "Ready to do some shopping" I say. "Yes definitely. Can't wait" Seonghwa smiles. He pushes the stroller around the mall as we look for places to go in. I go to my favourite stores that I have missed going in for the last couple of months. We just haven't been going out since the twins were born. Seonghwa says I can get whatever if I see anything or anything for the twins. It's not exactly my main priority to shop for myself but my priority is to have a great family day out. If I do see any nice clothes for when I lose the baby weight more I might consider buying. We go in several shops and I don't see anything just yet. Dayoung and Jungwon do have a lot of things anyway. We go into another clothes store and I browse around the clothes section for a while. "See anything you like, babe? You can have anything you want" Seonghwa said. "Ummmm I'm considering this" I say holding up a nice dress I see. "Go for it. It'll do for date nights" he smiled. "Sure" I reply. I buy the dress and we go for something to eat soon. We found a nice new noodle restaurant that just opened up in the mall. Me, Seonghwa and the twins had a really nice first family day out

Mingi 💙


Y/ N and I are going out with the boys and baby Minjoon of course. We are going out for a nice dinner to our favourite restaurant tonight after practice. Y/ N and Minjoon are meeting us down there when they are ready. We are looking forward to having a nice dinner out. Me and the boys are leaving practice now and getting changed and freshened up before going for going to the restaurant. We have a reservation booked for less than an hour. Y/ N said she might be a bit after when she joins us. Me and the guys get ready and go to the restaurant when we are ready. "So this is exciting, Mingi? A meal with us, the girlfriend and baby" Wooyoung said. "Yes it's very exciting indeed" I reply. "I can't believe you're a daddy. It's kinda weird seeing you with a baby" Hongjoong said. "Thanks" I laugh. She text me to say that she is on her way now so it won't be long. We are seated at a table nearby the door so Y/ N will be able to see us when she walks in. We get drinks and a drink for Y/ N did when she comes. A few minutes later she walks in with baby Minjoon in his car seat. He looked to be asleep. "Hello, all. I'm here" Y/ N said. "Hey, sweetie" I sat. "Hey, Y/ N. Hows the little one?" Seonghwa said. "He's asleep at the moment so not too much noise" she said. We stay quiet while Minjoon sleeps. We don't talk much. "I've been looking forward to this all week" Y/ N said. "You will being a mommy to this one" Yunho said. "Oh he's a good boy" I say. "I never said he wasn't" Yunho said. So soon we order what we want and then we tuck in and eat soon. Minjoon was a good baby all evening for nearly two hours. He woke up age when we had eaten. He just wanted cuddles from his daddy and uncle. Me, Y/ N and the guys had a great meal out tonight

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I are going for a little walk in the park and a nice little afternoon with baby Jangmi today. It's a nice mild spring day so just the perfect time to go for a little stroll in the park. The park is one of our favourite places to go and was before we had Jangmi too and will be a favourite place to go as she grows older. We are sure she will love playing in the park when she can walk. We can't wait to show her everything when she gets older and bigger. We have just arrived at the park now. Yunho gets the stroller out of the trunk and I get Jangmi out. She was asleep when we left home but now she is awake. "Come on, my girls. Let's have a nice day in the park" Yunho smiles. I put Jangmi in her car seat. She looked happy ho be at the park today. Awe bless her so much. Yunho pushes the stroller with Jangmi in while I walk beside them. I kept on looking at him and smiling of course and admiring now beautiful our little girl is. We can't take our eyes off her. We walked for a while around the park and then took a rest and sat on a bench. "It's such a nice day. Glad we came and are making the most of it" Yunho said. "Yes me too. It's a great place to come is the park" I say. "Definitely especially with my girls who I both love so much" he said. Yunho both got us hot chocolate and we sit and sip them on the bench. Jangmi needed feeding in the meantime. It was my first time breastfeeding her out in public so I was a little nervous at first but it was okay in the end. We had our drinks and then took another little walk around the park before going home. We had a really nice afternoon in the park

San ❤️


Y/ N and I are on our first family day out as a family of four with Seohyeon and Seongmin. We have gone to the farm to see some animals. It's our first time going. Seohyeon loves animals and we have taken her to the zoo before but not the farm. She loves sheep the most. She said they are cute and cuddly and she wants one as a pet but we told her they are too big to keep in the house. We have just arrived now and have got in. You can ask for a guided tour but we just thought we would wonder around in our own time exploring. Seohyeon holds onto Y/ N's hand as we walk around. I'm pushing Seongmin in his stroller who has gone to sleep now. "It's such a nice day" Y/ N said. "Yes it is. Definitely" I smile. "Where are the sheep?" Seohyeon asks. "We will be coming to them soon, sweetie. Don't worry" Y/ N replies. We looked at the pigs and chickens and then came across some sheep. Seohyeon was happy. She was making sheep noises as she went up to them. Y/ N took a picture of her being cute. She is always being cute though. Seohyeon keeps going on about how much she wants a sheep. Haha bless her. We told her she can have a cat or a dog in the future and she agreed to that. We explored the farm more before getting a nice lunch in the cafe. We will probably go back again another time. Maybe with our families or the guys next time would be cool

A/ N: hope you liked that one. I sometimes struggle to think of new original ideas

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