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I made my way to Dottore my heart beating fast in my chest. The man in chains continued to struggle but it was too no avail.

Dottore moved to a nearby table and with a snap of his fingers a line of syringes appeared.

"Take your pick."

I stared down at them.

Whatever was inside of them was not good.

I glanced back at the man. His eyes were wild with something feral in them. He knew as well as I did that he would not live.

Though I didn't mind Dottore as much anymore I wasn't sure about being his assistant. Its true the man stole from Dottore but did that deserve death?

I reached a hand out brushing against some of them. From the corner of my eye I could tell Dottore was getting excited.

If I had to guess even he must not have known which was in what. This must have been another experiment for him.

My hand stopped on a syringe with a purple liquid.

Whether I decided to do this or not this man would still die. Maybe if I were lucky I'd pick something that wouldn't prolong his suffering.

I lifted the syringe off the table and turned back to the man. The door to the cage opened and more strings appeared to hold the man still.

As I approached the man our eyes met. He seemed to be pleading with me now, but I couldn't help him. He had damned himself the moment he came anywhere near Dottore.

"Now let me ask you again. Who has it?"

Dottore tapped his finger impatiently but the man still refused to speak. He made his way back into the cage and stood behind me.

"Have you ever done this before?" He asked softly.

Something about the calmness of his voice made me shiver. My heart skipped another beat.

I shook my head and he took ahold of my hand with the needle.

"Don't worry its not difficult."

He moved my hand upwards and stopped just near his arm.

"First you need to find a vein. Even if you miss it doesn't make much of a different it'll just take a longer amount of time to work."

Another string floated towards his arm and began to wrap around it tightly.

Dottore placed his finger against the mans arm and began to move it around.

"Ah try here."

He guided my hand to his and the needle stopped just beneath it. When he removed his finger I let the needle touch the mans skin.

"Good just like that."

My heart skipped another beat.

The needle pierced through the skin and Dottore smiled.

"Inject it."

I couldn't look at the man as I did it. I didn't want to know the kind of look that was on his face.

I pressed down on the top of the needle and the liquid began to leave. When it was all gone I took it out and it disappeared in my hands.

Dottore let go of me and watched the man closely.

The man seemed to be hyperventilating now.

"If you tell me who has it I'll let your death be swift."

The man seemed to be contemplating his options.


Dottores eyebrow rose but he nodded.

"They're not far from here. They have a campsite to the east please—"


The mans mouth was shut as Dottore turned to me.

"I'll finish up here. Would you hunt down my lost items?"

I blinked in shock but unconsciously nodded my head. He trusted me enough to let me get his stuff back? What if I ran off and never came back? This would be the perfect opportunity for me.

"What kind of items?"

Dottore only grinned.

"You'll know it when you see it. Take anything else thats nice as well."

I nodded and the door to the cage once again opened.

I was glad he was sending me out. I didn't want to see the rest of how this would end anyways.

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now