8. a. First Scan

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Seonghwa 💖

This morning I have my first scan. Seonghwa and I can't wait to see our little one for the first time or little ones. He is convinced it's twins but I don't know yet. We are just so excited for our first scan now. It's 7am and I have the earliest appointment of the day as Seonghwa has to go to the studio and I have work later. It was either that or wait two weeks. We couldn't wait that long. We are in the car on our way now. "I'm so happy we get our first scan today rather than waiting two weeks. I couldn't do that" he said. "Definitely. I'm so happy too" I reply. A few minutes later we arrive at the hospital for my scan. I say my name at the front desk and take a seat and wait to be called in. "Mrs Park" the midwife said. "Yes that's me" I smile. She greeted us and I lay down on the bed and roll up my top. She puts the cold jelly stuff on my belly. It tickled me at first and I laughed. The midwife examined me for a few minutes. "Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Park. You are expecting twins" she said. "See I knew it was twins. I just knew it" Seonghwa said. "Twins, Hwa. We pray for one miracle and we get two. I just can't believe it" I smile. "I'm over the moon, honey" he smiles and we share a kiss. Seonghwa and I just heard the best news that we are having twins. Two little baby Parks

Mingi 💙

Mingi is meeting me at the hospital this lunchtime for my first scan. Can't wait for our first scan and to see our baby for the first time. Yayyyyy! I'm 11 weeks into my pregnancy. My appointment is in 10 minutes and Mingi isn't here yet. He said he's on his way but I'm a little worried he will miss the start of my appointment. Hopefully they are after running. The time approaches two minutes till my appointment. My phone rings and it's Mingi. "Hey, you here yet" I say. "Yes but where are you? I can't find you. Don't know if I'm in the right place" he said. "I'm in the ultrasound department" I reply. Aww he was stressing out. Mingi made it to the right department just in time for my scan. We walk into the room and I lay on the bed. "I'm glad I'm here now, babe. Wouldn't want to miss it for the world" Mingi said kissing my hand. "Me too. I wouldn't want you to miss it for the world" I reply. The lady examines me for a few minutes. "All looks good with your baby, Miss so nothing to worry about" she said. "Thank you. That's great" I reply. "So great, babe. Thank God I didn't miss it" Mingi said. I smile. Mingi and I walk out of the hospital feeling happy that he made it to my first scan. All is great with our little bean

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I are going to my first scan this morning at the maternity clinic. We are looking forward to my first scan. We can't wait to see our baby on the screen for the first scan. This is the first time experiencing a first scan for both of us. Exciting isn't it. We arrived at the maternity clinic a bit earlier than expected but we are just going to wait to be called in. Yunho and I are sat excitedly and nervously in the waiting room ready to be called in. I grip hold of his hand tightly. "Relax, babe. I know you're excited" he said. "I'm too excited. Can't wait" I reply. "I know, babe. Me too. You will be such an amazing mother" he said. "You'll be an amazing father" I reply. I get called in. "Lay down on the bed for me, Y/ N and stayed relaxed throughout" the lady said. I smile. I lay back and roll up my top and she starts examining me. The jelly felt cold. I look at Yunho and he holds my hand. We both look intently at the screen and the baby. "Awwww that's our baby. No way. Our little one" Yunho smiles. "Our baby" I smile. "Baby looks well and healthy you'll be pleased to know. Heartbeat is strong too which is a good sign at this stage" the lady said. "That's great to know" I reply. "So great to know" Yunho says kissing my hand. Yunho and I leave the hospital feeling very happy and jumping for joy. We got little photos of the baby for the first time too. So cute to see. That's our healthy little one

San ❤️


Y/ N and I are on our way to the hospital for her first baby scan. Seohyeon is with us. We know she is too young to understand about the baby but she wanted to come with us. She can't wait to be a big sister. She is going to be the best big sister in the world. Isn't she? Y/ N's appointment is at 9:30am and we are on our way now. I told the guys that something came up and I wouldn't be down till later. I didn't say what of course as no one knows that we are expecting our second child. Seohyeon is in the back seat. "Seohyeon, you get to see your baby brother or sister for the first time" I say. I see her smiling. Anyway soon we pull up at the hospital. I grab Seohyeon from her car seat. Y/ N checks in and we take a seat. Seohyeon sits on my lap and looks at Y/ N and touches my belly. She doesn't have a bump yet as she's only 10 weeks. "Baby" Seohyeon says to Y/ N. We both smile. Our adorable and beautiful baby girl. Y/ N gets called in by the midwife for her appointment. She knew what to expect as obviously she's had a baby before. Seohyeon sits on my lap again looking excited. "Look that's your baby brother or sister there, Seohyeon. They are very tiny at the moment" I say. She smiles. "I think you're going to be a great big sister, little girl" the lady said. "She is indeed" I smile. Everything was absolutely fine with the baby. He or she is looking all healthy and well which is great to know. We all know that Seohyeon is going to be a great big sister when her baby brother or sister comes into the world

A/ N: can't believe I got that up in 24 hours. This book is coming on nicely

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