36. a. He Changes A Diaper

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Seonghwa 💖


Seonghwa and I share diaper changing duties between us when Doyoung and Jungwon need changing. One time I do it and another time Seonghwa does it. He said he's always been fine changing diapers. He used to do it with our nephew when he was a baby when we used to babysit for him. I am in the kitchen baking some cookie. I used to band quite frequently before the twins were born. Dayoung is fast asleep in our room and Seonghwa is in the lounge with Jungwon. I have almost finished making these cookies now. They are almost ready to go in the oven in a few minutes. I roll out the cookies and place them on a baking sheet before putting them in the oven. I walk past the lounge and Seonghwa and Jungwon weren't there so I go upstairs. I could hear baby noises coming from the nursery. I go in and Seonghwa is in the middle of changing Jungwon. He was having sometime without a diaper on you air off. "Hi, babe. How are the cookies going?" he asks. "Good. They are baking away now" I reply. "Jungwon here needed a changed. It was only a wet one. He pooped last time" he said. "No problem" I smile standing behind him and putting his arms around me. Seonghwa and I both enjoyed the cookies when they were done. Still nice and warm

Mingi 💙


Baby Minjoon is 10 days old and Y/ N has been trying to get me to change a diaper of his since he was born but haven't done it yet. Truth is I've always been afraid of changing diapers and getting my hands dirty. Maybe I shouldn't be like that now we have a baby. I don't want to leave it all for Y/ N to do for the rest of Minjoon's life. Maybe I will express her by changing a diaper today. Hope I'll be able to do it. I got home about an hour ago from rehearsals at the studio and Y/ N is cooking dinner. It felt good to get home to the two people who matter they most to me after a long day of working hard. I am watching Minjoon while Y/ N is cooking. I have him strapped to me in his baby body carrier. He feels really safe and secure in there. "My boys" Y/ N said. "Baby, do you need any help?" I ask. "No I'm all good thank you, my sweet pea" she replies. As I was holding Minjoon I felt him poop and I could smell it too. "Okay he's just pooped. He needs a change" i say. "Do you want me to do that. I can break off" Y/ N said. "No it's okay, babe. I will do it. Want to show you I can do it" I reply. I take Minjoon into the nursery to change his poopy diaper. I lay him down on the changing table and start to undress him and change his diaper. A few minutes later, Y/ N walks in. "Are you managing okay?" she asks. "Yeah it's okay. A bit smelly but okay" I reply. "See I told you it wasn't so bad" she said. "Yes you did, babe" I smile. So I changed Minjoon's diaper successfully on my own and it was okay. I'll do it again tonight

Yunho 💜

Yunho changed his first diaper the other day. Jangmi is now a week old and we took her home when she was a couple of days old. He did okay with changing our daughters diaper. He said he was unsure at first and a bit apprehensive. He is okay with it now though. He is not scared now. He is okay at changing Jangmi's diapers. It's the middle of the night and we all are asleep. Jangmi is still waking up every 2-3 hours but we share the night duties between us. It's Yunho's turn when she wakes up next as I did it last time. We are both asleep when I hear out of the corner of my ear, Jangmi was waking up. She was fussing a bit but not crying just yet. "Babe, it's my turn. I'll get her" Yunho yawns getting out of bed. He comes over to baby Jangmi who was closer to me. He picks her up and rocks her in his arms. "It's okay, baby girl. Appa is here" he said. Yunho takes Jangmi to the changing unit which is in our bedroom and the feeding chair too. We moved it in here just temporarily to make it  easier. He changes her diaper and I go back off to sleep. I heard him whisper cute things to Jangmi which melted my heart. Yunho then fed her but he tried not to disturb me. Jangmi doesn't really make much noise. Yunho changed another diaper later. She is our gorgeous little princess

San ❤️


I am obviously can expert with changing diapers already having a child before Seongmin was born so I don't mind changing. It's not the most pleasant job in the world but it has to be done when you have a baby. Seohyeon still wears diapers as she's not yet fully toilet trained. She is almost there though. Don't think she'll be long now. I took the day off work in the studio as Y/ N was feeling tired and had things to do and couldn't leave the kids alone. She told me she would be okay but I still stayed home anyway. Y/ N is taking a rest now in our bedroom so I'm watching Seohyeon and Seongmin in the lounge. Seohyeon is watching a cartoon on TV. Seongmin is awake but I think he might fall asleep soon as she kinda looks that way like he could fall asleep. He is next to me on his baby lounger on the couch. I keep on looking at him and making funny faces at him. All of a sudden I hear a big fart and it was Seongmin. I could smell it too. He just pooped. A big poop. He is breastfed most of the time so it doesn't really smell to the honest. Only a bit. Anyway I pick him up and he didn't really like me for it. We have a little changing station downstairs for both children. I kneel down on the floor and lay Seongmin down and change him. "You did a big stinky, son" I say. Seohyeon can hear from where she is and laughs. I wipe the poop off Seongmin's bottom and leave him to air off for a few minutes. I then put him a clean diaper on and go back on the couch with him. That was done now. Y/ N woke up later and joined us after a good rest

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