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If I was being honest I wasn't even sure where I was going and Dottore was starting to figure that out.

"Brat we've been all over town where the hell is your god damn house?!" He growled starting to get annoyed.

I was unable to find the exit of the city and I didn't feel like asking him if he knew where it was either.

He was still holding onto my wrist so I couldn't make a run for it.

"This way," I said pointing in another random direction.

Maybe I could hit him with another rock or use the ice to freeze him.

Freeze him...

A smile crossed my lips and I began to think. I needed somewhere with water if I could freeze him I could make a run for it.

There was a skip in my step now. I dragged him towards a fountain I had seen earlier. It was odd how a fountain still worked in this climate.

There was nobody nearby just a fountain in the middle of the city. With the darkness closing in most of the city had gone inside.

"Can we take a small break?" I pointed towards the fountain.

He rolled his eyes before I dragged us both over. Sitting down I dropped my hand into the water. All I had to do was get him wet and then freeze him.

I lifted my hand up from the water. Small droplets formed in my hand and began floating in a small circle.

I looked back at Dottore and his attention was elsewhere. With a smug look, I pushed my hand forward, the water sprayed over him catching him off guard.

He let go of my hand for a brief moment and I jumped away from him.

"FREEZE!" Swinging my hand out ice shot from my fingers and onto Dottore.

The ice attached to him and slowly began to freeze him from the legs upwards.

"Y-You you fucker! DAMNIT WHAT THE HELL I KNEW I WASN'T SEEING SHIT! CRYSTALS AND NOW ICE???" Dottore was fuming but he couldn't move.


I couldn't help the bright smile on my face. I had no idea where I was going to go, but at least I could get away from him now.


My heart fluttered in my chest and I swung my head back.

"Yo!" The ginger-haired man sent a wave in our direction.

I hadn't even noticed or felt his presence. Childe was standing by one of the alleyways with a smug expression.

Pushing up off the wall he slowly began to walk towards us.

Childe was definitely one of the more peaceful harbingers in a sense, but never the less dangerous.

"Hurry up you damn idiot before this brat kills me!"

"Woah Woah!" Childe said letting out a small laugh, "Come on Doctor you don't think I'd be cruel enough to watch her do that do you?"

"Be careful she's fucking dangerous shes got rocks as well!"

I glanced around. There were a lot of escape routes in this town.

I got up off the fountain and kept my eyes on Childe.

"Oh, where are you going?"

Ignoring him I began to slowly back towards one of the paths.

In an instant, Childe had disappeared.

Something had touched my shoulder and my whole body stiffened.

"Boo." I didn't bother looking back.

Jumping up into the air the wind once again surrounded me and sent me flying upwards. I looked down to see Childe staring at me in confusion.


I grabbed onto a nearby building and hoisted myself up.


Before Dottore could finish his mouth had finally frozen.

"Oh shit." Childe turned back and ran towards Dottore almost forgetting about him.

I looked back down at them once more. Childe was trying to light Dottore on fire while Dottore had his attention on me.

Turning away I began to run.

I jumped from roof to roof. I had to get out of this place. I had to go somewhere calmer like Mondstadt or Liyue. If the Tsaritsa caught word that someone who could use different elements was in her domain she would surely come after me.

Dottore was the only one who knew at the moment. It was a mistake using so many elements around him, but I couldn't have known I was able to do that.

Signora had only seen Cyro, but Childe might've seen Cyro, Hydro, and Anemo. I could always say I had a Cyro Vision and a Hydro Delusion, but that still wouldn't explain the Geo or Anemo...

I continued to run on the rooftops.

Nobody was around at this time of night and since it was dark it was getting harder to see. Which was not doing me any favours.

I jumped onto one more roof but something strange caught my eye.

Not too far away I could see something circular jumping across buildings.

My heart began to pick up when I noticed they were getting closer to me.

I turned away and continued running. I could hear their footprints catching up and glancing back I could see a huge circle chasing me.

A circle?? A circle was going to murder me??

I sped up once again and this time I jumped off the roof. Rolling on the ground I headed towards the nearest exit. I was so close to leaving the city. I could see the exit coming up. I was fine with staying in the mountains as long as I got out of here.

I was breathing heavily when I passed the city gates.

Glancing back one more time regrets immediately filled my head. The circle had caught up to me but the circle had a hand and a face and was a human. I felt a hand press against my head and I was pushed straight into the snow.

I let out a staggered breath as I fell face-first into the ground.

"Caught her."

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now