40. b. The Boys/ Family Meeting The Baby

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang's family have paid us a visit to see baby Sunhwa for the first time. His mom, dad and older sister are all here today meeting our baby girl for the first time and they love her of course. They've met her over FaceTime but it's not the same thing. They have been waiting to meet her since she was born. When we got married, she was still in my tummy. They are over now and spending most of the day with us. I dressed Sunhwa in a beautiful dress just especially for today to meet her grandparents and her aunt. They are just loving Sunhwa already. Yeosang's mom is holding her right now. She is awake and looking right at her. "Hello, my beautiful granddaughter. I can't believe you're finally in my arms" she said. "We can't believe it either. It hasn't sunk in that we are parents yet and it's been three weeks" Yeosang said. We all smile. Yeosang's sister holds Sunhwa next. She was getting a little sleepy and might fall asleep soon. "Sleepy, baby girl" she said. "She is sleepy but at least she stayed awake till now" I reply. "She's gonna fall asleep on me" his sister said. "Awwww you're so cute, Sunhwa, falling asleep on auntie" Yeosang said. Sunhwa falls asleep on her auntie and I put her in her crib in our room for her to sleep. She looked so peaceful and content sleeping like that. Awe bless her. Our beautiful baby girl. It was so nice of Yeosang's family to meet her today

Jongho 🧡

The boys are meeting our twin girls for the first time today. Hyebin and Yebin are a month old already and me and Jongho can't believe it. Our girls are growing so quick and so fast. We can't believe it's a month since they came into the world. I needed to have an emergency c section as Yebin was getting into difficulty before birth. They are both fine now. The guys are on their way now and they can't wait to meet our girls. "They are almost here, babe Yunho says" Jongho said. "Great. I'm just feeding Hyebin right now but Yebin is ready" I reply. Jongho holds Yebin and waits by the door. The doorbell goes and he answers it. "Hey, brothers. Come in" he said. "Baby" Mingi exclaims. "Ohhhh who is this" Hongjoong said. "This is Yebin. Hyebin is eating" Jongho replies. "Awwww she's so cute" Wooyoung said. "She is. Wait till you see her sister too" Jongho said. They already got us gifts when the babies were born so they didn't come with anything which was okay. When I had finished feeding Hyebin I come in. "Hello, you guys are here" I say. "We sure are. We've been dying to meet our nieces since they were born" Yunho said. "I want to hold them" Yeosang said. "Me too" San said. Yeosang and San held the girls first. "Can't believe the baby of the group had two babies now" Seonghwa said. Jongho laughs. "You're a girl dad, man" Mingi said. "Haha I couldn't imagine him as a father at first but I think he's doing okay. Is he, Y/ N?" Hongjoong said. "Yes he's doing great. Loves our girls and me too of course" I reply. "I sure do. My best girls" Jongho smiles. All the guys got their turn in holding the girls and we enjoyed having them round for a little while

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung's family are finally going to meet baby Jongdae for the first time. Almost all my family have met him and got to know him. We are going to Wooyoung's parents house so they can meet him and his little brother Kyungmin who is 6 years old is dying to meet his baby nephew for the first time. I still can't believe Wooyoung has a little brother too. We are on our way to their place now for a little while. They offered to come to ours but we wanted to get out for a bit. Not really been anywhere since Jongdae was born. Soon we arrive at Wooyoung's parents house. It's been a while since we've been here. I park the car on the drive behind theirs and we get out and Wooyoung gets Jongdae from the back and we bring the stuff in. He is asleep at the moment but he'll wake up later. Wooyoung's mom opens the door when she sees us. "Hello, you three. Please come in" she said. "Hi, eomma" Wooyoung said. His dad and Kyungmin race to the door too. "Little guy is asleep" his dad said. "He'll wake up later" Wooyoung said. "Are you excited to meet your nephew, Kyungmin?" I say. "Yes, Y/ N Noona" he replies. We sit down and chat while we wait for Jongdae to wake up. He needed a diaper change when he woke up. We let Kyungmin hold him first. "There you go, Buddy. Your nephew" Wooyoung said. "He's cute" Kyungmin smiles. "Oh he is and you are too" he said touching his little brothers cheek. "He is very much like his father indeed" his mom said. "I have to agree. Even my sister says that" I reply. Wooyoung's mom asked how Nayeon was and I said she was good and busy. His mom and dad got to hold Jongdae for a bit before he needed feeding. It was lovely to stop by today so Wooyoung's family could meet Jongdae

Hongjoong 🖤


The guys have been waiting to meet baby Taeyang since he was born. He is doing well now to have visitors over so we are letting them come over this evening after practice to meet him. We are picking up a takeout on the way home to make it easier so Y/ N doesn't have to cook. We are on our way back to Y/ N and Taeyang now with the food. She said that he just woke up from a sleep and she did too. We arrived at our apartment with the takeout. The guys are dying to meet our precious boy soon. Can't wait to them to meet him. I open the door as Y/ N already left it unlocked. "Hello, baby. We are home" I say. "And we got food" San said. "Hey. So nice to see you guys. This little guy can't wait to meet you" Y/ N said. "Hello, Taeyang. We are your uncles" Seonghwa said. "Awwww you're so cute. Just like your mommy and your daddy too" Yunho said. They take off their shoes and make themselves at home and we eat before the food goes cold. Taeyang wasn't fussing when we were eating and he didn't seem to be too overwhelmed. "He seems a strong boy now" Jongho said. "He is doing well. It was hard at first with his condition" I reply. "We are so proud of you, Taeyang. Our miracle warrior boy. So blessed to have you" Y/ N smiles at our son. Taeyang was just in his bouncy chair looking around. Later a few if the guys held him and they stayed for a bit but not too late. Our Taeyang is doing so well and we are so proud to call him ours

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